Bryce10565's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Bryce10565's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow Bryce, we love this picture! So far this is our favorite! Keep up the good work…you’re an excellent artist! Love you, Mema and Beebop
- Mema on November 13, 2024
Bryce, We love how you made the bubbles look so real! You’re becoming a very creative artist. Keep up the good work. Love, Mema and Beebop ????
- Barbara on November 13, 2024
Wow Bryce, you’re becoming a very good artist. We love this picture! Mema & Bebop
- Barbara on October 18, 2023
Very clever having a skeleton with the devil in him! Looks like he’s on his way to cause some mischief! ??Mema & Beebop
- Barbara on October 18, 2023
Bryce, what a great skeleton! Excellent job!
- Paul on October 18, 2023
Great job Bryce! Love you! Dad
- Paul on October 18, 2023
Bryce, That’s an awsome pumpkin. Love your creativity ????
- Barbara on October 18, 2023
Wow Bryce, your becoming a very good artist. I love this fox. So proud of you. Love Grandma
- Barbara on October 18, 2023
Bryce I love the expression on the face and his funky hair. This is one of our favorites. Keep it up! Love you Mema and Beebop
- Grandma on October 18, 2023
Bryce, scary!!! but sill nice. Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on October 18, 2023
Bryce, very sweet bird. looks he knows were he is going. Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on October 18, 2023
Dear Bryce, the best ever!!! Beautiful strong colors, the face, composition... Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on October 18, 2023
Bryce, your becoming a very good artist. Each one is better than the one before it. I love the cat! Keep up the excellent work! Love you, Mema & Beebop ????
- Barbara on October 18, 2023
Felicitaciones Bryce! Friendly Seahorses. Looks like the big one is thinking and searching were to go next.
- Opa & Abuela on October 18, 2023
Bryce, I love the way you have the leaves leaving the tree and get larger when they get closer. Your becoming an awesome artist. Love you, Mema and Beebop ????
- Barbara on November 13, 2024
LOVE! I love you, Love Mommy :)
- Renee (Mother) on August 15, 2021
Going to the beach with you is one of my favorite things to do. This is such a beautiful picture! Love, Mommy
- Renee (Mother) on August 15, 2021
Now that is a cute bunny!!! Love!
- Renee (Mother) on August 15, 2021
Such happy little birds! You are such a great artist! Love, Mommy
- Renee (Mother) on August 15, 2021
Bryce: This is a beautiful sand castle. I hope the big wave in the background doesn't wash it away! Love, Opa
- Opa on August 15, 2021
Bryce I love your sandcastle! You are becoming quite an artist. Beebop and I are so proud of you.
- Barbara on August 15, 2021
Bryce, What a great rabbit! He's big but he looks friendly. Love, Opa
- Opa & Abuela on August 15, 2021
Bryce I love your penguins. They look like their going so fast and having so much fun! Your becoming a very good artist! Love ?? you, Mema & Beebop
- Barbara on August 15, 2021
Dear Bryce, Your beautiful cardinal looks just like the cardinals that come to our bird feeder during a snowstorm. Love, Opa and Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on August 15, 2021
Bryce you are becoming an excellent artist. Each artwork you do is better than the last. We are so proud of you! ???? Mema and Bebop
- Barbara on February 14, 2021
Bryce you are becoming a very talented artist. Beebop & I enjoy looking at your artwork. Love you!
- Barbara on January 27, 2021
Dear Bryce, What a great winter cap! With a little pine tree growing out the top!! Love, Opa
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Bryce, Beebop & I love the hat! You are becoming a very good artist! Love you! Mema & Beebop
- Barbara on January 27, 2021
Hi Bryce, Thats a scary looking scarecrow! Love, Opa and Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Bryce, my bueno tu self portrait, I know that guy with curly hair, intelligent, nice, funny, hard working, always ready to help. Keep being that way. And congratulations for the award you’ve got for your art work. Un cariño from your proud Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Bryce, beautiful little bird, very curiously walking around flowers of many colors. Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Hi Bryce, I like your picture with a cat that looks like Ivy. You both look very happy! Love, Opa
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Bryce I love, love the picture you made of Cat in the Hat! You are becoming an awesome artist. Love you so much, Mema
- Mema on January 27, 2021
Bryce, Abuela likes your animalito! Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Very good Bryce! A very happy snow man Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Very good Bryce! A very happy snow man Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Dear Bryce, A great penguin; we love his orange feet and peak. He looks happy. Love Opa & abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Dear Bryce, We love your happy snowmanl, with the cool hat and orange scarf. Now we just need some snow so you can make a real snowman. Love, Opa and Abuela
- Opa & Abuela on January 27, 2021
Dear Bryce, What beautiful tree with all the fall colors!
- Opa & Abuela on January 29, 2020
Bryce we didn’t know you were an artist. That is the prettiest curled paper tree we ever saw. So proud of you. Love you Mema & Beebop ????
- Barbara on January 29, 2020
Bryce, We love your spider with the googlie eyes. He looks friendly!
- Opa & Abuela on January 29, 2020
Bryce, I love your houses and the shapes and colors; also the swirls in the sky. Great work! Love, Opa
- Opa & Abuela on October 23, 2019
Bryce: Opa and abuela love your beautiful, fat orange fish, blowing bubbles.
- on October 23, 2019