Bailey12052's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Bailey12052's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Boo! A great nickname for Bailey. A perfect title for Halloween artwork. Boo! A golden pathway lures the eye toward a house silhouetted against a full moon sky. The dark house looms tall and foreboding…with lights glowing inside like a great pumpkin and cats, spiders, webs & owl lurking outside. It gave me the shivers. You used the different size Sharpies to add details…the webs, window panes, smoke, weather vane. All create a Scary Mood. BOO!!!
- Lala on November 30, 2022
I like it!! Well done!!!
- Uncle D on November 30, 2022
It’s fun to see the seashore you painted to showcase your creative sea creature. You included many things we see at the beach.
- Lala on November 30, 2022
Bailey, As much as I like your newest painting, Bailey’s Dream Catcher, I was equally impressed by your artist statement/comments. You shared what you like about this piece and the techniques you used to create it. I’m impressed by the projects your Rummel Creek art teacher gives you. She is teaching Principles of Art and Artistic Design and Artistic Techniques. Clearly you’re soaking up her lessons, having fun and creating unique artwork. Yippee! Can’t wait to see your next creation.
- Lala on November 30, 2022
Bailey, I’m impressed by your unique sense of design. You take the subject of your art project…in this case autumn foliage on trees…and add your creative touch. Along with clouds & birds(?) there seem to be letters… M and W in the sky. Plus X, Y and K standing in for tree branches. So clever.
- Lala on November 30, 2022
Before I read subject of this art project, I immediately spied a horse’s head emerging from the abstract diagonal streaks of paint. What an original idea to have the horse half hidden…among the strong streaks…which made me feel like he was about to burst free and gallop away. Wonderfully original painting, Bailey.
- Lala on November 30, 2022
You made a Perfect Pumpkin with this festive chalk pastel. I notice the color variation in the “orange” pumpkin…good use of analogous colors, Bailey. And you captured a pumpkin shape well. From Halloween eve to Thanksgiving day, your pumpkin is perfect.
- Lala on November 30, 2022
Bailey, there are a lot of interesting things going on in your Dot Day art project. I noticed how you painted each big round dot a specific color, such as red, then put another color in the dot…creating a “marbled color” effect. The addition of black squiggly lines, black mesh-like pattern and black pointed triangular shapes keeps my eye dancing around this painting. Lots of color and excitement.
- Cynthia-Lala on November 30, 2022
If I squint my eyes I see horizontal bands of vivid color, almost like a rainbow. Looking more carefully, your different shaped bands of color remind me of a landscape...with flat land in the foreground, then trees and mountains in the distance. It’s amazing how the artwork you create can mean different things to different viewers. That’s magic.
- Lala on August 25, 2021
This painting is just plain old FUN. Makes me laugh. Makes me happy.
- Lala on August 25, 2021
Wow. Another beautiful melding of colors. You have a great touch, Bailey...making the colors move and flow...the heart dancing!!
- Lala on August 25, 2021
What an interesting painting! I love how the background colors flow from cooler blues/greens into warmer yellows/pinks/corals. Then you add abstract shapes. Did you stamp them on? The effect is an intricate design which keeps me engaged. I’d love a card of the piece.
- Lala on August 25, 2021
Bailey, I’m very impressed by the artwork you’re making at Rummel Creek. How fortunate your school has art teacher who assigns projects that not only teach about elements of design but encourage your creativity. This drawing is a good example. Lines, different interlocking curved shapes, patterns and colors. Looks like you had fun creating this piece!
- Lala on August 25, 2021
MY VERY FAVORITE Bailey painting!!! Self portraits are a challenge for all artists but you captured yourself...”Bailey with Flair”. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Sweet round cheeks. Happy smile...with missing teeth. Pretty colorful clothes. Grade school Bailey against a colorful background. This painting must be framed. If you ever get cards printed, I want one.
- Lala on August 25, 2021
Bailey, what an atmospheric sense of place you created with this landscape painting. From the foreground tree on the left you draw my eye further into the colorful background and far away trees. Nice perspective.
- Lala on August 25, 2021
A whimsical abstract painting full of small colorful shapes sprinkled like confetti on larger colorful puzzle pieces fit nicely together. FUN!!
- Lala on August 25, 2021