Caroline11834's Comments (60)

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Below are comments about Caroline11834's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Caroline- what a beautiful floral arrangement! I love the purple vase. I am so happy that you enjoy art so much! XO- Aunt DC
- Denise on March 12, 2025 NEW
Caroline- I love this drawing! I have to wonder if this goes along with the bluffsview theme of the year…love! I am so, so proud of you. XO Aunt DC
- Denise on March 6, 2025
Caroline- what a beautiful butterfly!! I am super impressed with your artistic talents! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 5, 2025
Caroline- this cat is too cute! I love all the colors. Keep up the good work! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 5, 2025
Caroline- love your alien/UFO artwork. You really are a wonderful artist! XO- Aunt DC
- Denise on December 11, 2024
Caroline- I love the shadowing that you did on this piece! I am so proud of you! XO Aunt DC
- Denise on October 31, 2024
Caroline- You are such a talented artist! I am so glad I get to see all of your art through this site! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 31, 2024
Caroline- your day of the dead artwork is beautiful! I love all the different color flowers you included. I am so proud of you! XO Aunt DC
- Denise on October 31, 2024
Caroline- Your peacock is so beautiful and colorful. I love the detail that you included in the feathers. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on March 22, 2024
Caroline- What a beautiful pair of cardinals! Helps me to remember loved ones are near! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on December 20, 2023
Caroline- I love your attention to detail. The decorations on the Christmas tree are beautiful! Your cabins look so inviting! I am going to sign up to visit! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on December 20, 2023
Caroline- I love how you used different shades of blue to distinguish between the sky and the water. You are such a talented artist! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 18, 2023
Caroline- this is the cutest otter! I love how much you love otters! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 18, 2023
Caroline- I love your tiger! Reminds me of Tony the Tiger from the Frosted Flakes commercial. So proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on May 31, 2023
Caroline- this is a beautiful landscape. The colors in the sky are similar to some of my very favorite sunrises/sunsets. Great work! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on May 11, 2023
Caroline—just looking at your picture makes me feel peaceful. The mountains and the river, plus the beautiful sunny colors in the sky, have always provided a setting that makes me feel at peace! Great job!!! Love you!!! Grammy
- Grammy on May 3, 2023
Caroline- I love your dinosaurs with their crowns. Too cute! So very proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on March 22, 2023
Caroline- This looks very much like a Van Gogh I saw many years ago at the Chicago Art Museum. I am so happy you are learning about him! Your artwork is so beautiful! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 1, 2023
Caroline- I love your cityscape of London. You did a great job capturing Buckingham Palace and the balcony, Big Ben and the London eye. Maybe we will make it there one day. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on November 24, 2022
Caroline- I am really impressed with your lions. The landscape you created reminds me of the savannah in The Lion King. Keep up the good work! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on November 9, 2022
Caroline- I love the beautiful colors you used. The rubbings are really cool. So neat that you included the moon! Love you to the moon and back! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 12, 2022
WOW!!! You have created your own shield for the Shafer family name. And it represents things you are interested in milkshakes, soccer and love/hearts!!! I Love You!!!
- Grammy on October 12, 2022
Caroline—what beautiful Fall colored in this piece of art you created. It reminds me of the changing colors on the leaves right now!!! I Love You!!!
- Grammy on October 12, 2022
Caroline- You did a really nice job with the coat of arms. I love that you included a soccer ball and a sweet treat. Your hearts are so pretty. So proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 12, 2022
Caroline- I love your beautiful rainbow! You are such a talented artist. So creative! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on May 25, 2022
Caroline- I love that you are celebrating Disney’s 50th anniversary with your landscape. Can’t wait to experience Disney with you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on May 25, 2022
Buggy- I love the color combinations on your birds. They are so vibrant! I look forward to getting these alerts that you have new artwork. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on April 13, 2022
Buggy- I love the trees in your picture. Including yellow makes them look so real. I even see the pine cones on the forest floor. You are so talented! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on March 16, 2022
Caroline, I love the heart you made and the surrounding water cooler. You are such a talented artist! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 23, 2022
Caroline, Love your water lilies! Your artwork is so beautiful and I am so proud of you. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on January 19, 2022
Caroline- OMG! This penguin is the cutest! Maybe you can put this under the tree for me for Christmas! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on December 29, 2021
Caroline, I love your beautiful sunflower! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on November 17, 2021
Caroline - I love the American flag behind the Statue of Liberty. What a great tribute to the veterans on Veterans Day! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on November 17, 2021
Caroline, I love the owls in your night sky and that big, beautiful moon. Never forget that I love you to the moon and back! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 20, 2021
Caroline—what kind of paint, colored pencil or marker did you use? Your spooky, Halloween night sky is beautiful. I love all the owls, the colorful leaves and the bright, full moon. Keep up the good work in art. Love You! Grammy
- Barbara on October 20, 2021
C- I love the Shafer farm! Your sunset is beautiful and I love the patchwork of the fields are so colorful. Keep up the good work! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on September 22, 2021
Caroline, what a beautiful sandcastle! Reminds me of the one you guys made in Oregon. The pink sky is just like an ocean sunrise or sunset. You even included shells on the beach. SO proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on June 2, 2021
Caroline, these mice are SO cute! I love the clouds in the sky and the purple flowers! So creative! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on June 2, 2021
Caroline, I love all the colors in your seahorses! I know I couldn’t draw a seahorse as great as you did! So proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on May 5, 2021
Caroline, These butterflies are beautiful. I love all the vibrant colors that you included on their wings. You really are becoming quite the artist! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on March 24, 2021
Caroline— What a cute dog! It looks like it’s ears might be really soft —just like Izzy’s! Love You! Grammy
- Grammy on March 17, 2021
Caroline—I love your fish with all the different colors. Did you also use different colors to paint paper for the coral and seaweed on the ocean floor? Very nice art work! Love you! Grammy
- Grammy on March 17, 2021
Caroline, Your fish is so cute! I am trying to figure out if this looks more like Nemo or Courtney? Your artistic skills are really shining through. So proud! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 24, 2021
I am so proud of you. Your dog is so cute. I love his ears! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 17, 2021
Caroline, what a beautiful bus you made! I love the students in the window. Your attention to detail is spot on with the stop sign on the side of the bus. So proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 14, 2020
Caroline,. I love the different colors that you used in this painting/ collage. I also like the 'i love you' pieces that you included. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 26, 2020
Caroline—your drawings are always so detailed and colorful. I am wondering what is flying over your castle. And the purple sky is beautiful. Love you! Grammy
- Barbara on February 26, 2020
Caroline,. I love the castle that you drew. You did a great job with all your shapes. I am SO proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on February 26, 2020
Caroline, I really enjoy being able to see all your artwork. You are so creative and talented. I am so proud of you. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on January 24, 2020
Caroline,. I love your snow globe with your picture. Snow globes are my favorite. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on December 18, 2019
Caroline, I love the picture you drew of your family. It is so cute that you, mommy and Ally have matching purple dresses. You are so creative. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on December 11, 2019
Caroline, I love your turkey puppet! I can see that you spent a lot of time on the feathers. Very creative! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on December 4, 2019
Caroline, I love your little piggies. You are getting so great at drawing clouds. So proud of you. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on November 6, 2019
Caroline— your monster looks like a friendly monster. I love her name—Samantha—and wonder how you selected her name. She looks like you made her out of pieces of paper. Great job! Love you! Grammy
- Grammy on October 24, 2019
Caroline— your monster looks like a friendly monster. I love her name—Samantha—and wonder how you selected her name. She looks like you made her out of pieces of paper. Great job! Love you! Grammy
- Grammy on October 24, 2019
Caroline— your pink bubble letter C is very bright and colorful. Good job, Miss C! Love you! Grammy
- Grammy on October 24, 2019
I love your big monster! You are really coming along with your artwork. So proud of you! XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 24, 2019
Caroline, I love your C in this picture. You did a great job with the bubble letter. The colors you picked are beautiful. XO, Aunt DC
- Denise on October 16, 2019
Caroline, I love your clouds and kitty cats in this picture. Great creativity. Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt DC
- on October 9, 2019
Caroline—I love your drawing of the kitties. The sunshine and the different shapes of the clouds is very creative. I love you! Grammy
- on October 9, 2019