Ethan44140's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Ethan44140's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Rubber ducky..... You're the one, you make bath time lots of fun.... rubber ducky I'm awfully fond.... of you.
- Matt (Father) on May 10, 2022
I saw a hummingbird outside the picture window at home yesterday. totally Spring appropriate.
- Matt (Father) on May 4, 2021
Was this image from your brain or from another source? It gives me a Bart Simpson meets ET vibe
- Matt (Father) on April 30, 2021
I really like this one. It reminds me of watching cartoons as a kid. Well done. This feels exactly like the original characters.
- Matt on April 28, 2021
this gives me a hippie flower power vibe
- Matt on April 28, 2021
How in the world do you create such a scary and powerful image with dots? You are very talented.
- Matt on March 3, 2021
This guy has been shredding the knar to sharpen his skills.
- Matt (Father) on February 16, 2021
Woah dawg. This is pretty cool
- Matt (Father) on February 16, 2021