Paper mache? Good proportions between handle and blade.
- Debbie on January 10, 2024
Nice job, Reid
- Debbie on April 18, 2023
What inspired your painting of the red house?
- Debbie on August 28, 2022
Wonderful, Reid. I recognized the birch trees immediately and Saint. It looks like you are taking a walk through a birch forest going from the darkness of the forest to the light beyond the forest and there is snow on the ground. Lots of detail. Very good!
- Debbie on August 28, 2022
Great choice of colors!
- Debbie on September 27, 2021
I like your choice of colors
- Debbie on September 27, 2021
Love it, Reid! Great choice of materials & colors.
- Debbie on September 27, 2021
I Love the colors that you've chosen for your artwork, Reid! Very vibrant! You will have to explain the picture to me when we next Face Time you!!~
- Grandpa on February 13, 2021
Love the artwork, Reid!~ You will have to tell me all about it the next time Grandma and I Facetime you, O.K.?
- Grandpa on February 13, 2021
Wow, another very creative project, Reid! You are very talented!!~
- Grandpa on February 13, 2021
Very impressive Reid! You continue to amaze me with your creativity! Happy Birthday!!~
- Grandpa on January 20, 2021
Another great work of art, Reid! I love the colors that you’ve selected! Super job!!~
- Grandpa on January 13, 2021
Love your Christmas ornaments! Merry Christmas! ??
- Nana on January 13, 2021
Very creative use of color, Reid! You've got your mom's talents for creative design!!~
- Grandpa on December 3, 2020
Super job Reid! What a great self portrait. You rock!!~
- John on November 4, 2020
Another beautiful creation, Reid. Your talent is very amazing!!~
- Grandpa on June 10, 2020
What a great art project, Reid! I just love the little guy that you made!!~
- Grandpa on June 10, 2020
This is sooooo very awesome Reid!
- Camille on June 10, 2020
Reid, your artwork is absolutely stunning! Very creative! Great job!!~
- Grandpa on May 13, 2020
What a "very special" piece of art work Reid...I love it!!!!!!!!!
- Camille on May 6, 2020
Very creative, Reid! You're doing some great schoolwork while at home!
- Grandpa on April 20, 2020
Oh my goodness Reid....this turned out REALLY awesome...when you described the project to me the other day when we were FaceTiming, I was hoping that I could see the final picture! Sooooo cool!
- Camille on April 20, 2020
Great alphabet Reid! I love your colors!!~
- Grandpa on April 1, 2020
This is waaaayyyy cool~
- Camille on March 4, 2020 cool is that! Love the colors and the lovely heart shapes~lots of love in your heart Reid!
- Camille on March 4, 2020
Excellent artwork, Reid. Your skills are looking better every day. Keep up the creative work!
- Grandpa on March 4, 2020
You are one incredibly awesome guy! Love, love, love seeing your work!
- Camille on February 12, 2020
We just love seeing your artwork, Reid! You are so very talented!!~
- Grand Pa on February 12, 2020
Great job, Reid! You have a good eye for detail. Love, Nana
- Debbie on January 27, 2020
Great mitten, Reid!
- Debbie on December 18, 2019
Excellent job, Reid! very creative!!~
- John on November 6, 2019
Awesome autumn!
- Debbie on November 6, 2019
Beautiful job, Reid! I love the colors!!~
- John on October 1, 2019
Another great work, Reid! Great job!
- John on October 1, 2019
Great artwork Reid! You're making your grandpa proud!!~