Zachary26015's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Zachary26015's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Always loved this one. This was so well done and creative. Love it we will use it every year in our fall decorating .
- Cherie (Mother) on May 1, 2024
I love this .. I love how is tongue is sticking out really unique. We will put him out every fall.
- Darius (Father) on May 1, 2024
Zachary, You are getting better everyday. I am proud of you. Marie
- Marie on May 1, 2024
Very interesting art work. I guess a mixture between a photograph and a drawing. Very imaginative and beautiful. Congratulations Zachary!
- Marie3 on May 1, 2024
I love it son! Great job.
- Darius (Father) on October 17, 2023
I love this son! Very unique and I love all the elements!
- Darius (Father) on October 17, 2023
Very beautiful artwork. Congratulations Zachary!
- Marie on May 1, 2024
Very nice use of color!
- Vicki on May 1, 2024
I love this guy!
- Darius (Father) on April 7, 2023
This is so good son!!
- Darius (Father) on April 7, 2023
Zachary you did an amazing job with this especially given the fact you had your finger broken. You are an amazing artist. I love your use of color and I love how each end of the engine releases a different color. Really Well Done! Mom
- Cherie (Mother) on April 4, 2023
Such a gentle elephant. Such sleepy eyes. I wonder what he is thinking. With your art you put a soul in the baby elephant's drawing..Beautiful touch of colors over the grey background.
- Marie on March 1, 2023
The colors of the candy canes are so soft and subdued. I love that they seemed to be floating. Beautiful artwork. Congratulations!
- Marie on March 1, 2023
Love the color and how the 3D work. Love how they appear to lay on each other. Very Well done. You Are Awesome! Love you lots. Mom
- Cherie (Mother) on January 23, 2023
Very Nice!
- Vicki on January 23, 2023
I love the art work. Definitely YOU ARE A STAR1
- Marie on October 29, 2022
Zachary, Your artwork is amazing! It took lots of imagination to create it. Congratulations on a work well done!
- Marie on April 27, 2022
Zachary your "action" art work is excellent! I love the colors and the design. Keep up the good work!
- Marie on April 27, 2022
That is beautiful art work Zachary!There is so much detail in the buildings and the sky. I really like it! Congratulations!
- Marie on April 6, 2022
Zachary, I love the tree and the beautiful pastel background. Great work! Granma
- Marie on April 6, 2022
Beautiful artwork! I like the tree and the background colors. You did an excellent job. Congratulations Zachary!
- Marie on April 6, 2022
That is a wonderful work of art. I love the blue paint strokes in the background and the colorful pumpkin with the variation of colors. Congratulations on such good work! Lots of love from Grandma.
- Marie on April 6, 2022
I like the background. The colors are wonderful. As for the creature.. I believe it is a dog. Very nice!
- Marie on April 6, 2022
Zachary, That is a very interesting creature. I don't know what it is but it looks to me like a six legged frog. And I know you like frogs. Good work!
- Marie on April 6, 2022
Zachary I love your scientist. He is amazing.. I love how you used color in this image. I like that his hair is purple and his eyebrows and mustache are green. You did great! I love you! Mom
- Cherie (Mother) on March 12, 2020
Zachary I love your monster. He has the best face and I love that you made him red with one eye. He's awesome. I love you! Mom
- Cherie (Mother) on March 12, 2020
Hi! Zachary, I Love your latest artwork. The image looks like that of a creature from outer space, but the heart makes it look human. Great choice on the pastel colors. Congratulations! Marie
- Marie on March 11, 2020
So creative Zachary. Nice job!
- Monique on March 8, 2020