Rylee6157's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Rylee6157's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great painting. I think it is water color. Keep enjoying art!
- Paula on October 9, 2023
Great job, Rylee! I like all the colors.
- Paula on March 29, 2023
Love this. Colorful and imaginative.
- Ramona on March 29, 2023
I am thinking this is a Pilgrim that represents our USA heritage. Great job! Love you! Grandma Paula
- Paula(fan) on January 19, 2022
Rylee, I am so happy to now be in your Artsonia fan club. Great job on this butterfly! Love you! Grandma Paula
- Paula(fan) on January 19, 2022