Bradley5722's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Bradley5722's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice work! I can see the different levels you were painting. Nice work. I really like the way you painted the sky.
- Grandma Sue on May 8, 2024
I love your color wheel. I know you must have had fun painting it.
- Grandma Sue on January 20, 2021
Your color wheel is so cool! It is so pretty. I bet you enjoyed painting it!
- Grandma Sue on January 6, 2021
I love your picture of the rainbow and sun! It is fantastic!
- Grandma Sue on December 16, 2019
Nice work Bradley!
- Pa Pa on December 16, 2019
very nice Bradley!
- Pa Pa on December 16, 2019
This is amazing work Bradley!
- Mom on December 16, 2019