Eloise694's Comments (54)

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Below are comments about Eloise694's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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El, You are the best Elf ever! This candy cane artwork fits you and your elf like personality during Christmas time! What is the meaning behind the candy cane? Let’s find out and talk about it! No worries, call you later, Love! Grma Gee
- Mary Lee on February 5, 2025
Wow El, Another stunning piece of artwork! This is beautifully put together with colors and shapes. This looks like a Stainglass window made by an expert. You are so talented and creative with your artwork! What a gift the Lord has given you! Keep those creative juices flowing! Love you, Grma G
- Mary Lee on February 5, 2025
Fantastic!! You are amazing Eloise! Love you! Grma Gee
- Mary Lee on October 23, 2024
Eloise, My Leprechaun Dancer! I will show you how much I loved it o Grandparents Day! No worries, call you later, LOVE! Grma Gee
- Mary Lee on October 23, 2024
Hi El, I really like the message you send in this piece of artwork! If we stay in God’s grace and believe that he loves us, our faith will grow, and we will plant many seeds of love in other people! No worries, call you later, LOVE! Grma G
- Mary Lee on October 23, 2024
Hi El! I love what this picture means to you & me! If we stay on the path that God put us on,then walk the path that Jesus modeled for us when He was on earth, our faith will grow with His grace and love. No worries, see you later Love, Grma G
- Mary Lee on October 23, 2024
Eloise, this is a great picture to have for Grant. You do such a good job of putting colors together. I love it but not as much as I love you! No worries, call you later, Love! Grma G
- Mary Lee on July 10, 2024
El, I love your “sunrise or sunset” picture! It must be rising or setting over the desert, right? It’s going to be ordered as a greeting card. The colors are stunning! You are using your talents more and more each year. I’m excited for you to show the family more of your God given talents in the 5th grade! You are a blessing to all who know you!!! No Worries, call you later Love. Grma G
- Mary Lee on July 10, 2024
El, This nighttime scene reminds me of the night that Christ was Born! Just like it could have been over 2000 years ago! This sky is majestic and alive with meaningful colors. Color that could represent the times in the Baby Jesus’ life to come!! Absolutely amazing and beautiful!! 2024’s Christmas card!!! Love you as much as St Ann loved the Baby Jesus!!! (What & why is the connection to St Ann?) Grma G
- Mary Lee on January 3, 2024
Love, love, love this blue eyed pink flamingo! El, she is a doll! Just like you! No worries, call you later Love! GRMA G
- Mary Lee on January 3, 2024
Yes, El, you are a cherished “Disciple of Jesus”! It is obvious in your kindness and love for your family when we are together! When you are involved in activities at school, church and in the community, you are respectful to all who are involved. Most recently I have seen you being “inclusive” as in helping others get involved with the activities, or discussions! You listen and learn from others and teach others by your actions! You definitely are a follower of Jesus! I love you, to the stars and back! You picture is wonderful! Grma G
- Mary Lee on January 3, 2024
Eloise, Happy Halloween! I love this jack-o’-lantern that you created! It has everything needed to make this unique, scary, and perfect to frame for on my wall! You are so creative and imaginative when it comes to putting colors together, creating a unique face on this pumpkin and adding special little “Eloise” touches. Hope to see you soon for Halloween. Loooooove yooooooo! Grma G
- Mary Lee on January 3, 2024
El! This is my kind of celebration desserts! Anything and everything you can think of in one dish, well, maybe three dishes! I am seeing some of my favorite cookies as well as your favorite dessert, snacks. And we both love donuts with frosting! Good job, Eloise, that is a masterpiece for the eyes, the appetite, imagination and for the hope to taste it in the future! No worries! Call you later, Love!
- Mary Lee on June 21, 2023
El, I knew it was you immediately! It is you with your infectious smile and inquisitive bright eye! But with this picture I can’t hear your bubbly giggle nor see your loving expressions! But when I look at this picture, I imagine you running out the door shouting “No worries! Call you later, Love!” You are the picture of “Love” to me! Love you to the moon and back! Grma G
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
El! Did you know that Monet's "Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies" is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC? We'll take you to see it the next time you're here!! The painting is valued anywhere from $50-$150 million - but your artwork is priceless and even more beautiful!! Luv u - Auntie T & Uncle D
- Auntie T & Uncle D on May 30, 2023
Mr. Carrots is amazing, Eloise! He is crazy cute! Love his multicolored fur! Is that his red tongue? And he is surrounded by carrots and hearts! How cool is he? Such a great picture! Love you, El! No worries, call you later, Love! Grma G
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
El!!! So great, beautiful, brilliant! This creation is a wonderful expression of YOUR heart! Full of warmth, rainbows, bright colors, and bubbly symbols of your love for your life! I see your personality in each of these hearts and symbols and characters! I think you are a talented artist, but best of all, you are one of my perfect gift gifts from God! Love you to Heaven and back! No worries, call you later, Love! Grma G
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
El, Well……as usual, I am very impressed with this tree! I see it as a “new life tree”. Every spring the trees are given new life by the sun. Warmer days and melting snow, start the trees juices flowing, which then starts the buds growing. That leads to buds bursting, then pushing and stretching into a leaf! Then….maybe blossoms, flowers or maybe a bird’s nest or squirrel’s nest. And there you have the gifts from God, through His Son, (not sun this time) Jesus who is our New Tree of Life through Easter! Your tree means that to me! Thank you for sharing your tree! No worries, call you later, Love! Love you to the moon and back! Grma G
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
Oh El, This is a beautiful image of what my heart looks like when I think of you…..beating while surrounded by wonderfully colored, happy and loving clouds of love! I’ll be ordering cards with of this, so I can send “love” to others! No Worries, call you later, Love! Love you to the moon and back, Miss you, Grandma G
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
El, my wonderful “9” year old Granddaughter, The Christmas bulbs are so festive, colorful and bright!! The snowflakes are a great addition to the bulb outside on your house while the snow drifts down past them. What will you create next? I can’t wait to experience it! Love you to the moon and back! Grandma G!
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
Hi El! I love the bright colors in this painting, but I’m not sure what is all happening in this creation. Let’s talk! No worries, call you later Love! Grandma G
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
Hi Eloise, This is my Christmas for 2023! These beautiful, glittery balls of precious jewels remind me of the Three Kings and their gifts to baby Jesus! Gold frankincense, and myrrh were the precious gifts for Christ the King! It is another magnificent example of your God given talents! You are a precious gift to our family and we are blessed to have you for our granddaughter! No Worries, call you later Love! Grandma G
- Mary Lee on May 30, 2023
Eloise: Your painting is calming and beautiful. It makes me imagine I'm meditating by a lake and watching rays of sun dance on the water, while a boat glides toward a rainbow horizon. You are so special and talented! Lots of love - Uncle Daniel & Auntie Trisha
- Auntie T & Uncle D on May 30, 2023
The Scream is an iconic painting and you have made your version far more FANTASTIC! Did you know the artist (Edvard Munch) was Norweigan and the title of the painting is actually "Skrik" (or shriek in English)? Big hugs to you, Eloise!
- Auntie T & Uncle D on May 30, 2023
Uncle D and I were soooo impressed when you showed us the skill and imagination you used to make this artwork. Maybe make another one with a maple leaf?! We LOVE this picture - but not as much as we LOVE YOU!
- Auntie T & Uncle D on May 30, 2023
Eloise: Your sunflower creation is a mesmerizing array of color and vibrancy! You have perfected the technique of shading and it brings even more depth to your art. We love you!
- Auntie T & Uncle T on May 30, 2023
Wow, El, these colors go from fire red to peaceful pink! What is the Green Creature in the lower left corner of the of the picture? Beautiful combination of shapes and placement of shades and blending of colors! I am anxious to hear about this art work. Keep up the creativity! No worries, call you later Love! Love you to the moon and back! Grma G
- Mary Lee on November 16, 2022
Eloise exclamation! This is another beautiful, creatively colored piece of artwork! I love the color combination and the abstractness of this picture. I will be making Greeting cards of it! “No worries, call you later love!” Love you to the moon and back, Grma G
- Mary Lee on November 16, 2022
This “SCREAM” picture is perfect for the Halloween season! Did you dream this? Very good photo of a scream! Love it, love you more! Grma G. XOXO
- Mary Lee on November 16, 2022
El, Wow! This is a beautiful display of the ocean and sky, with the sun showing it’s dominance! I love the purples, greens and shades of yellow displayed through out the entire scene. Keep up the good work, and enjoy practicing your artistic talents! “ No worries, call you later love“! Love you to the moon and back. XOXO Grma G
- Mary Lee on October 13, 2022
El, This painting of the Blessed Mother holding Jesus is inspiring to me! How Mary said “yes” to God’s request to be the mother of our Brother Jesus, reminds me to say “yes” to God when He asks me to be a woman of God! Thank you for the inspirational message with your picture! Love you! Grma G xoxo
- Mary Lee on October 13, 2022
Sweet Eloise, This is amazing! Lush green pastures, with hardy looking sheep grazing peacefully. The sky is beautifully colored with bright sunshine, some blue sky, and birds flying. You are an amazing artist and my wonderful 8 year old granddaughter, who is God’s gift to our family and world! No worries! Call you later Love! Grandma G
- Mary Lee on May 18, 2022
Oh El, that is a beautiful use of colors to separate the bridge from its surroundings. I can hear the water flowing under us as we imagine ourselves walking over that bridge! Are those water lilies floating under us? And the sky looks amazing. Wow! I’ll be ordering this painting in the form of note cards! Keep up the beautiful works of color! Love you ??, Grandma G
- Mary Lee on May 18, 2022
Sweet El, I love these dancing snow-dad and snow-daughter!!! You and daddy playing in the snow! A great picture of winter fun in Minnesota. I’m so happy that you enjoy using your love for art by creating fun pictures that we all can enjoy. This is another one I will be framing! You are so creative! Keep up the good work! You are awesome! “Call you later, Love!” Grma G
- Mary Lee on January 12, 2022
El, this Christmas tree is going to be my next years card! It’s beautifully shaped, decorated and colored! I love the dramatic background colors you chose to contrast the softer bright colors on the tree! Terrific! You have a real love and talent for creating a vision and putting it on paper! We thank God for our gift of you, Eloise, and your gifts and talents from Him! Love you lots, Grma G
- Mary Lee on December 22, 2021
El, This depiction of the city of Bethlehem, at the time of Christ’s birth, is “mag-nif-i-cent”! Wow! This is so professional, with the shadows, different shaped buildings, the muted colors and the tiny manger with the new born King! Amazing! I love Christmas and the joy that Jesus brings us. And the joy you bring to the Christmas season through this picture. I love You! Call you later, Love. Grandma G
- Mary Lee on November 24, 2021
El, My Sweet GIRL, This is a beautiful picture of autumn leaves! The color combinations you chose are a wonderful combination of bold and subtle. This creation will be made into greeting cards for us to send to family and friends! I look forward to your next piece of art! Nice job! Call you later, Love, Grandma G
- Mary Lee on November 17, 2021
Hi El, Remember when you first moved into Huntington and the owls that were in the trees hooting at night? I love your owl picture and am going to have it printed! I am so excited to see what you will create next! I love you and can’t wait until you can come and stay with me again! I love you! Grma G
- Mary Lee on January 31, 2021
Eloise - if we were in a parliament, this would be voted BEST picture! This looks like the Northern Saw Whet owl "Rockie" that was discovered in the NYC Rockefeller Christmas tree!! (Is it??) The bright eyes and fluffy feathers make this Strigiforme truly come alive. There may be around 200 owl species, but there is only one, special YOU! We love you! Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel on January 31, 2021
Eloise, Our 'perspective' is that this is a beautiful picture - full of color and brimming with life! It reminds us of this: Q: "Why didn't anyone laugh at the gardener's jokes?" (A: Because they were too corney.) You are a wonderful artist with an eye for detail. We love your art and we LOVE you!! Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel on December 4, 2020
To my SWEET GRANDDAUGHTER, This creation captures my love of Fall Harvest season! All of the exciting spring and summer activities have given us the joy and enjoyment of our endeavors! You have included symbols of outdoor life in the colors you chose. The mix of blue, purple,& white sky; brilliant yellow sun; warm and soft shades of orange, green, browns; cooler and louder shades of pink and red! This harvest is ready for picking and eating! You are an exciting, joyful Creation from God, and I am thankful to Him for you, Eloise! Can’t wait to see more artwork from you! ????GrmaG????
- Mary Lee on November 19, 2020
Flurries of frosty snowflakes and a smiling snowman! This picture warms our hearts with the joy of winter! Did you know that NASA found a "Snowman Crater"? That means that your snowman is out of this world! Your creativity is awe-snow-some! Big wintry hugs - Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel on October 21, 2020
Eloise - This artwork is a beehive of activity - which reminds us of YOU! You are truly a fierce Queen Bee buzzing with industrious talent, honey-sweet with kindness and a groovy dancer (did you know that bees are known for the 'waggle-dance'?). Always bee-yourself! We are so proud of you and can't wait to swarm you with our love!! Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel on October 21, 2020
Dear Ellie, I am so happy to see your artwork! You are so creative and I know how much you love to draw pictures and create scenes like the busy bees at the hive. I love the way you place those little bees around the hive, and the expression on their faces. I am thinking we’re going to have to have some notecards printed of those. I love you EL and I’m looking forward to seeing you soon! XOXOXOXO!! Grma G
- Mary Lee on October 15, 2020
EL, Do you know how much I love your snowman? I’m printing a picture of it!! Love you, Grma G
- Mary Lee on February 13, 2020
We think this is the most gorgeous Christmas EVER! This smorgasbord of color is festive and brings joy to our hearts. The star is a shining symbol of hope and wonder for the holiday season, and you are our super star!! We love you, Ellie! Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha on January 15, 2020
Poinsettias are one my favorites! Did you know that instead of flower petals, poinsettias have "bracts" (or leaves)? Who knew?! This picture is beautifully bold and vibrant - just like YOU! We love you cutie-pie. Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha on January 15, 2020
This is a monster of a terrific creation! It absolutely glows with spine-tingling spookiness!! You have brought tremendous creativity to this artwork. We are so proud of the budding artist you are! Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha on January 15, 2020
This pumpkin is the perfect way to enjoy the fall! Did you know that pumpkins were once recommended as the cure to a snake bite?! You did an AMAZING job of shading and we can't wait to frame this! Love, Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Auntie Trisha on January 15, 2020
Eloise, This poinsettia is beautiful! You have captured the look of the flower for the Christmas season. I love it. Keep up the good work. I love to see your creations! Your teacher is doing a good job of giving you project of creating amazing artwork!! I ?? You! Grma G
- Mary Lee on December 13, 2019
Hi Bright Eyes Eloise! I love, love ??, your beautiful Christmas Tree! It shows great excitement for Jesus’ birthday with every color!! The star at the top looks bright and so proud to be atop that tall tree. I wonder what is in the gifts under the tree? Thanks for sharing your artwork with all of us! Love you ?? so much, Grma G
- Mary Lee on December 13, 2019
My Sweet Eloise, I love the image you painted of the pumpkin. It’s shape and colors are bright and strong. Fantastic! Of course, I think the background color is the perfect choice for your picture! Awesome! Purple is my favorite color!!!! You have many wonderful talents with drawing and painting to create beauty being just one. God has blessed you! And,Eloise, YOU are God’s blessing to our families!! I love you endlessly!! Grma G
- Mary Lee on October 23, 2019
ELOISE! Your Mondrian-inspired art is stunning! Did you give your creation a name? Mondrian had a piece entitled, "Victory Boogie-Woogie". This brightly colored composition is full of energy and vibrant life, just like YOU! You are our shining star and we are so proud! We love you lots - Auntie Trisha & Uncle Daniel
- Trisha on October 10, 2019
Dear Eloise, What a beautiful, and bold display of the cross! What does it mean to you? I see colors that are bright and strong, with the cross of Christ in the center of our lives! What a creative artist you are, Ellie. I'm excited to see your many talents develop. I am so happy to get your artwork sent to me! I love you, Ellie!! Kiss and Hug, Grandma G
- on October 5, 2019