John30949's Comments (39)

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Below are comments about John30949's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Buddy that is cool. Let’s paint the skunk hole the same way.
- Joe on November 20, 2024
John, I love this piece of art! It looks 3 dimensional to me. You did such a great job with color and technique!
- Erin (Mother) on October 27, 2024
Skunk, your animal drawings are great. Looks like boo boo standing on top of sissy balancing on your baseballs. I love it.
- Joe on October 27, 2024
That is iron man climbing his building. I hope it isn’t his secret lair because the A gives it away.
- Big slug on May 7, 2024
I love your goat LJ!!! You included so much detail!
- Erin (Mother) on May 2, 2024
John, I love your use of color! The shapes and lines are so interesting! Great job! I cannot wait to get my hands on all your art!
- Erin (Mother) on May 1, 2024
I love your ribbon John!
- Erin (Mother) on April 2, 2024
You are always a winner in my book. You don't have a short attention span, especially when the magic box is on.
- Big Buddy on April 8, 2024
John, mom loves your shoes! Those look just like your shoes at home! Great job!
- Erin (Mother) on February 6, 2024
I didn’t know captain America bent steel over his own head, not very smart.
- Big skunk on January 31, 2024
Buddy, you know better than staying up all night. Skunkrats learn the hard way.
- King of the hard way. on November 1, 2023
This reminds me of the Pink Floyd movie after he trashed his hotel room, he went coocoo. But you can't watch that movie until you are in high school.
- Joe(fan) on October 4, 2023
Now they have toxic milk, what is this world coming too? Hopefully someone didn't drink it and found that it had chunks in it and then put it back in the fridge. I mean who would do that.
- Joe(fan) on October 4, 2023
Ok, I found them, they escaped. Why have supersonic if you don't use it, like seriously.
- Joe(fan) on October 4, 2023
Uh oh, the F16's are gone! Were they blowed up or did they go supersonic to escape?
- Joe(fan) on October 11, 2023
Buddy, you have supersonic F16's being chased by B12 Stealth Bombers next to a submarine in the air. I will have to think about this. Did you know that the Stealth is stored somewhere in Missouri?
- Joe(fan) on October 4, 2023
John, mommy is your biggest fan! I want this gorgeous art to display!!!
- Erin (Mother) on October 3, 2023
John, you are hysterical! I love your comments and mommy LOVES your art! You are creative and so talented! Great job!
- Erin (Mother) on October 2, 2023
Buddy, when have you seen a stealth? They are stealth which means you can't see them. These are great pictures.
- Big Buddy on October 4, 2023
Oh skunkrat. You made such pretty flowers and then you had to add a skull and crossbones. Oh wait, it is Dead Flowers which is a song by The Rolling Stones.
- Big Skunk on May 24, 2023
John, mommy cannot wait to see this GORGEOUS piece in person! You worked so hard! I love you and mommy is so proud of you!
- Erin (Mother) on April 30, 2023
Buddy this is like a TurDuckin. Lemime with a rotten section. We can split it, I will eat the lemon part and you can eat the rotten lime part. DEAL
- The Big Skunker on February 23, 2023
I don't know if this is a target or a black hole. Pretty cool either way.
- Joe on February 1, 2023
SkunkRat that looks like a droid snowman with Santa flying over him.
- Darth Daddy on December 14, 2022
John John, you are such a great artist. I love how your red leaf has a mix of red and yellow, makes it look so real.
- Darth Daddy on December 14, 2022
John, I LOVE your under armor shirt and you swinging! You worked so hard on this project! Great job!
- Erin (Mother) on September 22, 2022
That looks like a SkunkRat on a swing. I like your camouflage shirt and the rainbow in the background. You are such a good artist.
- Big SkunkRat on September 29, 2022
This looks like a dude with long legs, no body and a little head. Creepy.
- Joe on May 18, 2022
I like it buddy. It looks like the grinch with his gruvoless glove to accept his two snail shells. Beware of the onceler
- Big barbaloot on April 13, 2022
John, mommy loves your colorful “John” Christmas tree! Great job!
- Erin (Mother) on December 15, 2021
I like your Christmas tree skunker, it looks like a game of checkers.
- Big Skunker on December 15, 2021
Skunker, this looks like all of the mountains we climbed. I can't wait to go do it again.
- Big Skunker on December 15, 2021
John Koch, this is GORGEOUS! Mommy calls dibs on your masterpiece! The mountains remind me of Colorado. I love you so much buddy!
- Mommy on November 30, 2021
John, your painting is beautiful! I love the mountains and the fox is so cute. This must be in Colorado.
- Ginner on November 30, 2021
John, your painting is beautiful! I love the mountains and the fox is so cute. This must be in Colorado.
- Ginner on November 30, 2021
John, I love the way you use different colors and lines. You are so creative!
- Erin on November 3, 2021
Now this is a cool drawing. This dude looks like a Zombie with his eyes, he is dead but still has a MOOSESTACHE, and he needs to go to the dentist because he has bad teeth. You have great creativity buddy.
- Fat Daddy on November 3, 2021
Wow John! Your artwork is so cool! How fun to learn about other artists too! Love ?? Mimi
- Mimi on October 13, 2021
I love this John! You worked so hard! Great job! Love, Mom
- Erin (Mother) on September 27, 2021