Kathryn4814's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Kathryn4814's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looks just like your house! Great job!
- Sharon on May 15, 2024
Very nice Katie! Love Grammy
- Tammy on January 17, 2024
Really nice! I can hang that in the spring if you want me too! Love ya, Grammy
- Tammy on December 27, 2023
Katie, this is quite good. Eyes are the hardest to do. You have some natural talent I see. Love, Grammy
- Tammy on November 29, 2023
WOW, WOW!!!! Magnificent!!!! That goes in an art show!!!! Love Grammy!
- Tammy on October 4, 2023
Katie, I love your butterfly picture. Great job!!! Love Grandma.
- Sharon on October 4, 2023
Is that you playing soccer? Glad you get to have art class. Have a great year!
- Grammy Tammy on September 27, 2023
Hey that really caught my eye! Great choice of fabric selection. Good job, Katie!
- Tammy on April 26, 2023
Beautiful Kathryn! Love Grammy!
- Tammy on April 26, 2023
So pretty Katie! I think it looks like stained glass. Very good wok! Love, Grammy
- Tammy on February 15, 2023
Super cool Katie! I’ve never learned how to make a background. You have learned so much and I like that!!! I still remember how you learned to make a snowflake land on a persons tongue. I am fascinated by that! Thank your art teacher! Love you! Grammy
- Grammy Tammy on December 21, 2022
Love the sunset!!!! I set a perfect chair for me to sit and watch you play in the tree. Hehehe! Love, Grammy
- Tammy on December 14, 2022
Love the sunset!!!! I set a perfect chair for me to sit and watch you play in the tree. Hehehe! Love, Grammy
- Tammy on December 14, 2022
OH COOL!!!!! Day of the dead sugar skull! LaFamilia!! Did you name it? Love ya, Grammy
- Tammy on November 2, 2022
Cool quilt Katie! I like the diagonal green/white background and the reversal of colors as you build it upward. ????Grammy
- Grammy on October 12, 2022
Katie, Nice work. You did a really good job weaving and that’s hard to do. Love, Grammy
- Tammy on January 26, 2022
Katie, that is great! It made me giggle out loud! I would never have figured out how to have her head up and tongue catching snowflakes! Nice sweater too! Love ya, Grammy
- Grammy on December 15, 2021
Hey Katie, I like your sunset! Looks just like the sky outside your dinning room window when the sun is setting. The crescent moon, butterfly and birds are nice to look at when taking a walk around. Who is walking with you? Ellie? Or is that mom and dad? Love ya, Grammy
- Tammy on November 10, 2021
Hi Katie, you sure a master of drawing rainbows….next time try to draw a race car for Grammy! Lol. Keep up the good work! Love ya, Grammy
- Tammy on October 6, 2021
CUPCAKE party....yummmmm, I want one! Lol. Good job Katie! Love, Grammy
- Tammy on June 9, 2021
Ahhh, a 3D flower garden! Love it, Katie! Makes me smile thinking about you drawing and making this masterpiece! Love, Grammy
- Tammy on May 26, 2021
Katie, This artwork is exceptional! I see you really understood the assignment and got the color scale done just right! Yummmm, looks good enough to eat! LOVE YOU, Grammy
- Tammy on April 7, 2021
Katie, I like you paper dragon. I know you live to do arts and crafts so enjoy and listen to your teacher, Mrs. Combs! Love, Grammy.
- Tammy(fan) on February 24, 2021
Katie, I really like this piece of art. I especially like the cardinals sitting on the tree branch! Keep working hard and be happy!!!! Love, Grammy
- Grammy Tammy on February 17, 2021
Fall is one of your favorite times of year. Reminds me of trees we see on the way to the corny, corn. Lol
- Grammy Tammy on January 29, 2020
YIKEES!!! I hope that doesn't get into my house, Katie. Lol
- Grammy Tammy on January 29, 2020
Katie, I love your art work, especially the snowman family. I see you you drew mommy, daddy, Ellie, Derek and yourself. Very nice work my precious granddaughter!!!! Keep up the good work!!
- Grammy Tammy on January 29, 2020
I love it! So creative and looks just like our family!
- Steve on January 22, 2020