This is a very creative kitty!! Love the emerald green touches!
- Karen on October 13, 2021
Nora, this is an awesome picture. Keep up the good work, and you will be an artist in Paris. Love you, Susie
- Sue on October 13, 2021
Very unique colors. Great job Nora.
- Karen on April 21, 2021
Very creative!
- Karen on April 7, 2021
Love this!
- Karen on April 7, 2021
I love the use of bright colors! Great job Nora!
- Karen on January 13, 2021
Very nice work, Nora. I love all the use of the bright colors.
- KK on January 13, 2021
Nora, now I see how you learned about warm and cool colors, and have separated your colored pencils in those ways. How clever of you. This is a beautiful picture....nice work, as you always do. Love, gramma Susie
- Sue on November 18, 2020
Way to go Nora. I love this picture. It looks a lot like you!!