Gwen1027's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Gwen1027's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love this Gwen!!! I like how you used the arrows in different directions and the blending of the blues & greens together. The red brick wall behind helps make the word “ Create” pop out in this piece. Great job! Proud of you??Grandma Van
- Grandma Van on November 29, 2023
I love how you see yourself as a skater, accepting a challenge, definetly the rainbow for describing your personality and the setting a goal to take home a #1 trophy. Great job Gwen… keep on dreaming and setting goals! Love you??Grandma Van
- Roxanne on May 24, 2023
What a pretty bird to bring in a new Spring day! I love the wings too, colorful & cheerful?? It looks like you made it into an ornament. If so, this will be a beautiful memory to decorate your tree. Good job Gwen. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on May 17, 2023
I love this piece!!!! I love the way you used a wood background to enhance the beauty of nature in the mountains. The wolf and the cliff in which he stands makes a beautiful vision of calmness. Great job… Nature brings peace in our lives. Keep up the fantastic work! Grandma Van
- Grandma Van on April 12, 2023
Ooooo such mysterious eyes in your owl drawing. Is the owl watching its prey, thinking about what he’s going to do next, or maybe looking at himself in the water ( as a mirror)? Love the texture of his feathers but the eyes are striking!!! Great job Gwen??
- Grandma Van on April 5, 2023
I saw three different perspectives with this cube artwork. How fun it was to trick my eyes to viewing 3 separate visions. Great job Gwen!!!
- Roxanne on February 15, 2023
Love the Christmas Candy Cane image. The two contrasting colors are a nice change from the traditional red used in candy canes. Keep up the fantastic work??
- Roxanne on January 4, 2023
I love your perspective with your Apple display. The Apple plump and round and then a mere bite of this delicious apple followed by another bite and it’s almost gone. The last one shown all shriveled up but obviously enjoyed!!! Great work?? on the dimensions of the various apples.
- Grandma Van on October 26, 2022
Love the colors you used on this creative piece. Really good job on the Palm trees & Sun down. Fun that you also added the Hot Air Balloon and the person in the boat fishing. I like how you created the tower with the birds flying above it. Keep up the fantastic work!!!!!
- Roxanne on October 12, 2022
Oh my... Grumpy Crab has had enough of this Covid 19 Pandemic! I agree, it makes me crabby too!!!!!! Nice job on the colors and especially the eyes. The eyes really make me believe this is a very Crabby Crab?? Proud of your work Gwen?? Keep up being creative?? Love Grandma Van
- Roxanne on May 20, 2020
Even monkeys like ice cream cones?? His tongue looks especially excited!!! Good job Gwen. Love Grandma Van
- Roxanne on May 4, 2020
How fun to look for the Hidden Snake?? Lots of flowers & greenery to hide the snake. Well done Gwen!!! Love Grandma Van
- Roxanne on May 4, 2020
Awesome artwork!!!! Great detail and looks like the tiger is playing Hide & Seek. Love all the leaves in the forest. Fantastic job on the face of the tiger. Love the eyes! Very detailed. Keep up the great work! Love Grandma Van
- Roxanne on May 4, 2020
Wow. Very nice Gwen. I really like your tiger in the jungle.
- Papa Van on May 4, 2020
Beautiful Owl sitting in the tree protecting her little babies in their nest. Moon shining brightly in the background. Love the Owls eyes! Grandma Van
- Roxanne on May 4, 2020
Great work on your Mod Podge Easter Eggs. Very festive and colorful. Hope you had fun making them. Keep up the fantastic work Gwen Love Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
This is a very silly looking character with a tiny little mouth. I wonder if he is whistling? Either way, he looks like he would be fun to play with. Who knows... maybe this guy is hiding in the Forest. Great job. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Do I see a Leprechan in this beautiful rainbow? Love the clouds and the pot of gold. Nice job Gwen. Love Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Rainbow delight. Pretty colors, shooting star and planets. Study the sky for more possibilities. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Space seems to be an interest of yours. I love the stars, planets, orbits& and the sun. Look to the stars!!!!! Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Nice use of dimension. Look around your yard outside. You may have lots of things you can use to create dimension in future designs. Beautiful flower arrangement. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Looks like this astronaut is floating in mid air. Think about it Gwen... maybe this could be YOU someday. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Great use of egg cartons. Great use of color for Easter. Making flowers or pinwheels brings smiles all around. Hope you had fun making me ?? Love Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Hippity Hop...Cute little bunny! Fun Fun Fun Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! This “Owl” was so lucky to have you give him such beauty of color. Very precise and looks like you spent a great deal of time. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time on your project to create such beauty. Superb job!!! Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
I see an engineer at work with this project. Good use of different materials and color. I bet this was fun creating this project. Nicely done. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
This guy looks pretty scary. Great work on the variety of colors. The tiger colored horns make the picture POP! Sharp teeth, lots of arms and spotted body brings this creature to life. Great job Gwen. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
You created a Roly Poly kitty! I think he looks like he wants you to rub his tummy & cuddle. You did a great job on the kitty’s face. The eyes twinkle. Keep up the good work. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Lots of detail in this rocket drawing. I like the different colors and brush strokes you used for the background behind the rocket. NASA could use you on their engineer design team. Great job Gwen Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Love the shadow technique in this photo of a horse. I mean this special “UNICORN” horse. Nicely done! Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Gorgeous Swan Gwen!!! This may be your best picture yet. It looks like you spent extra time creating such a beautiful bird. I love love love this picture!!!! Wonderful job... Keep creating! Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
Ooooo “Germs” At least these germs look happy! I love how you used different colors on all the germs. These must be good germs because otherwise your picture may be mostly black. Ha Ha Hee Hee Nice picture dealing with a yucky subject. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
You must have been having a very happy day to draw this beautiful and colorful flower. I especially love the purple center since that’s my favorite color!!!! This flower has made me happy today too! Beautiful job Gwen. Keep up the fantastic work. Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
I love the splattering color of the “Galaxy”. When I look at the sky and see all the stars & planets in our galaxy I will think of what Gwen sees. Nice job sweetie! Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020
This little froggy guy just looks happy that spring is finally here. Great job Gwen! Grandma Van
- Roxanne on April 15, 2020