Mae682's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Mae682's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Mae, You are so talented and very creative.. Keep up the great work! Your art teacher
- Mrs Kaya on November 13, 2019
Keep up the great work!! :) I am so proud of you! Your art teacher, Mrs Kaya
- Mrs Kaya on November 13, 2019
Mae, I am so impressed with your artistic talent. I am so proud of you. Love, GaGa
- Gaga on November 6, 2019
Dear Mae, I can’t get over how fabulous this picture is. I need to have it as decoration in my den...perfect colors!! Love, GaGa
- Gaga on November 6, 2019
Mae, this is such a cute picture!! I love it and the designs you have all around the picture. You have quite the creative mind that you can put in a picture perfectly. I love you, Mae Mae. GaGa
- Gaga on November 6, 2019
Mae, you are a true artist. The colors you choose are beautiful. I cannot wait to get my items with your artwork on them. I will put them throughout my house!! Love, GaGa
- Gaga on November 6, 2019
Great job Mae!! I love your mix of colors so much! Maybe one day you will be a true artist!! My grandmother named “gg” was a very talented artist and had art shows maybe you take after her!!! I love you so much,TUTU
- Tutu on November 6, 2019
Great job Mae!! I love your mix of colors so much! Maybe one day you will be a true artist!! My grandmother named “gg” was a very talented artist and had art shows maybe you take after her!!! I love you so much,TUTU
- Tutu on November 6, 2019
Great job Mae!! I love your mix of colors so much! Maybe one day you will be a true artist!! My grandmother named “gg” was a very talented artist and had art shows maybe you take after her!!! I love you so much
- Tutu on November 6, 2019
Mae...That’s a really cool cat! I didn’t even know you could draw a cat. I’m so impressed with your art talent! Love! Daddy
- Chad on October 9, 2019
Mae...I’m so proud of your beautiful art! The colors are so vibrant! I can’t wait to to order a coffee mug with this picture on it. I love you! Daddy
- Chad on October 9, 2019