Abbie, Cool tic-tac-toe game. It's functional, colorful and it looks fun. Keep it up. Love, Grandpa by the lake
- Mark on October 30, 2024
Abbie, I like this one a lot. The colors are cool. It reminds me of Van Gogh's starry night, even if there are no stars. Was it supposed to look like that? Anyhow, I think it is cool. Love, Grandpa by the Lake
- Mark on October 30, 2024
Abbie, This looks really cool. I think I would have trouble making something like this today. I don't think my mind works in very artistic ways. At least not with much imagination. I enjoy looking at your art (and Lizzie's too). Keep it up. Love, Grandpa at the Lake.
- Mark on October 30, 2024
This looks like tic tac toe pie! Cool
- Grandma at the lake on October 30, 2024
Oh! I need a heart moth!! Such a cutie! Just like its creator!!
- Grandma at the lake on October 30, 2024
Abbie, I love all the colors that you used. Very Rainbowie!!
- Grandma at the Lake on October 2, 2024
What a Dandy Dog!!
- Grandma at the lake on May 8, 2024
Your doge reminds me of our old dog Dandy. Made me smile!!
- Grandma at the lake on May 1, 2024
This is so interesting. Is it paint? So well done!????
- Grandma at the lake on March 27, 2024
Wow! That is so interesting!!
- Grandma at the lake on March 13, 2024
What is it? Looks pretty, but caption says yum?? Is it a cupcake or candy?
- Grandma at the lake on February 21, 2024
Love this really cool Day of Dead skull! I like the happy colors and all the hearts.
- Aunt Maggie on November 8, 2023
Abbie, this is sooo cool! I love the shiny colors and shapes to make a face!
- Grandma at the lake on October 18, 2023
Abbie, nice painting. Was this all done by brush or was some, or all, finger painting? Hard to tell from the picture. But I like it. Grandpa by the lake, but now on a plane getting ready to take off for Seattle.
- Grandpa by the lake. on September 20, 2023
Wow! Such a cool idea! Love the rainbow and planets. Love, Aunt J
- Jessie on September 20, 2023
Awe this one is so cute! Great job! Love, Aunt J
- Jessie on September 20, 2023
Love this one Abbie! You're so artistic! Love, Aunt J
- Jessie on September 20, 2023
I love this! I’m not sure many cats would like the sea, but I do! Maybe a cat named sea would.
- Grandma R on September 13, 2023
Abbie, I love your Sea by the sea. Cool idea
- Grandma at the lake on September 13, 2023
Cute puppy!
- Aunt Maggie on May 24, 2023
Abbie, This art piece is so interesting! I really like it!! But I like you better!!
- Grandma at the lake on May 24, 2023
Abbie, Your puppy is so cute!!
- Grandma at the lake on May 24, 2023
Abbie, This vase is lovely! I love your use of colors. They brighten my day! Love Grandma
- Grandma at the lake on April 12, 2023
Beautiful! I love the colors - the wall, the vase, the flowers - I think they all go together well.
- Aunt Maggie on April 12, 2023
Abbie, I agree this is awesome. If you get a chance, I would like to hear how you got your ideas for this. Love, Grandpa by the lake
- Mark on March 15, 2023
This is so cool!!
- Grandma at the lake on March 8, 2023
This is so much fun. I like your star heart!
- Grandma at the lake on March 8, 2023
Beautiful solar system scene. I love it!! This is one of my favorites!
- Aunt Maggie on March 8, 2023
Beautiful art!
- Grandma R on February 8, 2023
Abbie, this looks like a cake… very yummy!!
- Grandma at the lake on February 8, 2023
Wow, that is an awesome cardinal on a pine branch with what seems like a cold day with snow flurries. Such a cool swirly background. I don't know how you did it!
- Aunt Maggie on December 21, 2022
Wow, this is really creative. Very pretty colors! Nice job Abbie :)
- Aunt Jessie on December 7, 2022
I love your picture! Beautiful colors and designs. You are so creative!
- Grandma R on November 23, 2022
I just love TREE art, so pretty and peaceful.
- Aunt Maggie on November 23, 2022
I love this fun, colorful, and rainbow pumpkin art! It makes me happy. :)
- Aunt Maggie on November 23, 2022
Abbie, I like all the colors and shapes you used. Very pretty!!
- Grandma at the lake on November 23, 2022
Abbie, Is this the tree that you told me you liked? I like it too. I especially like the happy squirrel.
- Grandma at the lake on October 26, 2022
That is so cute! I would call it “wishing” Wishing I could go out or for someone to come home Keep drawing!
- Grandma R on October 19, 2022
Clay? I really wish i could have this at my house since I have no halloween or fall decorations. It would make my home more festive!
- Aunt Maggie on October 19, 2022
Ok, I just love this one so much.
- Aunt Maggie on October 19, 2022
Wow! I am super impressed. This is amazing. What did you use, gray paint? I love this cute little guy looking out the window.
- Aunt Maggie on October 19, 2022
I love this!!! So sweet!
- Grandma by the lake on October 19, 2022
Abbie, I always like your art work. This one seems so imaginative. I like the crescent Moon in the background. I also like the different colors and shades you use. Love,
- Grandma at the lake on May 11, 2022
Abbie, I think this is pretty awesome. Well drawn mugs and great designs. Love, Grandpa by the Lake
- Mark on March 23, 2022
Abbie, I had not heard of Lucia Stewart. I looked her up and I love her art work. It is fun. I like your mugs! The colors are great and your designs are whimsical, just like Lucia's. I think she would really like your art work. Love,
- Grandma at the lake on March 23, 2022
Abbie, I think this is very clever!! I love your use of color.
- Grandma at the lake on February 16, 2022
Such creativity. I really like it and I am sure I could not have done as well myself.
- Mark on February 16, 2022
Abbie, I really like this. The bear looks so big and up close against such a colorful background. It just looks cool! Love, Grandpa by the lake
- Mark on February 2, 2022
Abbie, I love your bear! She looks so she is trying to think of something to tell me.
- Grandma at the lake on February 2, 2022
I love this beautiful polar bear so much! This is one of my favorites.
- Aunt Maggie on February 2, 2022
Beautiful snowy night
- Grandma R on December 8, 2021
This painting makes me feel relaxed. Like I should curl up with hot chocolate and read a book. I love it and you!
- Grandma at the lake on December 8, 2021
This is one of my favorites! Love the trees and moon! Nice job again! Love, Aunt Jessie
- Jessie on December 8, 2021
Looks like a fun day! Nice drawings! Love, Aunt Jessie
- Jessie on December 8, 2021
Cute purple dragon! I love your creativity! I want to be his/her friend :) Love, Aunt Jessie
- Jessie on December 8, 2021
Very cool looking apple! Love, Aunt Jessie
- Jessie on December 8, 2021
Wow! Such a cool looking person! Very creative, keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Jessie
- Jessie on December 8, 2021
HEY! This is a fun way to draw yourself. I don't know much about Minecraft, but Daniel plays. I think you make a cute Minecraft person.
- Grandma at the lake on November 24, 2021
Abbie, I love this self portrait with all the square parts, including square nose, eyes, and mouth. And I like that it's very colorful. With all those golden squares, I can tell it's you with your beautiful, flowing hair.
- Aunt Maggie on November 24, 2021
I like the way the papers are weaved. Fancy! I like that you chose green paper for the solid one. Is there anything hidden on the colorful pieces of paper, I wonder?
- Aunt Maggie on November 10, 2021
Abbie that weaving looks very clever...I want to see the picture that you drew that is weaved in the green.
- Grandma at the lake on November 10, 2021
Very cute apple bowl. I'm very impressed with its realistic shape!
- Aunt Maggie on October 27, 2021
I like your Apple! It looks very useful… what will you use it for? I like it!
- Love, Grandma at the lake on October 20, 2021
Abbie, I don't know how you did this but I like it. Love, Grandpa Anderson
- Mark on September 8, 2021
I like your book mark. I think it is very pretty. Is it made of lots of papers? Or is is cloth. I can't tell. But I like all the colors.
- Grandma at the lake on September 8, 2021
Abbie, this looks really cool. Is that paper art? Did you use glue, or tape or staples? I like the spacing on the page. Love from the biking grandpa in Florida.
- Mark on March 17, 2021
Very cool way to do a piece of art - looks to me like cut-out pieces of colored paper. Love the colors and designs!
- Aunt Maggie on March 17, 2021
How clever is that Abbie!!! I love it.
- grandma at the Lake on March 17, 2021
Abbie,, this is really cool. I don't think I have enough patience to make that many rainbow marks so well. Good job. Grandpa currently in Florida
- Mark on March 17, 2021
this reminds me of a book we read.
- Grandma R on March 10, 2021
wow Abbie that is a great drawing. I don't think I would want to be that close to a dragon! very colorful.
- Grandma R on March 10, 2021
I love how you used the rainbow colors in order...very nicely done. Grandma at the lake.
- Grandma at the Lake on March 3, 2021
I like your Find the hidden Fairies picture. I found them. Love, Grandma at the lake
- Grandma at the Lake on March 3, 2021
I love your Magical land. Such a pretty place!! Love, Grandma at the lake
- Grandma at the lake on March 3, 2021
I love this pouch of penguins!! So cute! I love that they are sharing the pouch with a snowman. So cute!!
- Aunt Maggie on February 24, 2021
I like your penguin pouch...glad you put a snowman in there too so the penguins can stay cool. Penguins are like me...they like it cool. Love, Grandma at the Lake
- Grandma at the lake on February 24, 2021
I just LOVE Nella the dragon. She's so cute. I love her green tummy and green spikes on her tail.
- Aunt Maggie on February 17, 2021
Hey Abbie, I like your purple dragon. I especially like the tail. I hope you enjoyed drawing the dragon. Love, Grandpa
- Mark on February 17, 2021
Nella looks very sweet. Not a scary dragon. I like her. I like you too! Love
- Grandma at the Lake on February 7, 2021
Abbie, I'm sure this artwork has a wonderful story. I want to hear all about it. So many colors...just like your lovely memories. Love you
- Grandma at the lake on February 7, 2021
Good job! ????????????????????????????????
- Lizzie/Dad on January 24, 2021
I loved the colorful rainbow-topia with purple plants and super colorful house, and I think a very colorful snowman too, right?
- Aunt Maggie on January 24, 2021
This desert road looks like a drive into the sunset. Nice job!
- Grandma at the lake on January 27, 2021
I like your thinking cap...looks like it is nice and warm too.
- Grandma at the lake on January 24, 2021
Abbie, I really like the rainbow-topia...drawing. It looks like a place I would like to spend some time at to relax. I like the ball play. And, is that a rainbow snowman? It looks like one. That is so cool!!
- Grandma at the lake on January 24, 2021
Abbie, I like the way you think! Lots of love!
- Grandma at the lake on January 13, 2021
Wow. A road through the desert to the mountains. I really like it. Good balance in the picture. Very good job.
- Mark on December 16, 2020
Abbie...these cats are so cool. I really like them. I like the mouse too. Very clever.
- Grandma at the lake on December 16, 2020
Hey Abbie, I really like Lucy the Cat. And the mouse. You show great imagination with your drawing and coloring. Cool color combinations. Except for the fact that I don't really want a cat, we could use a cat up here to catch some real mice. Keep up the artwork. I enjoy it. I hope you had fun doing it. Love, Grandpa By the Lake
- Mark on December 16, 2020
I LOVE this polka dot, striped, and checkered kitty with the polka dot mouse. I love the designs and the colors. Very creative, very fancy. I'm impressed!
- Aunt Maggie on December 16, 2020
Abbie, By the way, did I say I really like it? I miss you.
- Grandpa by the lake on November 18, 2020
Abbie, Have you ever seen colorful corn on the cob like this? I have. I checked on the internet and they still call it Indian corn. It comes in many different colors.
- Grandpa by the lake on November 18, 2020
Hi Abbie, Did you know that there are 40 species of gulls? And they all have different names, but none of them is seagull; crazy! I think you maybe drew a Great Black-backed Gull, or maybe a Slaty-backed Gull. Very nice background of the gull by the water; he looks happy. :)
- Aunt Maggie on October 28, 2020
Abbie, This is awesome. It also looks like a Loon to me, which is a type of bird we see on Lake Nancy a lot. Love, Grandpa by the Lake
- Mark on October 21, 2020
Abbie, I like your seagull. What is her name? You do such nice drawings. Love, Grandma at the lake
- Grandma at the Lake on October 21, 2020
Abbie, Your Outside scene is very inviting. I want to sit at the table and have a cup of tea with you. Or hot chocolate. Love,
- Grandma at the Lake on September 30, 2020
Abigail, I looked at this before and thought that I really like your name, and you! Your art work is very nice.
- Grandma at the Lake on September 30, 2020
Abbie, These guys are really cool. I think they are jumping, is that right? I like the colors and the special antennas that they have. Very nice job! Love, Gandma
- Grandma at the Lake on September 30, 2020
Abbie!! I love this Rainy Day picture. It is so much fun! I love the rain drop face and arms and I think it is one of my very favorite pictures that you have drawn. I would like to know her name. Love, Grandma at the Lake
- Grandma at the Lake on September 30, 2020
This looks like something maybe out of a comic book! Very cool Box head aliens. I would definitely like more information about these people.
- Aunt Maggie on September 30, 2020
WOW. This an amazing piece of art. One of the best I've seen. It really captures the artist's feelings about rainy days. The shape of the person, the color scheme - all very thoughtful.
- Aunt Maggie on September 30, 2020
Your name is very fancy!
- Grandma R(fan) on September 10, 2020
Your name tag looks like it took a lot of imagination to create. Did it take a long time to make? I like the colors, and the heart. Love.
- Grandpa by the lake on September 10, 2020
Well this seems like some art with a story! I'd love to hear it sometime. I like all the details.
- Aunt Maggie on September 10, 2020
Beautiful name artwork. Love all the different colors and strips and dots. Very creative.
- Aunt Maggie on September 10, 2020
Abbie, this is a great picture! I love the colors, flower and the heart inside the house. You're very artistic! Love, Aunt Jessie :)
- Jessie on February 19, 2020
Abbie, I like your house. I like the colors and the flowers. I especially like that there is a heart in your house. It shows how much love there is in your house. Love, Grandma by the Lake
- Grandma by the lake on February 12, 2020
I have so many questions. Is the house made of Popsicle sticks? How did you make those two flowers - the yellow and pink ones in the corner. Is the blue sky finger painted? Looks very cool!
- Aunt Maggie on February 12, 2020
Love this snowman, especially his hat and scarf. And I love the way you made the snowflakes all around.
- Aunt Maggie on December 18, 2019
Abbie, This is beautiful. It makes me want to build a snowman in my yard right now. We have lots of snow here at the lake but no snowman. I especially like the red hat and the scarf. Love, Grandpa
- Grandpa on December 18, 2019
I really like your snowman! Such a cute one. I like snow. It is very pretty. Maybe you can come to the lake and make one with me.
- Grandma by the lake on December 18, 2019
Abbie!! Wow! My favorite color with lots of other pretty colors. I don’t see the name of this one... what do you call it? I call it “lovely “ Love Grandma by the lake
- Grandma by the lake on December 18, 2019
Abbie, I love your use of colors. The swirls are very pretty. I especially like how your leaf has veins just like real leaves. Love, Grandma by the lake
- Grandma by the lake on December 18, 2019
Wow!!! Abbie, you are becoming such an artist. I love your self-portrait. It is so much fun. I like your hair and dress. Love you, Grandma
- Grandma By the Lake on November 6, 2019
Great picture Abbie! I like how you made your curly hair and the detail on your dress. You are an awesome artist
- Grandma Rubush on November 6, 2019
I like your paper shapes. They remind me of buildings. Nice job! I like all the colors.
- Marge on October 15, 2019
Abbie, your line work is amazing, and I love your color choices. This is absolutely beautiful! Love, Aunt Maggie
- on September 16, 2019
Abbie, this painting is so cool. So many different shapes. How did you do it? Did you use different stamps? I like the cubes, especially the ones that have a little dot of red at the bottom. The triangles on top of the rectangles remind me of part hats. I always like the way you use lots of colors.
- on September 16, 2019
Abbie, I love the way you used color in this painting. I also like how they are layered on an angle. This makes your painting so interesting. The swirls or curly lines are fun in the middle. I’m so glad to see your art work. It makes me smile. Thanks for sharing. Continue to enjoy art class and making lots of fun pieces of art.