What a great mural of yourself Haley! I see you are playing volleyball! Keep up the great work.
- Uncle Dave on December 5, 2024
Haley, your number 24 did spectacularly this year in volleyball. I hope you get to be 24 for all of your years in volleyball at Holy Angels. You did a fantastic job and I know you will get better and better every year, just like your artwork. We love you Haley. Keep up the good work in all that you do. Love Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, I love your name plate. It is so unique. Is that foil that you drew on? I love it. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Very cool artwork. Love the metallic background and translucent colors. Keep up the great work!
- Uncle Dave on December 5, 2024
Haley, I knew it was you even without the glasses. You have such a sweet smile. I love you sweetie! Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, such a unique drawing of sleigh bells. I always think of the bells at Christmas, but you have brought a whole new dimension to it. Love it!! Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, beautiful job. Your colors are so vibrant and your weaving is wonderful. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, what a kaleidoscope of colors with this piece of art. Great use of yarn to connect it all together. Uncle Dave
- Uncle Dave on December 5, 2024
Haley, Such a neutral drawing. Everything blends in and nothing jumps out at you, which is what neutral means. Some of your favorite places are there, especially Culver's. It is one of mine too. What is the building behind Culver's and next to the bank? You did not name it. Always impressed by your art projects. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, How cute!!! This puts my calendars to shame, so thoughtful and creative. Hallmark better grab you and hire you to do their artwork! So proud of you. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, love your ship. I also love the name of your ship. Very ingenious. You have sails on your ship. Have you ever been sailing? You will have to ask Papa, he loves to go sailing. Love Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, when did you get a ship? That is a huge ship on the ocean. Very pretty! Great job!
- Uncle Dave on December 5, 2024
Haley, I am not sure what type of art form this is, but you always create beautiful and exciting pieces of art. I love seeing your creations. Love Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, you made your candy corn picture very interesting. Is it because by you really no like candy corn? You drew a very thoughtful Halloween picture! Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Very nice use of hot and cold colors with your sun. I especially like the winking eye! Great job Haley!
- Uncle Dave on December 5, 2024
What an artistic view of a hand and arm. It is beautifully dressed with such a pretty sleeve and a bracelet. Your autograph compliments your colors. I love your artwork, it is so imaginative and you really think outside the box. Way to go!!! Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, who is this beautiful young lady with the long hair, beautiful eyes and winning smile? I think I know who it is. Love Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, a patchwork rabbit. So ingenious. Again your imagination is a gift. Where is he running off to? Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, your butterfly is so special. The hearts that decorate it make it even more unusual. You have a wonderful imagination. Don’t ever lose your gift. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, your dragonflies are dashing and dashing off to so many different places. They are in places you would never expect. Love all the different themes. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
This is a beautiful butterfly! I love the contrast in colors against its black wings!
- Uncle Dave on December 5, 2024
Haley, Wouldn't you just love to have such a beautiful bunny as the one you made? It is so colorful and looks so soft and cuddly. Bunnies are supposed to bring smiles to our faces and this one sure puts a smile on my face. Good job!!! Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Wow Haley, had to look this one up. Was not sure what warps and wefts meant. I had to look it up and so I learned something from your art, other than you are doing a magnificent job turning that into fabric. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 5, 2024
Haley, so many hearts, so many shades of pink. But, the biggest and best heart is your heart Haley. Love it!! Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on March 10, 2023
Great winter scene with your snowman family! They are all bundled up for the subzero weather.
- Uncle Dave on March 10, 2023
Very cool Christmas gnome. He's one of Santa's little helpers or friends of your Elf on a Shelf?
- Uncle Dave on March 10, 2023
Haley, Once again I am amazed at your ingenuity. Your ability to create is so good. Who would have ever thought that a tree could look so good!! Keep up the good work. Always look forward to your artwork. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 4, 2022
Haley, I would love to have this turkey emoji to use to ask you to share Thanksgiving Day dinner with me and Papa. Bring the entire family. He is so handsome! Love you, Grandma and Papa.
- Vicky on December 4, 2022
Haley, this reminds me of when you were younger, many years ago, that we would sing Itsy Bitsy Spider. Your spider is beautiful and you didn’t forget the web!! Love ya sweetie, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, such pretty flowers and such a unique vase to hold them. So much color and brightness. It surely did put a smile on my face. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, your eye of the storm is beautiful. Your colors are so pretty and thoughtful. Love ya, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
My sweet Haley, your self portrait is so sweet. You always have a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye!!! Your Portrait is so full of life just like you are always so lively. Never change Haley. Stay Grandma’s sweet Haley forever. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, I know how much you love rainbows. Such pretty colors and a beautiful dove too. Fly free Haley, soar up to the stars. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, Bunnies, Bunnies everywhere. There is one for everyone. Short bunnies, tall bunnies, short ears, and long ears. All different shapes and sizes, how can you not find one to love, I did. Love Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, your picture is so soft and warm. It is truly a feel good picture. I love your color choices and designs. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, you were spot on with your answers on the difference between a tortoise and a turtle. You did not forget the other sea creatures either. Love you, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, how creative you are. We love your artwork and look forward to every one of your pictures. So patterned and neat. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, how creative you are. We love your artwork and look forward to every one of your pictures. So patterned and neat. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, how creative you are. We love your artwork and look forward to every one of your pictures. So patterned and neat. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
Haley, how creative you are. We love your artwork and look forward to every one of your pictures. So patterned and neat. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 4, 2022
Haley, how creative you are. We love your artwork and look forward to every one of your pictures. So patterned and neat. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on November 10, 2022
What a unique picture. Haley always inspires me. Her drawings are always one of a kind and totally Haley! Keep up the good work. Grandma and Papa are really big fans.
- Vicky on December 4, 2022
Haley, Is that cupcake to celebrate my birthday? Your drawing is beautiful and the cupcake looks very appetizing, you have my age a little too high. Are those presents for me? Love Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 4, 2022
Haley, your pictures are always so bright and colorful. I look forward to see what you do next. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on December 4, 2022
Such the imagination and creativity. How can Santa not stop at such a welcoming ginger bread house? You have thought of everything. Haley you have been a true blessing to me and Papa this Christmastime and throughout the entire year. Love you to pieces, grandma and Papa.
- Vicky on January 26, 2022
Haley, why am I not surprised your two favorite things are included in your picture, hearts and stars. You are a star in my eyes and you have stole my heart. Love you, Grandma
- Vicky on January 26, 2022
Haley, I look forward to seeing all of your art projects. You never disappoint with your creativity. Keep them coming, love Grandma
- Vicky on January 26, 2022
Haley, your imagination near ceases to amaze me. I look forward to every one of your art pieces. I see a little bit of you with each one. Love it, Grandma
- Vicky on January 26, 2022
Your pumpkin is the best pumpkin in the entire patch! I almost missed the cat, but your stars were shining so bright I did see it. Love ya bunches, Grandma
- Vicky on January 26, 2022
How beautiful Haley! Love, Mom
- Jaime (Mother) on October 12, 2021
So pretty and colorful. You always create such unique things in your artwork. We are so proud of you!!! Love, Grandma
- Vicky on October 12, 2021
Haley, why am I not surprised you included animals and sweets, especially chocolate. Which is your favorite. You, Haley, are the sweet one on this page. Love, grandma
- Vicky on October 12, 2021
- John(fan) on October 12, 2021
- John(fan) on October 12, 2021
It looks so pretty and colorful, so full of life. Just like you Haley, so colorful and full of life! Love Grandma
- Vicky on October 12, 2021
Somehow Grandma and Papa missed this picture. It must have been when we were on vacation. Your snowflakes are so pretty and colorful. It might make winter a little easier to get through if the snow that fell looked like your snowflakes. Love you, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on October 12, 2021
Haley, Our little artist, again so creative. It is hard to believe that in just a year or so your love for art has blossomed so. I am so glad that your parents are helping to let your talent shine in encouraging you to be creative. Grandma and Papa are so proud of you, we love you!
- Vicky on October 12, 2021
My little artist - all of your faces are so sweet. Your personality comes out in your artwork. We love seeing what you see and feeling what you feel. We are so proud of you. Love Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on October 12, 2021
Beautiful job Haley!
- Jaime (Mother) on February 12, 2020
Haley, your imagination never ceases to amaze us. So many objects in your picture. You are such the artist. We are so proud of you, keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Who is this beautiful little girl? Is it Haley???? We look forward to seeing your new creations, keep them coming. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
This is the prettiest turkey I have ever seen. Love it!!!! Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Haley, your polar bear looks so sweet and gentle. Looks like she would just love to get a big hug. We love seeing your artwork because you are so creative. Love Grandma and Pspa
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Haley, your artistic talents continue to amaze us. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work. We love you, Grandma and Papa.
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Haley, your black cat is so cute. Your artistic talent just blows me away. You are so creative. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma and Papa
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Haley, such a beautiful house. It is so colorful and bright. Grandma and Papa love it. Keep shining little Haley, we love seeing your artwork. We are so proud of you.
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Haley, sorry if I missed this one, but it is sooo beautiful. I love your color combinations and your creativity. You are our little Rembrandt. Love, grandma and papa.
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Haley, I see all the colors of fall in your beautiful picture. Keep up the good work. We love you and are so proud of you, love grandma and papa.
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Haley, you continue to amaze us with your creativity. Keep up the good work. You are such the little artist! Love, grandma and papa.
- Vicky on January 24, 2020
Keep up the good work! Those popsicles look yummy!!!
- Grandma and Papa on January 24, 2020
You are so creative. We cannot wait to see what you do next. Keep up the good work. We are so proud of you. Love ya, Grandma and Papa
- on September 25, 2019
You are our little sunshine ?? Love Grandma and Papa
- on September 25, 2019
You are such the little artist. We are so proud of your artistic creations. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma and Papa??