Holly3641's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Holly3641's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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DREAM! I love it. Was a lot for my already abstract mind. :) You're so talented!! You should show your teacher your bones drawing!! :D
- Maureen (Mother) on November 4, 2020
This is just so gorgeous! Reminds me of growing up in the Northeast in the fall. Beautiful!!
- Maureen (Mother) on October 2, 2020
- Elisse on April 15, 2020
Eye love it!!!
- Dad on October 31, 2019
Oh I love this so much!! I have JUST the spot for it over my desk! :)
- Maureen (Mother) on October 21, 2019
Beautiful! I love the colors!
- Dad on October 21, 2019
Love it! Looks like the upside down from Stranger things, even though you don't watch that - haha! Love the depth of the composition.
- Maureen (Mother) on October 9, 2019
I love the colors on this one.
- Dad on October 21, 2019
Beautiful! Great job Holly
- Dad on October 21, 2019