Augie119's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Augie119's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Amazing--the lines and shading make it look three-dimensional! Great job Augie!
- Kevin (Father) on May 8, 2024
This is such a cool piece and I recognized the Capitol immediately. I’m so proud of the art you make. Keep it up!
- Denise(fan) on February 21, 2024
I can’t wait to see this one in person so you can tell me more about the story happening here. I love your color choices and grouping.
- Denise(fan) on February 21, 2024
This is one of my favorites. I like the varying colors you used and the grouping of them almost tells a story. I can’t wait to hear you tell me all about this piece.
- Denise on February 21, 2024
Wow, Augie! I love the different colors you used here. The combinations of shapes really makes this jump out. I can’t wait to see it in person.
- Denise(fan) on September 29, 2021
Awesome monster dude!
- Daddy on September 29, 2021
Great job Augie! I live the colors you chose.
- Daddy on December 7, 2019