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Anthony34432's Comments
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Below are comments about Anthony34432's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice job!! Anthony Love it!!
- Caryl on January 9, 2020
Holy moly dude! Sure hope this guy doesn’t trample on my garden if he gets loose. Nice job! Looks like the elephants in the zoo.
- Joyce on January 9, 2020
Boy Anthony, this peacock could spend some time in my yard anytime. He’s beautiful! Good job.
- Joyce on January 9, 2020
Boy Anthony, this peacock could spend some time in my yard anytime. He’s beautiful! Good job.
- Joyce on January 9, 2020
Great job!! Beautiful!! You are quite the artist!! Love ya! Keep up the good work!!
- NANA on January 9, 2020
Great job Anthony!! Nice work! Love Ya NaNa and PaPa
- Caryl on November 21, 2019
This quail can come sit in my yard anytime. I would watch him like we watch the deer. Good job!
- Joyce on November 21, 2019
Cool mice Duder! Hopefully they aren’t eating your lunch! Good job! Hugs and kisses.
- Joyce on November 21, 2019
Duder, you did an awesome job on this zebra. He could hide with the deer and we might never see him. Nice job!
- Joyce on October 17, 2019
Wow Duder this guy could be really cool to have at my house. He’d like to roam around outside. Good job!
- Joyce on October 17, 2019
Hey Bruiser! I bet Marty in Madagascar would love to have your cool colors on his coat too! He likes being different. Good job!!
- Amy on October 9, 2019
Nice job Bruiser!! I think I remember our family cat D'art had this look too! :)
- Amy on October 9, 2019