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Alice2793's Comments
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Below are comments about Alice2793's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Alice, I think you are amazing! Keep up the good work! Love Grandma xox
- Grandma on December 20, 2023
Looks great Alice! Finally got logged in again as well.
- Dad on December 6, 2023
Alice, I love your pumpkin! You will have to draw one for me so I can put it on my fridge! Well done!
- Grandma on December 6, 2023
So much movement and color. I love this ??
- Mom on April 26, 2023
So cool!! Nice work Alice!
- Lindsay (Mother) on April 24, 2023
Alice, it is beautiful! I enjoy seeing all your artwork! You do such an amazing job!
- Grandma on April 19, 2023
That one’s my favorite ??
- Char on April 19, 2023
Looks like a normal day at the Harvey house??????
- Char on April 19, 2023
Alice, that looks so real! You are amazing! xo
- Grandma on January 18, 2023
Love this. Reminds me of s’mores toasted in the fire pit in your backyard. ??
- Charlene on January 18, 2023
Nice work Alice. Worthy of a T-shirt ??
- Char on October 26, 2022
Alice, I love your Pirate Parrot! I especially love its eye patch! Well Done!
- Grandma on March 30, 2022
Alice I just love your pumpkin! I really enjoy seeing everything that you do!
- Grandma on December 8, 2021
Alice this is awesome!! I can see how you learned to draw that cool hat. Love you sweet girl!
- Lindsay (Mother) on November 19, 2021
Alice, I love your Haunted House! Well Done! Is that a creepy spider I see crawling your house! Love Grandma
- Grandma on October 20, 2021
Alice I love this!! Can you bring it home so we can hang it up in time for Halloween???
- Mom on October 14, 2021
Alice look at that beautiful sunshine! I love it! Can’t wait to spend lots of time in the sun with you this summer!
- Lindsay (Mother) on May 27, 2021
Alice this is so cool! I’m always impressed with your cute details that make your art so fun to look at. Love you sweetie!
- Mom on February 3, 2021
Alice is that you swinging on the monkey bars! You are such a good artist! Love Grandma xx
- Grandma on September 30, 2020
This is so cute Alice! I love how your pictures are always so happy. :)
- Mom on September 30, 2020
Alice, that is such a cute Duck! Well done! Love Grandma xx
- Grandma on September 30, 2020
Alice, what a scary Lion! Well Done! You are such a great artist! Love Grandma xo
- Grandma on March 7, 2020
Alice this peacock is one of my favorite things you’ve ever done. I hope you keep loving art, you’re a talented little lady ??
- Lindsay (Mother) on January 15, 2020
Alice, I love your "M is for Mouse" artwork! You did such a great job!
- Grandma on November 13, 2019