Zane3711's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Zane3711's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Dragon Eye! Excellent job! Love, Grandma and Pops
- Bob and Micky on January 25, 2023
Truly amazing Zane. You are going to have many choices for a wonderful career in the future. We love you so much!
- Grammy Malenna on January 25, 2023
WOW, Zane! The proportions are perfect. I am again amazed at your talent. We love you dearly. Grammy and Grampy
- Ronandmalenna on January 25, 2023
I really think you captured the very essence of a modern Mona Lisa! Love the hair and the setting. We continue to be amazed at all you can do.
- Ronandmalenna on January 25, 2023
Great job weaving buddy!
- Ronandmalenna on January 25, 2023
I see a scary mask! You are an artist with talent plus! Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on January 25, 2023
You are a very skilled artist and I think the proportions in this picture are perfect. So very proud of you Zane. Love, Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on June 8, 2022
Once again you have made an art piece that looks like you are far older than 10! Love to see what you can do Zane. Love Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on April 20, 2022
I love weaving and creating fun works of art just like you Zane. Great job buddy, Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on April 20, 2022
You are a storyteller and and illustrator Zane. What an amazing adventure watching you grow. Love you lots. Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on March 10, 2022
What an amazing picture! I am so proud of you Zane for so many reasons. Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on January 26, 2022
Zane, you are a wonderful artist. Keep creating! Love Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on December 1, 2021
Grammy continues to be amazed at your talent as an artist! It is so fun to see each project. Everyone asks me about my face mask with the dragon on it. I proudly tell them that it is my grandson’s art work. Love from Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on December 1, 2021
Love your robot and you!
- Ronandmalenna on December 1, 2021
Nice work Zane! I will want to see this colorful well-formed little pot. You continue to do amazing work. Love. Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on June 2, 2021
Love your weaving! I have done weaving too. It is so much fun. When you come visit you and I can do a weaving together. We are so proud of you!
- Ronandmalenna on June 2, 2021
This art of paper is really lovely. Someday I will want some of your work to frame. Love the orange, red, and blue colors. Love you lots, Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on April 21, 2021
What a lovely picture! You an amazing artist and a fabulous grandson. Love, Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on April 7, 2021
Great artwork Zane! Lots of colors, and well done!
- Bobandmicky on April 7, 2021
Grammy would like a print of this waterway built by the Romans! I continue to be amazed by your skill as an artist. I wish I could be your teacher! Love and hugs and pie kisses, Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on March 24, 2021
Wonderful and talented artwork Zane! We love it!??
- Bob and Micky Routson on March 24, 2021
You are an amazing artist Zane! We love seeing your work. Thanks for working so hard at school. Proud of YOU! Grammy
- Malenna on January 6, 2021
Your artwork is clever ! We really enjoyed looking at it and we are proud of your creativity! Good job Zane!
- BobandMicky on November 19, 2020
Zane, you have created fun and interesting art work! We love it!
- Bobandmicky on November 10, 2020
The artwork is a fun and interesting idea! We love it!
- Bobandmicky on November 10, 2020
The artwork is a fun and interesting idea! We love it!
- Bobandmicky on November 10, 2020
The artwork is a fun and interesting idea! We love it!
- Bobandmicky on November 10, 2020
What a great dragon! You are a fantastic artist. We are so very proud of you. Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on July 1, 2020
You have created a wonderful starry night picture. I am thrilled to see what lovely things you are capable of doing in second grade! Love, Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on January 22, 2020
Wow! This is really neat! I love all the different colors, and the way the shapes are balanced across the piece. Great work Buddy. Dad
- Conrad on January 8, 2020
Your art work is amazing! I love the colors and the lines of what look like buildings. Love, Grammy
- Ronandmalenna on January 8, 2020
Nicely done Zane Bob! Keep up the good work. We love your artwork.
- Ronandmalenna on October 9, 2019