Madison42593's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Madison42593's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a beautiful piece of jewelry. The use of texture, shapes and color are amazing!
- Margie on May 25, 2022
This doughnut looks good enough to eat! Yum!
- Margie on May 25, 2022
Enjoy this colorful fish!
- Margie on May 25, 2022
This so reminds me of our wonderful Trudy ... who is a corgi. Great representation!
- Margie on May 25, 2022
Great perspective on your underwater assignment, Madison. Love the fish (dolphin perhaps) circling the light ...
- Margie on May 25, 2022
This looks like a beautiful bow or flower perhaps. Wonderful job!
- Margie on May 25, 2022
Love these trees losing their colorful leaves. Reminds me of confetti!
- Margie on May 25, 2022
Oh my, Maddie… that truly looks good enough to eat. It is so realistic!
- Margie on May 25, 2022
Love the creativity in this one! Who among us has caught snowflakes while they were falling?
- Margie on May 25, 2022
Maddie, this is incredible! You are so talented!
- Lauren (Mother) on November 22, 2021
What an adorable and colorful bug.
- Margie on November 22, 2021
At first glance I thought these were seashells but when I looked closer, I think they are pyramids.
- Margie on November 22, 2021
I couldn’t quite decide if this was a bull dog or a rhinoceros. But it has a happy decoration on its side. Very well done!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
What a beautiful girl in a heart costume.
- Margie on November 22, 2021
What a cool mask, Maddie!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
Cutest and most colorful caterpillar I have ever seen.
- Margie on November 22, 2021
Love, love, love this tree and beautifully colored leaves!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
What a lovely flower!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
Isn’t this the cutest scarecrow you’ve ever seen? Love it!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
Love this spooky spider and web!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
I, not only love the shapes of this, but the beautiful colors. I am reminded of my grandmother’s (Maddie’s great, great grandmother’s) patch work quilt.
- Margie on November 22, 2021
Maddie's abstract art
- Lauren (Mother) on April 14, 2021
Maddie's spider web
- Lauren (Mother) on April 14, 2021
What a beautiful giraffe you have drawn, Maddie! I think it is the first time I have seen a pink giraffe. Simply gorgeous!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
Must be Fall, I love the variety of color in the leaves. Beautiful!
- Grammy on November 22, 2021
These houses touched my heart!
- Grammy on November 22, 2021
I love all the colors and shapes in this piece of artwork.
- Grammy on November 22, 2021
Such a sophisticated piece of art. Love the lemur ... colors, positioning et al! Hard to believe my talented granddaughter, Madison, is only in first grade. So proud of you, Maddie!
- Grammy on November 22, 2021
Madison, I especially love your creative use of color and the beautiful color wheel you created!
- Margie on November 22, 2021
Spiders, oh me, oh my. Not my favorite thing but you did a wonderful job, not just on the spider but the web as well! Wonderful!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
I wonder if these are Christmas trees. Love how they are decorated with beautiful strings of lights and ornaments. Captures the spirit of Christmas! Love it!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
This reminds me of spring ... rainbows, flowers and being outside in the beautiful weather!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
Lots of beautiful windows in this house. Is this a picture of the house where you live?
- Margie on April 12, 2020
Looks like a game of cards might be happening in the foreground. Love the variety of things to focus on. Great job, Madison!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
Must be Thanksgiving and this is a wonderful depiction of a turkey. Love you, miss you!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
Artwork is seen differently from everyone who views it. This looks like a sailboat on the waters of Florida. The colors are beautiful!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
I love the hands grasping for those beautiful flowers. Great job!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
The flowers in your drawing are beautiful, Madison! A good reminder that spring is on the way!
- Margie on April 12, 2020
Nicely done, Maddie!
- Grammy on April 12, 2020
- Lauren (Mother) on January 29, 2020
Good Job Madison, Great Spider Web !!!
- Tim on January 1, 2020
Beautiful rainbow, Maddie. I like the sun and the birds in the sky.
- Lauren (Mother) on September 13, 2019