WOW! Very colorful and imaginative. What do all the colors and shapes represent? I think I see a barn, apple trees, carrots and cabbages. Is the blue a river or lake? What are the other colors and shapes? LOVE IT AND YOU!
- Bacca on May 26, 2021
Good job buddy. So proud of you!!!
- Nay Nay on May 5, 2021
Your pig looks very happy. Can I call him Pork Chop?
- Bacca on April 8, 2020
Pretty color on that Caterpillar. Is it taking care of its Caterpillar eggs?
- Bacca on March 12, 2020
I love your art work Ian!!! Love you, Naynay
- Nay Nay on March 4, 2020
This is the happiest blue caterpillar I've ever seen. Great job buddy.
- Bacca on March 4, 2020
I love the penguin. Really good work buddy.
- Bacca on January 25, 2020
I love the penguin. Really good work buddy.
- Bacca on January 25, 2020
I love your new artwork. GREAT JOB!
- Bacca on January 25, 2020
I love your latest artwork Ian. So cute. Love you, Bacca
- Bacca on December 28, 2019
Love the skeleton interpretations. Pollackesque maybe. LOL