Gabe4770's Comments (66)

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Below are comments about Gabe4770's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You have accomplished a very nice landscape, Gabe. Working with graphite is a lot of fun. Keep up the good work!
- Roda on April 24, 2024
Your miniature space gallery was a fantastic idea Gabe! Fun and colorful, good job!
- Roda on March 13, 2024
Nice design Gabe!
- Roda on January 17, 2024
Reminds me of a dazzling jewel...good work!
- Roda on December 20, 2023
Your work is very imaginitive. Keep it up!
- Roda on October 18, 2023
Awesome collaborative work Gabe!
- Roda on September 20, 2023
Thus piece is awesome!!!
- Roda on May 24, 2023
Great work Gabe!
- Roda on April 5, 2023
Good job Gabe. One thing I know about you, you are kind.
- Grandma on February 15, 2023
Nice work!
- Roda on February 15, 2023
That is so cool Gabe, I love contrast.
- Grandma on January 11, 2023
Compelling use of light and dark Gabe. Love the background color!
- Roda on January 11, 2023
Good job Gabe
- Grandma on January 11, 2023
This snowflake is so you! Kind of mine crafty. Well done.
- Grandma on January 11, 2023
Well done Gabe! I love snowflakes and this is bright and cheery.
- Grandma on January 11, 2023
Super vibrant, super cool!
- Roda on January 11, 2023
Great job Gabe!
- Roda on December 14, 2022
Very interesting Gabe, the longer I look at this piece of art the more hidden little drawings I find. I like that, I bet I will find more when I go back and look again.
- Dawn on October 19, 2022
Great job Gabe! This is a useful skill, as well as fun.
- Roda on May 18, 2022
Nice job Gabe!
- Grandma on May 4, 2022
Very cool background, good work!
- Roda on May 4, 2022
Very colorful....good technique!
- Roda on March 15, 2022
Interesting collage Gabe!
- Roda on March 15, 2022
Nice job Gabe. Collage is so fun
- Grandma on March 9, 2022
What a fun, creative project. Good work Gabe!
- Roda on March 2, 2022
Nice job recreating a snowflake.
- Lisa on January 26, 2022
Awesome color combo. I like it!
- Grandma on January 19, 2022
Awesome color combo Gabe I like it
- Grandma on January 19, 2022
Nice color choices. An interesting picture with lots happening, I would love to hear your story.
- Grandma on January 12, 2022
Snowflakes are so cool, you nailed it Gabe!
- Grandma on January 12, 2022
Nice flake! The color combination is pretty cool :)
- Roda on January 5, 2022
Nice leaf Gabe, fall is my favorite season
- Grandma on November 17, 2021
Nice 'colorama'...vibrant!
- Roda on November 17, 2021
Such a nice job Gabe! Being a quilter, I do know about Gee’s Bend quilts and quilters. I’d say you nailed it!
- Dawn on June 2, 2021
Good job Gabe!
- Roda on June 2, 2021
Beautiful bright colors Gabe! Well done
- Dawn on June 2, 2021
Well done Gabe! I like your use of such bright, cheerful colors.
- Roda on June 2, 2021
What a fun project Gabe, good job!
- Dawn on May 5, 2021
Creative work Gabe! You've used all of my favorite colors.
- Roda on May 5, 2021
I like it Gabe, very interesting. I’d like to have a conversation with you about it. ??
- Dawn on April 14, 2021
Fantastic job! You've made fun, vibrant egg.
- Roda on April 14, 2021
I love it Gabe, spring is in the air!
- Dawn on March 17, 2021
Gabe I like your sculpture, it looks like it could be a very fun roller coaster ride. I love roller coasters.
- Grandma on February 10, 2021
Looks like a fun game, or waterpark!
- Roda on February 10, 2021
Great work, very colorful!
- Roda on January 20, 2021
Gabe I love this!! That fox is the cutest! And again your detail is awesome.
- Dawn on January 13, 2021
Very colorful! Keep up the great work Gabe.
- Roda on January 6, 2021
Gabe I love how you put all those little details in your art. A lot there to make your eyes move over the entire piece. Very interesting.
- Grandma Dawn on January 6, 2021
Gabe, I love this. Lots of little details to hold our attention. Good job!
- Dawn on December 30, 2020
Nice job Gabe, ninja man.
- Grandma on December 30, 2020
A very interesting look for both gentlemen I must say.
- Grandma on June 30, 2020
Nice swing, Gabe! Great job. Hope to see you soon.
- Roda on April 29, 2020
Gabe, I love the detail here. You are getting really good at this drawing stuff!
- Grandma on April 28, 2020
I love the pretty lips in the bald guy Gabe!
- Grandma on April 28, 2020
I’m not sure who those people are but they look pretty serious
- Greg on April 28, 2020
Wow! I spy the tail of a green serpent!
- Roda on April 1, 2020
Nice job on that shirt Gabe!
- Grandma on April 1, 2020
Gabe, your flower is so pretty I can almost smell spring! Thank you Gabe!
- Grandma on April 1, 2020
What a very pretty flower Gabe. Great job!
- Roda on April 1, 2020
Gabe you have a great eye for color.
- Grandma on March 11, 2020
Nice weave Gabe. Love the bright colors!
- Dawn on March 11, 2020
Wow! What a fun project. Good work Gabe.
- Roda on January 8, 2020
Good look Gabe. Well done.
- Grammy on January 8, 2020
Gabe these look like you just picked them from the tree.
- Grammy on January 8, 2020
Nice work, Gabe!
- Roda on January 8, 2020
Gabe I'm so excited to see all of your artwork. This one looks so fun.
- Grammy on November 22, 2019