Brooks1605's Comments (44)

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Below are comments about Brooks1605's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looks nice. Almost like a birthday cake.
- Bonnie (Mother) on November 12, 2024
Excellent shading Brooks! Keep up the great work!
- Uncle Geoff on October 30, 2024
I mean this one… very creepy! Nice imagination.
- Bonnie (Mother) on October 15, 2024
Super cool. I love the animation.
- Bonnie (Mother) on September 24, 2024
Super cool animation Brooks! Homerun!
- Uncle Geoff on September 25, 2024
This is a funny one. That guy is jumping all over the place
- Brian (Father) on September 23, 2024
This is so cool. Love how it came out.
- Brian (Father) on September 23, 2024
This is such a cool piece of art. I am intrigued by the process. The butterfly is very special. Great job!
- Bonnie (Mother) on September 16, 2024
Ha ha ha! This is so cool. I love the animation of this piece.
- Bonnie (Mother) on September 16, 2024
Way to go buddy! These look great!
- Brian on September 11, 2024
I love this Dalmatia picture. Excellent attention to detail. Your art work gets better and better. GG
- Mary Anne on November 15, 2023
Wow Brooks, this pup is your best ever. Your attention to detail is remarkable and the background of purple and blues are stunning. The doggy looks like he could jump right off the page. I love it. Your GG
- GG on November 15, 2023
Wow Brooks, you have captured the essence of the cherished house cat. The mouth which is expressing “feed me, and it’s time for a little treat.” The eyes pleading “change my cat liter now, please” “Listen the door bell !!!! “I know you did not invite strangers to our house.” “Don’t tell them about how soft and beautifully colorful my coat is, which is still on your couch and your clothes and now on their’s also. Do not share how playful, how smart and how, at times, I can be warm and loving.” “Believe me, no one will even believe you have a cat. Besides, I will be hidden so far under your bed no one will find me. When the visitors are gone, clean liter is replaced, my food and water filled, you may coax me out with some treats.” Brooks this is one of your best pieces, actually amazing, hard to believe since you are not a fan of the cat. Your, GG
- Mary Anne on February 1, 2023
Brooks I love this new picture. You do so well on faces. The eyes, nose and mouth are so expressive and unique. The colors you have chosen are bright and cheerful. Beautiful Piece!!!! Love it!!!!!
- Mary Anne GG on February 1, 2023
- Mary Anne GG on February 1, 2023
Brooks, I love this latest piece of art. It is so creative. It allows me to imagine a sunset over the ocean or even how a planet might look from a space ship miles and miles above it. Love GG
- Mary Anne on November 9, 2022
Brooks this is an amazing art project. You have incorporated so many different medias in this one picture. I love the colorful yarn it just makes the picture pop off the page. Great work!!!! GG
- Mary Anne on September 21, 2022
#1. My first reaction to your latest work is WOW. Love your choice of colors and how they explode off the page. Not sure if you have a name for this piece. If not, may I suggest "Free Wheeling" Great Job!
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
Brooks, This is the best "Frosty-the-Snowman" ever. Everything about it (colors, shape, snow, tree, lights) says HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Your artwork has improved so much this past year and continues to impress. Great job! Popsie
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
Brooksie, What a beautiful fish. The colors are more spectacular that those found in the rainbow trout found in the Little River that runs through Townsend. Can't wait to see, and critique, more of your artwork in the coming months. Popsie
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
Brooksie, Without a doubt, this has to be your best artwork so far. What a beautiful scene with the beautiful blue sky, white puffy clouds, and the gorgeous rainbow. Your artistic ability definitely "shines" through with this piece. Will "Wow" on a tee shirt or coffee mug. Great job. So proud of you. Popsie
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
#1. Your artwork has improved dramatically! Great job with Mr. Sunshine. The detail of the forehead, eyes, nose, and lips almost make him to appear lifelike. Definitely a keeper and will end up on a tee shirt, or coffee mug. So proud of you. Popsie
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
#1, Looks like eight different hurricanes "churning" about in Franklintown, each uniquely identified with a wide variety of beautiful colors. Your color selection, as always, is outstanding. Keep up the good work. Popsie
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
Brooksie_ Of all your pieces, this may be my favorite. Not only is the seahorse perfectly drawn, your color selections just make it explode off the page. Great job! And great job printing your name. I see a big improvement compared to your first painting. Popsie
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
#1. This is excellent, and would be a great design for a patch-work quilt. Love all the squiggles, dots, swirls, and lines. Color selection is outstanding. My guess is that this may be your last piece for this school year. It's been exciting to follow and to critique all of your artwork this year. I'm hopeful that you will continue with your art classes in the second grade. Popsie
- Popsie on February 24, 2022
This one is my favorite! It reminds me of the book - Where the Wild Things Are.
- Uncle Geoff on March 10, 2021
Hey Brooks, the design and colors in this painting are super cool and creative!
- Uncle Geoff on March 10, 2021
Brooksie_ Love the self portrait, especially the golden locks, and beautiful blue eyes. Love the big, wide, smile that shows a full mouth of teeth after being a "snaggle-doggie" for awhile. Always impressed with your color selection. Great job #1. I love you. Popsie
- Popsie on March 10, 2021
I love your self portrait Brooks, it is an amazing likeness to you. I will be adding it to my collection of your Art Magnets on my refrigerator. Looking at each piece of your Art makes Your GG so happy.
- Mary Anne (GG) on March 10, 2021
Brooksie_ Butterfly #2. I'm equally impressed with your second drawing. I love your choice of colors, and how each set of wings are matched almost perfectly. The bold (black) outline really brings it to life. Great job #1 artist! Popsie
- Popsie on January 6, 2021
#1. What an absolutely wonderful painting! The leaves are spectacular, and remind me so much of the beauty we experience every fall here in the Smokies. Great Job! Popsie
- Popsie on January 6, 2021
WOW Brooksie! Some kind of monster. Let's call him "Pink Floyd". I continue to be impressed with your precision to detail. This would make a fabulous Halloween costume, don't you think? Outstanding work #1. Keep it up. Popsie
- Popsie on January 6, 2021
What a beautiful butterfly Brooksie. I love the color selection, especially how you focused on the two primary colors of yellow and orange. Just perfect for a butterfly. I'll be on the lookout next spring for one that looks just like yours. Great job!
- Popsie on November 11, 2020
Wow #1! You are quickly becoming a really good artist. The body color for this guy is so unique, and beautiful. You nailed the head and face. So life like. Looks exactly like the Camelions that greet me everyday on my front deck. Except that your color selection really sets your guy apart from the real lizards here in Townsend. Also, loved the way you accented your piece with the beautiful plants and flowers. So proud of you. Keep up the outstanding work! Popsie
- Popsie on November 11, 2020
Brooksie_ Circles are quite distinct and colorful. Kinda reminds me of a hurricane in motion with a perfectly formed "lime green" eye. Maybe we should send to the Whether Channel?? Fantastic job! Popsie
- Popsie on September 23, 2020
Again, great job #1. Color selection, for this "Dot Day Concentric Circle Design", is excellent. Each circle, with your added design and creativity, makes the center 'dot' jump-out at the viewer. Keep up the good work. Popsie
- Popsie on September 23, 2020
Brooksie_ Great job! Loved the color selection. Really neat and creative way of embedding and highlighting your name as part of the artwork. Atta Boy #1! Keep up the good work.
- Popsie on September 9, 2020
Wow Brooks! Your newest piece, the heart, is so unique. I love your attention to detail and creativity in this one.
- Bonnie on March 4, 2020
Brooksie_ Your choice of colors compliment one another, and really make this particular piece "pop". The variety of 'shapes' and 'squigqly' lines used show a lot of creativity. Great job!
- Popsie on March 4, 2020
Hello Brooks, You are quite artistic and getting better with each new piece you do. I get excited every time I get a message from Artsonia. It is the best treat ever. There is something special about each and every project you do. The Hungry Caterpillar’s body segments are beautifully detailed each one unique. I love the bold colors you chose and his little face is so cute and lovable. The heart picture is rich with pinks and purples blended together. It is one of my favorites. It reminds me of when MeMe says I love you to my heart. I am so proud of your creative work Brooks. Love GG
- Mary Anne on March 4, 2020
Out-of-the park good. The choice of contrasting colors are excellent, and make it appear almost life-like. Love the eyes, especially how you accented them with a yellow background. Keep up the good work #1.
- Popsie on February 19, 2020
Great job buddy!!! Looks good!!
- Brian on February 19, 2020
Wow Brooks, I love your portrait of The Fox in the Snow. Your eye for detail and color is amazing. You are very talented. It reminds me of the red fox we saw at the Lake House. You make your GG so proud.
- Mary Anne on December 4, 2019
Your art is absolutely awesome!! I am so proud of you.
- Bonnie (Mother) on November 20, 2019