Emerald346's Comments (104)

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Below are comments about Emerald346's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You're an amazing artist, sweetheart!!! I love it all.
- Dave on May 23, 2024
How wonderful it is to have an amazing artist in our family that provides beautiful art every week for our enjoyment. Your artwork is so inspiring to see and watch you grow your talent.
- Grandpa on May 23, 2024
This piece is amazing! I love all the colors. Very interesting. Great job Emerald! You’re getting better and better with every new artwork. Keep up the great work! love, auntie Sandy.
- Sandra on April 25, 2024
Another great piece of art by you Emmy. Beautifully executed and gorgeous. Grandpa & Grandma will love this piece and hang it on our wall. You make us very proud.
- Grandpa on April 25, 2024
I love your creative colorful work of art! Kandinsky would be proud of you as I am too:) You put a lot of effort into your colors, shapes and lines! This is so pleasing. I would buy this painting if I saw it in a studio! Wonderful! Love Grandma
- Judy on April 24, 2024
Loved the beautiful Lego flowers that you created! So pretty! Grandma
- Judy on April 24, 2024
I love your usage of household materials in creating the museum. But i especially loved the Van Gogh section. The paintings are well done! Good job! ?? Grandma
- Judy on April 24, 2024
This is the best reef I’ve ever seen this whole year. It’s so beautiful! You did another amazing job. Grandpa loves you
- Grandpa on April 24, 2024
Great job Emerald! Grandpa loves your artwork, you work so hard and it shows. You are so talented and amazing with your creations. Grandpa loves you
- Grandpa on April 24, 2024
What are an amazing art museum Emerald! I love all your hanging art and the wallpaper. Great job. Keep up the great work. Love, auntie Sandy.
- Sandra on April 24, 2024
Nice work Emmy, this is a beautiful display of your art talent. You are so very creative!
- Grandpa on April 24, 2024
Wow Emerald! What a beautiful holiday wreath! I love the flowers and the bows! It’s gorgeous! Great job! Love, auntie Sandy
- Sandra on April 24, 2024
Emerald, this is absolutely beautiful work and I love it! You are so talented and creative. Great work!
- Grandpa on April 24, 2024
Wow, this is so cool Emerald! I love your flowered, balloon cluster! Very creative! You did a great job! Keep up the great work. Love, auntie Sandy.
- Sandra on April 24, 2024
Nice Emmy! I’m sitting next to you at your house and can see the ballon Flower in front of us.
- Grandpa on April 24, 2024
Nice job Emerald! I think you did a great job on your artwork. Very colorful. The pinky finger looks just like yours. Perfectly asymmetrical! great work! Love, aunty Sandy.
- Aunty Sandra on November 5, 2023
I still like your artwork very very much and hope you enjoy the hard work you put into this piece of artwork. Grandpa loves your hardworking attitude. I love you Emerald Grandpa
- Grandpa on November 5, 2023
I found this artwork very creative and I could tell you put a lot of effort into working on it. Nice job Emerald! Grandma
- Judy on November 5, 2023
This is Grandma’s favorite artist. She has a copy of one of his paintings in our living room. When you visit next time, see if you can name it.
- Grandpa on June 18, 2023
Very good portrait of Yayoi Emerald. Did you know she loved polkadots?
- Grandpa on June 18, 2023
Your artist of the month picture is awesome! Very nice detail and very lifelike. Great job Emerald! Love, auntie Sandy.
- Auntie sandy on June 18, 2023
Such a beautiful stick Emmy! I would like to see it at your house. Please show it to me when we visit you next time over.
- Grandpa on June 8, 2023
Cool rain stick Emerald! Beautiful colors and sounds just like rain when you turn it upside down. Great job! Love Auntie Sandy
- Sandy on June 8, 2023
This should be a Hallmark birthday card! Everyone would love to receive this card on their birthday! So colorful and shows you are a talented artist. Keep up the good work! Grandma
- Judy on June 8, 2023
I saw the rain stick at your house and yes it does have a soothing rain sound. What did you use inside to get that effect? You are very creative and I’m so proud of you! Grandma
- Judy on June 8, 2023
Awesome flower delivery artwork Emerald! I love the detail on your truck and all the flowers in the back. Great work! Love, auntie Sandy.
- Sandra on May 19, 2023
I just love this artwork Emerald. This beautiful old flower truck reminds me of my grandpa that had a truck just like it. The flowers are so beautiful and just in time for Mothers Day.
- Grandpa on May 14, 2023
Emerald, your creativity is off the charts for your age! This painting fascinates me and makes me want to visit all these stars and planets! You are so talented and I’m very proud of you!! ?? grandma
- Judy on May 9, 2023
This is extraordinary for someone of your young age! I see a larger impression portrait of a young woman with long blond hair thinking of a young boy in the lower left! Your extremely talented!
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
This is extraordinary for someone of your young age! I see a larger impression portrait of a young woman with long blond hair thinking of a young boy in the lower left! Your extremely talented!
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
This is the best artwork I’ve ever seen! Leonardo Da Vinci wishes he could do as good!
- Grandpa on May 3, 2023
Looks absolutely amazing!!! It put me in tears. You are amazing artist!!!
- Dave on May 3, 2023
Wow, Emerald! This galaxy piece is amazing! So cool! It looks like you’re looking right into outer space. Nice job. Love, auntie Sandy.
- Sandra on April 17, 2023
Wow, Emerald! This galaxy piece is amazing! So cool! It looks like you’re looking right into outer space. Nice job. Love, auntie Sandy.
- Sandra on April 17, 2023
This is absolutely beautiful Emmy!
- Grandpa on April 17, 2023
Super cute gnome Emerald! You did a super job painting him, and his cute little mug with the red juice spilling over. Great job! Love, Auntie Sandy.
- Sandra on January 26, 2023
I really love your style mug Emmy. Will you have it at home so I can see it for real? Please show it to me when I come to your house. I love you; Grandpa
- Grandpa on January 26, 2023
Hello Emmy Pie! Your knome is quite interesting! Love the way you showed the drinking beverage inside the mug and his pearly round face is adorable. Keep up the good work! Love you always?? Grandma
- Grandma on January 26, 2023
This is so beautiful, I need to hang it on my wall. Please send it to my house so I can show it to all my neighbors.
- Grandpa on November 16, 2022
You’re a string art is amazing Emerald! Very creative and colorful! Love it! Love Auntie Sandy
- Sandra on November 16, 2022
What a beautifully sculpted clay pumpkin! I love the way the stem is twisted, and all the colored dots all over, and his cute little face. Great job Emerald! Love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on November 7, 2022
Love that artwork you do Emmy! Grandpa loves your pumpkin. Great work!
- Grandpa on November 7, 2022
Emmy, this is so beautiful I just love it! You are such a good artist. That one teacher that said you are a problem is very very wrong. You are a very good and very intelligent child. Grandpa loves you!
- Grandpa on April 28, 2022
Nice mosaic emerald! So many beautiful colors! It almost looks like a Stainglass window. Great job! Love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandra on April 28, 2022
Wow Emerald! I love your spring bunny sculpture! It’s so cute! You did a great job! Keep up the great work! Love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandra on April 28, 2022
This is so beautiful Emmy I love it. You are a much better artist than grandpa. Keep up the great work, you have special talents.
- Grandpa on April 28, 2022
Oh I love your good vibes painting with the beautiful cactus. Great detail, and great use of color. Beautiful! Love auntie Sandy
- Sandra on February 27, 2022
Beautiful colors Emerald. I love the color mix. This is so nice, I think you should paint a wall at grandmas house, she Would love it!
- Grandpa on February 27, 2022
I love your snowman! He’s so cute and he looks so happy! Keep up the good work. Love auntie Sandy
- Sandra on February 9, 2022
What a cute little snowman! I love all the colors, and he looks so happy. Great job Emerald! Love, auntie Sandy
- Sandra on February 9, 2022
This is the only snowman that I’ve ever seen with purple hair. Very nice snowman Emmy, grandpa loves him.
- Grandpa on February 9, 2022
Silly grandpa didn’t read the title of this painting. I thought it was a chicken and two little pigs flying around in a tornado. But grandpa still loves is so much I’m going to hang it on my wall. Grandpa loves you!
- Grandpa on January 28, 2022
I will call this one Rainbow Mountain. It reminds me of the mountains in Tennessee in October on the Obor cable car. Beautiful job Emerald!
- Grandpa on January 28, 2022
Who who whooo did this beautiful artwork? I just want to hug the arrest!
- Grandpa on January 28, 2022
I love your beaded bracelet! It has all the colors of the rainbow! Gorgeous! Love Auntie Sandy
- Aunt Sandy on January 24, 2022
So nice Emerald, that is a beautiful bracelet! Grandpa loves you!
- Grandpa on January 24, 2022
So cute Emmy , I love it!
- Grandpa on January 10, 2022
This is true art work, I see Santa hiding behind a Christmas tree. This is wonderful!
- Grandpa on January 10, 2022
Beautiful job Emerald, you stay in the lines and follow directions very well. You’re going to be a great teacher like your mom.
- Grandpa on January 10, 2022
Hello Emerald, This is a beautiful pumpkin with wonderful detail. You have a good talent for details. Do you remember the little ice cream sandwich you made for me? I still remember it because it looked so real.
- Grandpa on November 10, 2021
Emerald, this picture is outstanding! Wonderful work! Grandpa loves your paintings.
- Grandpa on September 29, 2021
Well this picture is just beautiful! So many pretty colors. What a shiny goldfish swimming underwater. And I like all the detail you put in the sand. Excellent job! Love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on September 20, 2021
Wow Emerald! This picture is amazing! This has to be my favorite one so far. I just love owls, they’re so cute. You did a fantastic job! Love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on September 20, 2021
Good job creating a matching card game! It was a well thought out game. I would like to play it when I come to your house. Proud of you my sweet Emerald! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 14, 2020
This is a wonderful educational game that you made. So much better than watching Preston. Good girl Emmy.
- Grandpa on May 14, 2020
Wow emerald! I love your memory game! How creative & fun! I like all the different shapes and patterns you used. We will have to play sometime. love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandra on May 14, 2020
Emerald, I love how you always go above and beyond to show your creativity. You always invest yourself in your projects and they always turn out beautiful.
- Robyn (Mother) on May 5, 2020
What a beautiful chalk drawing Emerald! I love your little rainbow. Its so amazing! Great job! Love auntie Sandy I
- Auntie Sandy on May 5, 2020
I love this swirling fish in the lake picture! Good job picking different colored fish! Keep painting Emerald! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
This is the biggest shark mouth I have ever seen! Better to eat more little fish with! You must have had fun making this one. Good job Emerald! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
Love the use of your imagination to create this pasta picture! You did a good job! Very proud of you! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
This is just beautiful! Love all the sparkling objects swirling in the blue background!! Good job Emerald! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
What a beautiful rainbow Emmy! Grandpa always loves your rainbows. I love your rainbow fish also. I love you too!
- Grandpa on May 5, 2020
Your rainbow pictures always look so beautiful! I love the black wash around the rainbow! Very creative! You have a good eye for what looks good. Keep up the good work! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
Rainbow fish so pretty and bright; you shine by day and sparkle at night! You did a good job painting your fish! Keep up the good work! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
I just love your stars of many colors artwork Emerald!! I can tell it took you a long time to finish as your coloring is perfect! I’m very proud of you! Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
I love the many colors you used to make Bun Bun’s tail! You created a adorable little caterpillar and you should be proud of your work. Love grandma
- Gordon on May 5, 2020
Love the bunny Emerald. You are such a creative artist.
- Grandpa on April 29, 2020
Bun bun is looking great! You have some great talent What type of food does Bun bun like? We should order him a pizza.
- Grandpa on April 29, 2020
Aww, I love bun bun! He’s so cute and colorful. You’re getting so good at art projects. You’re going to be an expert artist. Love you! Love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on April 29, 2020
I love your cute bunny that was created by card board rolls and colorful beads! It must have taken a long time to place them inside the rolls. Good job Emerald! Grandma loves you!
- Gordon on April 24, 2020
Wow emerald! What an amazing picture. I love your bunny. Hes cute. How very creative of you. I love it! Love auntie Sandy
- Gordon on April 24, 2020
I love ?? your sunset on the lake Emerald! I like that you showed the different colors of the sun as it sets. You did a real good job and grandma is so very proud of you. ??
- Gordon on April 22, 2020
What a beautiful sunset! It looks so real. You did such a great job! I love it! Love Auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on April 22, 2020
I love your autism awareness picture Emerald! Your blue yard and blue raindrops are beautiful. What a wonderful blue house and car. Great job Emerald! Keep up the good work. Love you, Love auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on April 15, 2020
This is a beautiful picture of someone taking a drive to Fox Lake and visiting the family. It looks like it's raining but the sun is about to come out so we could have a bar-B-Q in the back yard and go for a boat ride. I love this artwork Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on April 15, 2020
This is one of the most creative I've seen. I can see the whole family in the snowman formation. I will copy this and hang it on my wall so I can remember how talented you are at just 6 years old. Love your artwork Love Grandpa
- Grandpa on April 4, 2020
This is just beautiful it reminds me of Christmas and looking out the window at night, with all the stars, waiting for Santa Claus. Love the artwork. Love Grandpa.
- Grandpa on April 4, 2020
Oh wow! I love it! So cute! Your pink & blue piggies are so amazing! And a beautiful rainbow with sunshine and clouds. It’s a masterpiece. Great job! Love you! Love Auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on April 4, 2020
Great job Emerald! You did a super good job making a snowman and I can see that it’s snowing in the picture. And he has a hat and a scarf. What a great job you did. I love it! Love you! Love Auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on April 2, 2020
What a beautiful glitter flake! I love it! It looks just like a real snowflake. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Love you! Love Auntie Sandy
- Auntie Sandy on April 2, 2020
Oh Emerald, this is so beautiful I would like to purchase it from you. You are a excellent painter. Could I make a frame for your painting? What do you call this painting? And did you know blue is my favorite color? Keep making beautiful pictures for the family to enjoy. Did Shemerald like it? Love, Geandpa
- Grandma on April 1, 2020
Emerald, I love your snowman! You are always so creative. I love how you take such pride in your work and your attention to detail is so impressive! Keep up all the great work. Love , Mommy ??
- Robyn (Mother) on March 31, 2020
Emerald, I love all your creative art work, but have to say the red hearts project is my favorite. You show talent in choosing different textures. You did a beautiful job creating “Hearts”. Grandma is so so proud of you!
- Gordon on March 31, 2020
I like your letter “E” ! It is beautiful! I like the colors you chose & the touch of glitter. Great job Emerald!
- Auntie Sandy on March 29, 2020
Hello Emerald, grandpa just loves your artwork and all the beautiful colors. I think we should hang your letter “E” in the front window at your house. Everyone that drives by could see and enjoy your beautiful art. Grandpa loves you!
- Grandpa on March 29, 2020
I love the Christmas ornament you created. The colorful patterns are perfect! It would be fun to make lots more, so you could fill your tree by next Christmas! Great job! Grandma is always proud of you:) Love Grandma
- Grandma Judy on January 15, 2020
Great job Emerald! I love your Christmas ornament! you did such a great job. You’ll have to make me one for my tree at home. Love auntie Sandy
- Sandra on January 8, 2020
Emerald, your portrait looks just like you! You captured all the things that make you You! Nice job! Looking forward to more artwork from you:)
- Gordon on November 13, 2019
What a crazy cool self portrait. You did a great job! Can’t wait to see what you make next. Love Auntie Sandy
- Sandra on November 13, 2019
OMG! That is just too cute!! Great job capturing all those details! Awesome work Emmy Pie!! Mommy??
- Robyn (Mother) on November 8, 2019
Emerald! I love your pinch pot. How cute :) we can keep your special little things in it along with David's!!! Great work!! Mommy
- Robyn (Mother) on November 8, 2019
What a great pinch pot! You did a excellent job. it looks wonderful. Love auntie Sandy
- Sandra on November 8, 2019
I just love your Pinch Pot Emmy. I will give you 2 kisses if you let me borrow your pinch pot for 5 days. I will give it back to you after that. I want to show my friends your art work.
- Grandpa on November 8, 2019