Braxton3665's Comments (61)

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Below are comments about Braxton3665's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Whoa Baby! Look out Westmoor building - is that a meteor about to hit? This must of been fun to work on! Very creative, Braxton!
- Gogo(fan) on March 19, 2025 NEW
This is a modern art piece and I’m sure there is some unique symbolism going on here with the cut out shapes and colors. I want to hear more about this project, but whatever it is I like it.
- Gogo(fan) on March 19, 2025 NEW
This looks so interesting…looks like that snowman is juggling in a snow globe!
- Gogo(fan) on March 19, 2025 NEW
I can see the sequence and I like the finished sketch. Good job with the hair, eyes, nose and mouth and the face shape!
- Gogo(fan) on March 19, 2025 NEW
Hmmm…is that word WILD a colorful floating cloud? I like the 3 dimensional feel of the word - it looks like it could stand on its own.
- GoGo on March 19, 2025 NEW
Look at the depth on this picture and the way it draws you in past that smiling player. I think those are lights on the ceiling and that is pretty cool because I don’t think I have seen any drawings with actual light fixtures and these are so interesting! Only three colors and a dash of blue and orange, too. Can’t stop looking!
- GoGo on March 19, 2025 NEW
Beautifully done - like the color hues. Great drawings too!
- GoGo on March 19, 2025 NEW
Oh yeah! This is WILD and aptly named. Read “the artist’s” description and you are spot on. I’m inspired!
- GoGo on March 19, 2025 NEW
There is something going on here - looks like something hatching
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
Wow! What a piece - draws you into it
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
This looks like a football field with fans in the stands on a sunny day! Could be a logo for a football team!
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
Wow! Two dimensional - those are good strong numbers…Like to know what you were thinking as you drew and colored.
- Diana on September 2, 2024
Very fun painting - my imagination runs wild with ideas. Great use of color - really draws the viewer in.
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
This is powerful - so much punch and energy with lots of textures. I’m thinking it can be hung on a wall. I’ll put it on mine! Really good!
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
This guy literally has football on the brain. How would he play without a helmet? Great job - makes me smile!
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
Wow - this is intriguing! They are all oblong shapes. Lots going on especially with colors and positioning.
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
WOW! Your name pops off paper! Really creative design, color schemes. Look at you strutting your stuff (I think that person is you below your name).
- GoGo Diana on September 2, 2024
Hey, look at this caterpillar - that is one of the things it could be! I would have liked to watch you sew this. Great job, Braxton!
- Diana (GoGo) on September 2, 2024
Wow! Look at those cool textures and colors. I see the Statue of Liberty, a leaf, and what looks to be land and the ocean. Very intriguing to look at!
- GoGo on September 2, 2024
Braxton, I love this newest picture! Hope you are enjoying the time you get to spend coming up with your creations. Love, Grandma Linda
- Linda on September 2, 2024
This football player (his jersey says Bill 1) looks like Playmobil figure - his hands in particular. Even though they lost in the playoff game this guy is smiling because the team had a great season. Way to go Staxx!
- Diana on January 25, 2023
I like the drawing and how he is naturally leaning into the picture. I like his facial expression - that smile! But, I’m wondering if is it a Kansas City football player (#15) - perhaps the QB and those are “plays” that are going through his head on his right side?
- GoGo on January 25, 2023
Very abstract - open to interpretation, but whatever it is I see a big smile, a turned up nose, and a wide open eye. Interesting colors - muted, but pretty.
- GoGo on January 25, 2023
This looks like a vase or a piece of pottery. Not sure if you finished painting it…you will have to talk to me about it.
- GoGo on January 25, 2023
I really like this…what is striking is the cobalt blue in the center. It looks like a piece of jewelry like a pin with gemstones. Could be a Christmas ornament, too. Or, a flower. Very cool!
- GoGo on January 25, 2023
This looks familiar - the colors and the expression of The Bear! How did you do this? You need to tell me. Great job with the coloring and shading.
- GoGo d on January 25, 2023
Do I see a keyboard? Maybe a guitar? Or, is that an upside down light bulb?
- Diana (Go Go) on January 25, 2023
This has been a dream of yours - to have a tree house - be up in the treetops! I see a tire swing, ladder, and a beautiful tree to hand out in…
- Diana (Go Go) on January 25, 2023
This is such a forceful picture…I am thinking this is a fort with lookout towers? Or, are those electric poles and is what is between them the a row of houses? I bet you had fun with this assignment.
- Diana (Go Go) on January 25, 2023
Braxton, I love your picture. I want to climb that tree for a fun party
- Linda on January 25, 2023
Now what could be nestled in this jar? Like the blue color and at first glance it looks like a piano keyboard on the left, a light bulb, or is that a guitar? Looking forward to hearing from you on this masterpiece!
- GoGo on March 23, 2022
9 items that mean something to you…I see a basketball, football, is that worm to go fishing with?, a bat, ball or hockey puck, hockey stick…it all adds up to fun!
- GoGo on March 23, 2022
You always comes up with the most intriguing drawings…lots to interpret here, but I especially like the sun brightening all the activity going on. Looks like a busy day for someone!
- GoGo on March 23, 2022
Love your new picture Braxton. Next time you come to Cincinnati please bring me one of your great drawings to hang up. Love, Grandma
- Linda on March 23, 2022
I saw the Mona Lisa portrait by Leonardo Da Vinci at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. She is quite small 30 inches by 21 inches (size of a poster). This painting is known by almost all! How cool that you have a drawing of yourself next to Mona Lisa’s. And you are smiling too! This picture needs to be framed and remembered.
- Diana on March 23, 2022
These have got to be colorful snowmen! I’m thinking you are laying down in the snow, looking up at the blue sky and at the four snowmen looking down at you. I think the ones in red and blue might have baseball caps on. Do they?
- Diana on March 23, 2022
Because I know you like to fish I think this is an ocean fish from the Sting Ray family with a BIG EYE in the center. Hmmm…am I even close? You added some interest by outlining in red - it looks three -dimensional. Not sure if that is blood (thicker lines) or if that is just the natural color of the fish. That “eye” sure in an attention getter!
- Diana on March 23, 2022
What I see here, Staxx, is four separate pics - four separate ideas. Knowing your competitive spirit, the “W” probably stands for WIN. The second pic looks like an a little munchkin talking or eating - like using your hand to demonstrate talking. All those little triangles and marks are words. Then I see a tunnel (lower left) or a lane and are those basketballs? Or, is it a water slide with balls going down? Maybe the squares are windows? Then the fourth frame is looks like an airplane OR maybe you floating on your back in a pool of water?
- Diana on March 23, 2022
If I were to invite this guy for dinner, what would we talk about? He sure looks interesting - I want to hear his story. Interesting hands - lots of fingers/claws and what about those ears sticking out? I bet he hears everything!
- Diana on November 30, 2021
If that is grape ice cream or a grape snow cone - I’m all in! What a refreshing treat. I like the three shades of purple. Great job!
- Diana on November 30, 2021
This looks like a lake as I see some fishing going on. I think I would like to live in the bigger green house. It also looks like a track or a road and I would like to run around it and then to cool off - jump in the lake! I like it!
- Diana on November 30, 2021
Hmmmm….what would happen if I opened that door? Would one of those black blocks fall on my head? More interesting, what is on the other side? Would I fall into a funnel? Those purple swirls remind me of a tornado. Very creative…
- Diana on November 30, 2021
Is that you next to the Mona Lisa? I saw that famous picture years ago when in Paris. It is so small. I always thought it would be big - but it was quite little. What do you think she is smiling about? You have a smile, too, like hers - what are you smiling about?
- Diana on November 30, 2021
Great Job Braxton. We love seeing these drawings
- Linda on November 30, 2021
Braxton Grandpa and I love your newest artwork. Keep up the great work!
- Linda on November 30, 2021
This is from last year (Kindergarten), but it still speaks to me. I like that sky work and the houses and the splash of yellow - really let yourself go and yet you created structures, too - kind of like life - we need structure, but we also need to find ways to go all out and safely express ourselves through creativity - art, music, drama, etc. You are my Picasso!
- Diana (GoGo) on November 30, 2021
This reminds me of when our family is together and we get out the instruments and turn the volume up on the music and sing, dance and play the guitars, accordion, drums, shakers, etc. I like how you made a rainbow...good work, Stax!
- Diana (GoGo) on November 30, 2021
Look at those faces - happy like you! Great sunrise and the green breathes life. I think this is a depiction of least that is what I interpret. You outdid yourself on this one!
- Diana (GoGo) on November 30, 2021
WOW! This is quite a work - love the orange pop and the blue is chillin’. Looks like a bow tie at the bottom and shoes...You are really able to express yourself artistically - congratulations on the good work!
- Diana (GoGo) on November 30, 2021
This is a masterpiece - quite a story connected with this piece. Lots of expression and I like the green - shows vitality and life - perfect for Spring!
- Diana on November 30, 2021
Braxton, I really like seeing your art work. Keep up the great work!
- Linda on November 30, 2021
I like to hear what this person is listening to...
- Diana on November 30, 2021
This looks like the instruments are playing a song by themselves. They are the sounds and the performers - I can hear the music! Great designs and use of color. Very expressive!
- Diana on November 30, 2021
Wow! This looks like a warrior king - I see royalty with the crown. Maybe it is an angel as the two blue triangles look like wings. I like it - great use of color!
- Diana on November 30, 2021
Nice work Braxton! Keep up the good work ??
- Linda on November 30, 2021
Wow - this is really exciting! Great colors - love the energy that the reds and oranges represent. The blue and purple gives depth. The green color means life. Good line definition especially the vertical shapes. Definitely wall worthy!
- Diana on August 30, 2020
This guy looks happily surprised! I see a swish logo on his shirt so I wonder if he is a runner who has run a race. Was that little guy on his shoulder encouraging him to do his best and to run fast? Really like the colors and the design especially the shape of the boy’s head and his facial features. Great job, Braxton!
- Diana on August 30, 2020
This is a winner!! ... I would like to frame this
- Dean on November 27, 2019
This looks very interesting ... I like the bugs
- Dean on November 27, 2019
Braxton, You are doing a great job on your art work. I love seeing each new piece of art!
- Linda on November 27, 2019
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