Olivia41848's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Olivia41848's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Olivia, You have a great eye for composition and color! It is evident that you work very hard developing your art talent. Can't wait to see what is next!
- Sheri on January 12, 2023
Olivia, You did it again! More beautiful, creative artwork! From your statement, I think this is an alien. If so, it is the prettiest extra-terrestrial I have ever seen! Sheri
- Sheri on November 2, 2022
Once again I get to see your beautiful artwork! I am always excited when your Artsonia shows up in my email! You are very creative and have quite the eye for composition and color! Your hard work shows! Great job!
- Sheri on September 21, 2022
What a beautiful piece of art work! I love the colors you chose!
- Sheri on March 10, 2022
Olivia, How I love to see your beautiful artwork! I can tell that you work really, really hard at making your art! I can't wait to see the next piece! Love, Sheri
- Sheri on March 10, 2022
- Damien on March 21, 2020
Olivia, I just love seeing your work! You are quite the artist!
- Sheri on March 21, 2020
Cool sister.
- Brandy (Mother) on January 21, 2020
Great job Olivia!
- Aunt Martha on November 6, 2019