Colin10366's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Colin10366's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hello Colin! Another Awesome Drawing! It looks like 2 hands working together. At least that’s my interpretation. Great Job! Love, Grandpa B.
- Grandpa B. on November 25, 2022
What happened to this duck? Is he looking at the pigs and the elephants on the roof? Wow ski Wow Wow, Colin! Great job....!! Love, Grandpa
- John on June 3, 2020
Colin, I LOVE this piece. You obviously put so much love into it and on it. I got myself a mousepad and a few other things of this piece because I love it so much. And I love you so much! ?? Auntie
- Auntie Quennie on June 3, 2020
I love this fish, Colin! I can't get a real one because the kitties will eat it! So instead, I bought a keychain if it to put my keys on. So fun! Love you, Auntie
- Auntie Quennie on June 3, 2020
Quack quaaaaaaaack!! Looks like the duckie is looking up in the sky at the space shuttle that took off on Saturday. Great job, Colin! You're a great artist! Auntie loves you so much.
- Auntie Quennie on June 3, 2020
Great job, Colin! Lots of Love and Many Wow Ski Wow Wows! Love, Grandpa Brinck P.S. What's up Doc?
- John on May 27, 2020
Hello Colin, I love those alliums! Congratulations! Wow Ski Wow WOW!! Love, Grandpa John
- John on April 15, 2020
Colin, nice work on your Spring Time Alliums. They really brighten my day!
- Beverly (teacher at Holy Family Catholic Academy) on April 9, 2020
Love your caterpillar Colin!
- Beverly (teacher at Holy Family Catholic Academy) on April 8, 2020
Well Done!
- Beverly (teacher at Holy Family Catholic Academy) on April 8, 2020
Hello Colin Video Hungry Potes Doc Brinckerhoff, Great job on this Old Snoooooker! I love you, Colin. Please keep up the Wonderful drawings. Love, Grandpa Brinck
- Grandpa on April 15, 2020
Colin, Wow ski Wow Wow!! This caterpillar is Awesome! Great artwork, Colin! I am very proud of you. Please keep up the great artwork. Love, Grandpa hi
- Grandpa on April 1, 2020
Beautiful bird, Col!! As always, we are so proud of you!! Lots of love, Mama, Dada, and Ryan
- Ruth (Mother) on March 27, 2020
Hi Colin, Great artwork again!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!! Love, Uncle/Godfather John
- John James on March 27, 2020
Such beautiful flowers, Colin! Dada and I are so proud of you. Love you!
- Ruth (Mother) on March 5, 2020
Good job Colin! Simple but clear. Your turtle is enjoying basking under the sun on a clear day. Love, Lola and Lolo
- Lolo on March 5, 2020
Hi Colin, Great artwork once again!!! Keep up the great work!!! It’s inspiring!!! Love, Godfather Uncle John
- John James on February 27, 2020
Adorable turtle, Colin! Great job :) I love it!
- Love you, Mama on February 27, 2020
You did it again Colin! A wonderful work of art! Awesome color combination. And with a heart in the middle of your mitten, it is like greeting your Mama and Dada a Happy Valentines Day! And also, if my memory serves me right, the background color is your Mama's favorite color. Another thing - By quickly looking at your drawing in a passing glance, it appears like your mitten is a spaceship in flight in outer space! Wow! Keep up the good work! We love you much! Lola and Lolo P.S. if you are allowed, maybe you should start writing your name in every drawing and painting you make. May I suggest "Colin B"
- Lolo on February 27, 2020
Very nice artwork Colin!!!!! Keep up the great work!!! I’ve been meaning to do a little more artwork myself. Seeing your artwork inspires me to do that. Look forward to seeing you soon! Take care, Love, Your Godfather and Uncle John
- John James on February 5, 2020
I love your mitten, Colin!! Such a beautiful painting! Great job :) Love you always. Mama
- Mama on February 5, 2020
Marvelous drawing Colin! You have a natural talent to draw. Like your Auntie and Uncle said, this is your version of "Starry Night." Thank you so much for sharing your awesome talent. Love, Lolo and Lola.
- Lolo on January 1, 2020
Colin, This is amazing! You are such an arteeeest. I love this neighborhood you have drawn, and it is so imaginative. Auntie is so proud of you and loves you so much!
- Auntie Quennie on December 29, 2019
Colin, This is amazing! You are such an arteeeest. I love this neighborhood you have drawn, and it is so imaginative and very "Starry Night." Auntie is so proud of you and loves you so much!
- Auntie Quennie on December 29, 2019
Hi Colin, Again, Great Art Work!!! It really does look a lot like Vincent Van Gogh’s “Starry Night!” I am sorry, again, that I missed your Christmas Show. Keep up the great artwork!!! Merry Christmas!!!!! Love, Uncle/Godfather John
- John James on December 29, 2019
Such a beautiful picture, Colin!! We are so proud of you! Lots of love, Mommy, Daddy, and Ryan
- Ruth (Mother) on December 16, 2019
Smiling, swirling brilliant stars...what a sky of beauty you have created, Colin!!! It is thrilling to see!!! It is a wonder to enjoy!!! We are so proud of you. With love always, Grandma and Grandpa
- Marilyn on December 16, 2019
Smiling, swirling brilliant stars...what a sky of beauty you have created, Colin!!! It is thrilling to see!!! It is a wonder to enjoy!!! We are so proud of you. With love always, Grandma and Grandpa
- Marilyn on December 16, 2019
Hi Colin, This is in case you didn’t already receive my comment about this piece of artwork previously. This is a very nice picture!!! I like the colors and details that you have used!!! Keep up the great work!!! Take care, Love, Uncle John
- John James on December 4, 2019
Very nice artwork Colin!!! Keep up the great work!!! I’m very proud of you!!! Love, Uncle John
- John James on December 4, 2019
Absolutely gorgeous, Colin! So proud of you!!! Love you forever and ever, infinity blue whale :) -Mama
- Mama on November 21, 2019
Hi Colin, I love your fall foliage artwork. Your imagination captured the beautiful colors of autumn. You are such a natural gifted artist!!! Keep up the good work. So proud of you!!! Love always Lola
- Lola on November 13, 2019
Hi Colin! Your artwork is awesome! The mixture of colors you painted shows the beautiful nature of the Fall season. I love it! Great job! Love you. Lolo
- Lolo on November 13, 2019
Colin.... You did a wonderful painting of the tree! Congratulations! I see leaves on the tree and some leaves falling. Thank you for sharing your artwork. Love, Grandpa
- Grandpa on November 6, 2019
Colin, we can see the beauty of Fall trees through your artist eyes.
- Marilyn on November 6, 2019
You are such a talented artist, Colin! I'm so proud of you!!!
- Mama on November 3, 2019
Hi Colin Again, I accidentally hit the wrong button on my cell phone and it took me out of my previous comments. I can tell from your pictures that you have a lot of artistic talent!! Keep up the Great Work!!! Sorry for not having commenting on your artwork sooner. I’ve just been trying to learn the system here. Take care, Love, Uncle John
- Uncle John on November 6, 2019
Hi Colin, Very nice artwork. I like the pumpkins with the swirling lines over them. It reminds me of “The Charlie Halloween Special” on T.V. Hope that you had a great Halloween!!! I’m sorry that I missed you that evening. I had to take care of some personal business. Hope to see you soon!!! Love, Uncle John
- John James on November 3, 2019
Great work!!!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!
- John James on October 23, 2019
What’s up Doc?? Congratulations on the Outstanding Artwork!! I love you, Colin. Love, Grandpa
- John on October 14, 2019
Colin, what a swirling, twirling, starry night in your pumpkin patch!!! Your art work is BOO-tiful! :) I am so proud of YOU! With love, Grandma XOXO
- Marilyn on October 14, 2019
Dearest Colin, What a BEE-utiful picture you have painted! This bee looks very happy to have discovered your beautiful sunflowers!!! We are smiling, because we are so proud of you and the artist that you are! With love, Grandma
- Marilyn on October 9, 2019