Lyla2242's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Lyla2242's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is amazing! You made a whole colony of bees. I bet the honey from the cone would be wonderful in tea. Maybe you can share some with Winnie The Pooh he loves honey too!
- Grandma on October 22, 2020
This must be a picture of you! It really reminds me of your grandpa when his hair was really red. I love the beautiful smile, that definatly reminds me of you!
- Grandma on October 22, 2020
Lyla, I love your caterpillar!!! It blends in so well with the leaf it's sitting on, which is perfect, because none of the birds you created can find it and eat it :-)
- Grandma on October 22, 2020
Lyla, if I was a bird in winter, I would want to be this bird! It looks cozy and tucked in for the night. It can see what is going on around it because of the full moon. This is such a pretty bird! I bet it looks beautiful flying on a sunny day. Maybe someday I will see a bird flying that looks like this and I will think happy thoughts of you.
- Grandma on January 29, 2020
Lyla your picture reminds me of trains, trees, and great big eyes just like yours! It makes me feel happy because of all the bright and beautiful colors -) Love it! Grandma
- Grandma on October 23, 2019