Love owls. Best one yet. You have talent Rhett. Keep it up. Love you!
- Kathy on November 17, 2021
Rhett, Grandpa & Grandma love your owl picture. It is now my all time favorite so far. What a cool picture. We are so very proud of you and your art. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma & Grandpa.
- Nancy on November 17, 2021
Love the colors of the leaves. Look real Rhett. Great job!
- Kathy on November 17, 2021
Rhett, We love your autumn leaf drawing. The colors are terrific and so bright. They make us smile. You are the best artist. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma and Grandpa O'Neill
- Nancy on November 17, 2021
Rhett, You know that I love flowers and this picture is beautiful. So colorful and has the bees and bugs that go with them. Great picture!
- Kathy on November 17, 2021
Flying high, really colorful. Nice work Rhett
- Kathy on November 17, 2021
Rhett, We love your Valentine Mittens. They are very creative. Love, Grandma and Grandpa O'Neill
- Nancy on February 21, 2021
Rhett, Grandpa and I have had the fun of viewing your artwork. I just your vivid colors and your imagination. You are such a fine artist. Keep up the good work. We love seeing it. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Nancy on February 21, 2021
Great Snowman Rhett! Love his smile. Keep the artwork coming !
- Kathy on February 21, 2021
Rhett, This picture looks like we are going to Grandma's in the woods. You do a fine job. Again, the colors are bright and your trees are great. Love, G & G
- Nancy on February 21, 2021
Rhett, Grandpa and I just love your snowman. His hat and scarf are so colorful and fun. Keep up the good work and enjoy your art time. Love, G & G
- Nancy on February 21, 2021
Really colorful buidings. Great Job Rhett!
- Kathy on October 23, 2020
this must be you Rhett. Love your eyes!
- Kathy on October 23, 2020
What a beautiful fall picture Rhett. Love it!
- Kathy on October 23, 2020
Rhett, Grandpa and I love your artwork. You have a great imagination and we love your bright colors. We have one of your pictures on our refrigerator. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandpa and Grandma
- Nancy on October 23, 2020
Rhett, Fun to see your new artwork. You are really coming along so nicely. Your colors are great. Grandma really loves your penguin picture. Keep up the great work. Love, Grandma and Grandpa.
- Nancy on October 23, 2020
Rhett, Grandpa and I love your heart art picture. The colors are so great. Did you make this in honor of Valentine's Day? Keep up the good work, we love it.
- Nancy on October 23, 2020
We just viewed your newest artwork and thought it was great. I especially love the penguin and reindeer. You keep up the good work. Grandpa and I now have a magnet on our refrigerator with the reindeer. Love, Grandpa Jim and Grandma Nancy.
- Nancy on October 23, 2020
Very colorful!
- Kathy on October 23, 2020
Love this one!
- Kathy on October 23, 2020
Great job Rhett! Keep it up!!!!
- Kathy on October 23, 2020
Rhett, Grandpa and I love your reindeer. We ordered a magnet one to put on our refrigerator. Can't wait to see you. Love, Grandma and Grandpa