Beau1877's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Beau1877's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beau, wow! Again! Your art just gets better every time! I love this one too! So does Gramps! You are really talented- in so many ways! Miss you! Love, Gaga??
- Kathy/Gaga on December 7, 2022
Beausie, I was so happy to see your new 3rd grade art work. I love it!! You’re getting more talented every year! Keep up the good work in art & all of your subjects. We are SO proud of you! Love you! ??
- Gaga & Pops on October 12, 2022
This is amazing buddy!! You are so talented!!
- Ben (Father) on May 3, 2022
Wow! I love this , Beau! It’s so colorful! I love all the textures too! Proud of you!
- Gaga on February 24, 2022
Wow!! This is amazing buddy! So proud of you!
- Ben (Father) on December 15, 2021
Beausie, this is amazing!! Wow! Love all the bright colors! So proud of you! Can’t wait to see you soon at Christmas! Love, Gaga & Papa
- Gaga on December 22, 2021
This is amazing buddy! Love it and so proud of you!!
- Ben (Father) on November 12, 2021
Beau, I love your fall artwork! It is very cool! Do you have lots of leaves in your yard? Enough to jump into piles? Hope we see you sometime really soon! We miss you! ??
- Love, Gaga & Papa on November 10, 2021
Beausie, I was so happy to see your first piece of art this year. It’s awesome! Love all the fall colors! Keep working hard in 2nd grade! So proud of you! We love you lots! ??
- Gaga on November 10, 2021
This is amazing buddy! So proud of you!
- Ben (Father) on October 27, 2021
Beau, love your latest artwork! We will see you soon& you can tell me all about it!! We are so proud of how hard you’ve worked in 1st grade this year! Can’t believe you’re almost a 2nd grader! Love you & see you very soon! Gaga & Papa
- Gaga on June 2, 2021
Great job buddy!! We are so proud of how talented of an artist you are! Love you! Mom, Dad and Ireland
- Ben (Father) on May 25, 2021
Beausie, love your New Valentine artwork! So proud of you! Love Gaga & Papa
- Gaga on February 17, 2021
Love your snowman, Beausie! Looks like one you could build in your back yard! ??
- Kathy on November 18, 2020
I love your cabin in the woods picture, Beausie! It looks so warm & Cosy! So proud of all of your school work! love you, ?? Gaga
- Kathy on November 11, 2020
Amazing job buddy! I love it!
- Ben (Father) on October 13, 2020
Love your selfie, Beausie! It looks just like you! ??
- Kathy on October 7, 2020
Beausie, I love your landscape! There are so many things to look at in your picture! You are becoming a real artist! So proud of what good work you’re doing in 1st grade! Love you, Gaga & Papa
- Kathy on October 7, 2020
Beau Benajamin, what an artist you are becoming! I love this picture too! So many details to look at. So proud of you, Beausie! Love, Gaga
- Gaga on March 11, 2020
Beausie, another fun piece of your artwork! It’s a perfect Valentine! I know how hard you are working in school & we are so Proud of you! Love , Grandma
- Kathy on February 12, 2020
Beausie, love your latest piece of art! You are very creative! So proud of you for ALL the good work you are doing in school! Love you! Grandma
- Kathy on February 12, 2020
Beausie, I love you Penguin! He is very” cool! “
- Grandma on January 15, 2020
Beausie, you’re an Artist! So proud of you! Love, Grandma!
- Kathy on November 13, 2019