Claire11939's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Claire11939's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is beautiful! I love the color green you used.
- Nonnie on March 26, 2020
This is my favorite so far! Beautiful colors.
- Nonnie on December 26, 2019
This is sweet :)
- Nonnie on December 26, 2019
This is so creative, Claire!
- Noemi on December 26, 2019
Claire you are so talented!!! I am so proud of you!!!! Love you!!!!
- Linda on December 26, 2019
So pretty Claire!!!! Love you!!!
- Honey on October 9, 2019
- Aunt Liz on October 2, 2019
That’s beautiful, Claire!
- Nonnie on October 2, 2019