Micah6565's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Micah6565's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Micah…. Mema LOVES this picture!!!!!! Great job??
- Mema on December 6, 2023
Flying high right to FLORIDA to see Mema & papa??????
- Love Mema & Papa on October 25, 2023
Flying high right to FLORIDA to see Mema & papa??????
- Love Mema & Papa on October 25, 2023
I love this! Great job??
- Love Mema & Papa on October 25, 2023
Micah…. Awesome job??
- Love Mema & Papa on October 25, 2023
Favorite picture??????
- Love Mema & Papa on October 25, 2023
Micah…. Love your artwork??
- Love Mema & Papa on October 25, 2023
Fall colors! Great job!!!
- Love Mema & Papa on October 25, 2023
Micah…. I LOVE THIS PICTURE & would love to frame it and put it my house
- Love you… Mema on May 31, 2023
Micah…. Mema & Papa LOVE your picture… great job sweet guy????
- Love Mema & Papa on February 1, 2023
Micah….. I LOVE THIS! Great job??
- Love Mema & Papa on December 7, 2022
Micah…. What a great picture you drew! I love it! You are sooooo talented ??
- Love Mema & Papa on November 30, 2022
Micah… LOVE your artwork! You are soooo talented??
- Love Mema & Papa on October 26, 2022
Micah.....Mema & Papa. love this picture....I think you should save it so I can frame it and put it in our house. We love you
- mema & papa on May 4, 2022
Now I would LOVE that to hang in my house! Great job dude! Mema & Papa love it
- Love you …Mema & Papa on April 13, 2022
Love this!
- Love you …Mema & Papa on April 13, 2022
Micah….. you are sooooo talented! I LOVE your picture!!!! Papa thinks it’s great too! We love you
- Mema & Papa on April 13, 2022
Micah…. WE LOVE YOUR HEART PICTURE…. YOU are ALWAYS in Mema & Papa’s heart… WE LOVE YOU
- Love Mema & Papa on April 13, 2022
Micah! I LOVE your picture! It has ALL my favorite colors in it! You are sooooo talented! I love you
- Love Mema & Papa on April 13, 2022
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your penguin ??
- Love you Mema & Papa on December 8, 2021
Micah…. Papa and I LOVE your picture! You are soooo talented!
- Mema & Papa on November 24, 2021
Micah…. I love this…. I think it will be Mema & Papa’s Christmas card??
- Love you… Mema & Papa on October 27, 2021
GREAT JOB!!!! Love all the colors??
- Love you Mema & Papa on September 29, 2021
Love that!!!!! You are soooo talented??
- Love you…. Mema & Papa on September 29, 2021
Micah…. Mema & Papa love your drawing! Way to go sweet guy…
- Laurie (Mema) on September 15, 2021
- Mema & Papa on March 25, 2020
Micah .... Papa & Mema LOVE your turtle!!!! Makes me think of our time in Florida! LOVE YOU
- Mema & Papa on February 12, 2020
Micah.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE your gingerbread house..... snowy and cute!
- Love you Mema on November 20, 2019
Micah.... I LOVE your picture!!!! You are quite the artist and I Love you! Mema??
- Laurie(fan) on November 6, 2019
Micah..... Mema & Papa absolutely love your putter space picture! You sure are talented! ?? We LOVE YOU
- Mema & Papa on October 16, 2019