Hi Nandini, Thanks for your compliment! I miss you too and hope you will stop by B.A. for a visit when you can. Keep uploading your artwork here in your gallery if possible. I really enjoy staying up to date with your creative efforts. I hope the new year is off to a great start for you. ~Ms. Tiedemann
- on November 10, 2013
That will look good as a design for my bedroom wallpaper or even in house decoration! It looks so unique and has symmetry with different colors! -- Anjali
- on January 3, 2013
The work you are creating and uploading to your personal gallery is very impressive! Thank you for sharing tips regarding the apps you used too! -- Ms. Tiedemann
- on January 3, 2013
Wow!! Amazing artwork! I wonder how this will look like on the sidewalk for rangoli. Its cool how you put black as the back round! It pops out! Especially the pink in the middle. I love the flowers and shapes you put in this artwork!! Keep up the good work my friend!! -- Anjali
- on December 17, 2012
Wow! This digital creation is awesome Nandini! I'm going to have to check out the app you used! I also had the chance to look at all of the other artwork you have been creating and uploading into your gallery this year! Great work! I see you are very interested in making digital art still! I'm so happy to be a member of your fan club because it will help me to continue to admire your artwork. I hope 6th grade is going well! -- Ms. Tiedemann
- on December 2, 2012
OMG!!!! That is so pretty!!!! That will look good on a shirt of yours!! I cant stop saying pretty!! This is awesome!! -- Anjali
- on December 2, 2012
Hi Nandini, You did a great job@ - Sharath
- on October 11, 2012
Wow! This is really nice. Keep up the good work. -- Mom
- on September 30, 2012
Nandini, this artwork's thin line makes it look wonderful. The variety of colors that show make me think of colorful flowers in the spring. I hope you'll make more artwork. -- Mom
- on September 26, 2012
Nandini, this artwork is marvelous. When you look at it reminds me of one of the flowers that I planted this summer in our garden. The colors are popping and make the picture wonderful!! -- Mom
- on September 26, 2012
Nandini, your artwork is really nice. Your colors are popping and the designs are clear like crystal. -- Mom
- on September 26, 2012
WOW!!! Amazing! Would like to see more of these from you. -- Dad
- on July 28, 2012
Wow! Your digital art is really impressive!!!! It is so amazing that I will be able to follow you and your artwork as you head off to middle school! Keep uploading!!!! Great work!!! -- Ms. Tiedemann
- on July 12, 2012
Wow!!! I am so glad that I joined your fan club (and all of the 5th grade fan clubs as well)! Your personal gallery is filled with wonderful work!! I look forward to following your progress in middle school and beyond! -- Ms. Tiedemann
- on July 12, 2012
OMG!!!! That is sooo cool! love the pink party hat and purple nose on the clown!!! -- Anjali
- on January 7, 2012
I love your app project. I wish the app was real. -- Mom
- on November 29, 2011
Great Job! -- Mom
- on November 29, 2011
Wow!! -- Mom
- on November 29, 2011
Hi Nandini, Good Job! -- Sharath
- on November 6, 2011
HEY!! Very colorful! I love the back round and colors you used. The black pops out and your artwork is glowing! -- Anjali
- on November 6, 2011
Hi Nandini . It is excellent -- Sharath
- on March 24, 2011
It is awsome. You did a superb job. :) -- Mom
- on February 18, 2011
Hi Nandhini It is excellencet! -- Sharath
- on November 25, 2010
Srinandini, Congratulations for being the first student to win the Hall of Fame award this year! It's super exciting that you and your family are uploading your art from home. Your gallery is looking fabulous! -- Ms. Tiedemann
- on November 11, 2010
Hi Nandini Excellent work -- Sharath
- on November 7, 2010
OMG!!!!!! This is so cool! Love your rainbow:) -- anjali
- on October 30, 2010
WOW!!! That is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- Mom
- on October 26, 2010
That is so cooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!! -- Dad
- on October 2, 2010
Wow!! -- Mom
- on October 2, 2010
COOL --Mom
- on August 25, 2010
It Rocks!!!!! -- Daddy
- on August 19, 2010
It is looks realistic -- sister
- on April 24, 2010
How did you make the cool shape? I love it.
- on April 24, 2010
Dear Nandini, It is cool,awesome,interesting,beautiful.
- on April 24, 2010
This work of art you made from the collage machine looks amazing!!!!I even like how you did a pattern. --Mom
- on March 27, 2010
I love your picture Nandini!! -- Dad
- on February 10, 2010
Hi nandini excellent art , -sharathMama
- on January 22, 2010
It looks great!!!!Your a great artist!!!!You pick very good colors!!!!Your artwork has wonderful colors in good places!!!! ---Dad
- on January 3, 2010
Srinandini, Its Great !!!! Simply Superb :) Dad
- on January 3, 2010
I love the way you cut some of the shape and put it as a shape!!!
- on January 3, 2010
Hasi Nandu !! This is an excellant imaginative art work. Continue to work on Land scapes, Birds and wild pictures. I appreciate your effort to bring the picture lively. Thanks God Bless you Wish you Merry christmas and Nice vacation with love Thathaiah
- on January 2, 2010
Srinandini, Congratulations for making it into the Hall of Fame on Artsonia! I am so proud of you. Ms. Tiedemann
- on December 7, 2009
I like how you used most of the rainbow colors. ---Mom
- on November 26, 2009
Srinandini, I love this beach theme. Its simply superb. --Daddy
- on November 26, 2009
I love your picture!! ---Mom
- on November 19, 2009
Great Job!!! Keep it up --Dad
- on November 19, 2009
Hai!! Nandu your art is very nice . Keep going I love you. paint the nature and draw landscapes . Thathaiah
- on November 7, 2009
Srinandini, Its Great !!!! Simply Superb :) Dad
- on November 6, 2009
- on November 4, 2009
I love your picture!! --Mom
- on November 4, 2009
Great piece of work.I am very proud of you. Keep it up. -----Mom
- on November 4, 2009
WOW!!!, What a wonderful one! --Dad
- on November 4, 2009
It looks great!!!!Your a great artist!!!!You pick very good colors!!!!Your artwork has wonderful colors in good places!!!!
- on November 4, 2009
It is beautiful and I really Like the colors and you picked really good colors.It is highly thought provoking.Dad
- on February 20, 2009
Your art work is really nice and I love this picture It is highly thought provoking.
- on February 20, 2009
Awsome !!!! You are the best artist.
- on February 20, 2009
Great Job... Keep it up.
- on February 20, 2009
I like bear.The five looks good. love mommy
- on October 12, 2008
I like it very much.You are the best.
- on June 8, 2008
hey.....good drawing....ur sister
- on June 4, 2008
It is very beautiful. I like how you colored it.
- on May 31, 2008
I like the hat.
- on May 31, 2008
I like the bear
- on May 31, 2008
I like it
- on May 31, 2008
I like it very much.
- on May 31, 2008
nandu I like it very much
- on May 31, 2008
I like it
- on May 31, 2008
Nandini,this work is very nice.You are a good artist.
- on May 28, 2008
Nandini , you are great. This is the best .
- on May 28, 2008
I love it
- on April 20, 2008
its p....r....t....t....y
- on April 19, 2008
you did a great art work. I like your drawings alot .
- on April 19, 2008
It is very beautiful. Ilove it.
- on April 12, 2008
I like it so much. it is pretty.
- on April 10, 2008
Dear srinandini's art work is highly appreciable and imaginative. We all wish her good luck and expect many more arts in future. maruthi rao Mahavadi
- on April 10, 2008
I love it so much especially the bear.
- on April 10, 2008
Srinandini- Congratulations! You have made it into the Artsonia Hall of Fame. Only a few students have earned this award. I see you have been coloring over your spring break! I especially like the coloring you have done on this picture of the basket and eggs. Great work! Ms. Tiedemann
- on March 28, 2008
- on March 26, 2008
I love it.
- on March 25, 2008
it pretty
- on March 25, 2008
This is pretty good and I love the art work of srinandini . It is highly thought provoking.
- on March 25, 2008
why did you make a half nose.
- on March 25, 2008
why did you make a pattern?
- on March 25, 2008
why is the eye up side down is it pretty ?
- on March 25, 2008
its pretty.
- on March 25, 2008
this is pertty.
- on March 25, 2008
this is so pretty...........
- on March 25, 2008
the picture is very nice,but what is the idea of half face being up side down ?