Avery16722's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Avery16722's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your self-portrait pixel art is fabulous. That was very creative of you to put the word "Love" on the shirt. It's a little cagey, I did not see it first view but then there it was! love you, Nanadele
- Adele on June 21, 2023
That's a real up close portrait of a Peacock. They have such beautiful spots on this wings. Have you ever seen one up close? love you,
- Adele on June 21, 2023
Your art work is beautiful Avery! What is it made up of? Love you Nanadele
- Adele on June 21, 2023
Maybe you could call me and I would like to hear in your own special words, what this art work is all about. I love the colors and love birds, but you may a much different interpretation. Love you, Nanadele
- Adele on June 21, 2023
Wow Avery! YOur dragon is the scariest one I've ever seen. love, Nandele
- Nanadele on June 21, 2023
Hi Avery - You are so busy doing artwork! It's all very beautiful! Is this a friend of yours? What is her name? love you, Nanadele
- Nanadele on January 26, 2022
Hi Avery - I like the colors in your art work. Can you please tell me what it is and what kinds of paint you have used to create your lovely art? Love you, Nanadele
- Nanadele on December 8, 2021
My Dearest Avery - I love the colors of your art work 16722. Can you tell me the story behind your artwork? love you, Nanadele
- Nanadele on October 13, 2021
What an astounding animal is King Boo! Does he scare you? love, Nanadele
- Nanadele on October 6, 2021
I love your hot air balloon! Someday, maybe we can go for a ride in one!
- Nanadele on September 8, 2021
Wow Avery! Your bear is cute and looks so friendly. Must be because it is a white bear with black lines. Even though bears may look friendly, we need to not approach one if we see one unless they are in a cage at the zoo. Thanks for sharing your talent of drawing! love you, Nanadele
- Adele on September 8, 2021
Wow! Avery! I would like to take a trip with you to Japan and see all the Cherry Trees in blossom right now. You have captured their beauty for beautifully! love you, Nanadele
- Nanadele on September 8, 2021
Thanks for sharing your artistic talent! You are very detailed in this portrait. Do you know who it is?
- Nanadele on May 20, 2021