Vivian3536's Comments (42)

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Below are comments about Vivian3536's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW, Vivi! That’s the most amazing dragonfly I’ve ever seen. I wish I had one tiny bit of the artistic talent that you are displaying in all your projects! I’m SOOOO very proud of the gifts and talents God has given you. You use them beautifully! All my love, Nana
- Kay on May 29, 2024
Oh. My. Goodness! Vivi, this is just incredibly gorgeous!!! I love it! You are so very gifted in so many ways.
- Nana on May 29, 2024
Nana absolutely LOVES your code self-portrait! It’s so perfect! I could definitely tell it was my sweet Vivi! Love you, honey buns.
- Kay on May 29, 2024
I think this is my favorite! It will match the Cherry Blossoms in the sitting room! Good Job Vivi!?? MawMaw
- MawMaw on May 29, 2024
Vivian that is SO pretty!!! Your such an amazing artist!!
- Creighton on December 14, 2022
Vivi, your giraffes are amazing! I love the big black tongue! It’s so true to life! Lots of love, Nana
- Kay on December 14, 2022
Sweet Vivi—Papa and Nana just love your color wheel balloon! Great job, sweetheart. You are such an imaginative artist! We always love seeing your work. ?????? From Nana (Kay)
- Kay on September 15, 2021
Vivi, Awesome balloon. Is that Lucy in there?
- PawPaw on September 15, 2021
Vivi, Papa and Nana LOVE your hot air balloon color wheel! You are such a gifted artist. Keep up your amazing work. We love you so much!
- Kay on September 8, 2021
Love you busy bear! So much detail in his fur!!
- Mommy on August 26, 2021
Beautiful job Vivi! I love watching your art skills develop more and more. Your proud Mama loves you very much!!
- Mommy on August 26, 2021
Vivi, your artwork continues to astound me. I love this picture! Definitely want to see it more so we'll be looking to have it framed as well. love you
- Pawpaw on June 16, 2021
Vivi!! This is beautiful! I want to look at it every day. Daddy’s building a frame for it so we can hang it and see it always! I love you, baby girl!
- Katie (Mother) on June 9, 2021
Sweetheart, I LOVE your gumball machine! It is perfect! I wish I had one just like it. You are an awesome artist and I love you! Nana
- Kay on April 28, 2021
Another beautiful job, Vivi! I love the detail you put into your shirt and necklace! A self portrait wouldn’t be complete without a dinosaur:) love you honey!
- Mommy on March 27, 2021
Sweet Vivi, I just love having the chance to see all of your amazing artwork! I love everything you do! You are so creative and imaginative and your art work is just wonderful. Your monster is a bit scary, but also he makes me smile. I know you must have had so much fun creating him! I love you tons, sweet girl. Nana
- Kay on February 11, 2021
Hey Vivi, Love your monster, scary and cute at the same time. I've got a ghost story for you!!
- PawPaw on February 3, 2021
Vivi, I love your Love Monster!! The detail you’ve put on it makes me want to hug it in real life:) nice job, Sweet Pea!!!
- Mommy on January 29, 2021
Sweet Vivi, you are such an amazing artist! Papa and I have been so impressed with every single thing you have drawn, colored or painted! You gave such a vivid imagination. And we love you a bushel and a peck!
- Kay (Nana) on November 25, 2020
I love your newest creation baby girl! So talented with your use of color especially:)
- Katie (Mother) on November 10, 2020
Beautiful art Vivi. I love seeing your work, it always brings a smile to my face!
- Pawpaw on October 21, 2020
Love this baby girl! You’re so talented, I love seeing your art everyday!
- Katie (Mother) on October 14, 2020
Vivi this is beautiful!! I love all the gorgeous colors. This reminds me so much of the sunset we saw the other night from our deck. Terrific job! We love you!!
- Kristen on October 14, 2020
Wow, Vivi! Your landscape is just so beautiful! Great job! The colors are so gorgeous!
- Kay on October 14, 2020
I like this one a lot, because your heart is so special!!
- Paw Paw on February 19, 2020
I like your flowers! It almost looks like your flowers are watching me!!
- Paw Paw on February 19, 2020
Loooove your beautiful flowers!!!So proud of you, Sweet Pea!! Xoxo Love Mommy
- Katie (Mother) on February 6, 2020
Love this self portrait! The hair is perfect. Vivi is so special.
- Paw Paw on December 11, 2019
Vivi, your self portrait is AMAZING! It looks just like you, darlin. You are becoming a fantastic artist. I love you tons and tons. See you soon.
- Kay on November 27, 2019
Your self portrait is beautiful! I love the attention to detail on your pretty blue eyes:) so proud of you! Love, Mommy
- Katie (Mother) on November 26, 2019
Hey Vivi, Your fish artwork is really good. I enjoy seeing your work!! Love you, pawpaw
- Dick on October 23, 2019
Vivian! Such a beautiful fish! I know you worked hard on this piece, it turned out just beautiful. So proud of you
- Mommy on October 13, 2019
This piece of art is one of your best ones yet, Vivi! Nana and Papa enjoy seeing how artistically talented you are! Keep up the good work, Darlin’! Love you tons, Nana
- Kay on October 13, 2019
WOW! Vivi, you are an amazing artist!!! The colors and shapes are just gorgeous! I can see that you really enjoy art. Keep up the good work! Papa and I love you so much!
- on September 23, 2019
Such a beautiful painting Vivi! I love it:)
- Katie (Mother) on September 19, 2019
Oh wow! That is amazing! I love it!!! Go Vivi! -Aunt Sarah! :)
- on September 9, 2019
Love this! So cool that you just started school and can already make amazing art!! Love you!
- on September 5, 2019
I am so excited to be able to see all of Vivi’s gorgeous artworks! This is a great opportunity to see her artistic talents develop. Love you!
-- Nana
- on September 4, 2019
So talented! Picasso in the making!!!
-- Rahel
- on September 4, 2019
Edit to previous comment of question marks, most definitely meant to put exclamation marks. Proud mommy:)
-- Katie
- on September 3, 2019
WOW! At first I thought I was looking at a very fine piece of modern art and then I realized something - I was!!
-- Dick
- on September 3, 2019
Love! Beautifully composed work of art??
-- Katie
- on September 3, 2019