Weston2451's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Weston2451's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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what a great picture little buddy
- Kaye on May 26, 2021
good job little buddy,are those lollipops or candy trees
- kaye on May 26, 2021
Great job Wes! Love all the different colors you used in this one!
- Margaret on May 12, 2021
hey little buddy, that turkey looks good enough to eat, keep up the good work
- Kaye on December 9, 2020
Great picture of spiderman and batman little buddy but where is my penguin?
- Kaye on June 3, 2020
I like that Batman Wes! Great work.
- Margaret on May 27, 2020
Spongebob hot cocoa?! Looks delish!!
- Michelle on May 13, 2020
Weston, love this mug man with the cocoa and marshmallows. Very creative!
- Margaret on May 13, 2020
Weston, Your heart is just beautiful!!! Love you, Grammy.
- Kaye on May 6, 2020
- Michelle on May 6, 2020
Beautiful heart Wes. Love all the reinbow colors
- Margaret on May 6, 2020
I really like the football game little buddy and you are even practicing social distancing in the stands.
- kaye on April 29, 2020
love the backwards hat, Wessy!
- lala on April 29, 2020
Wes, I like this football field and I like the W in the grass! Great job!
- Margaret on April 29, 2020
Another masterpiece! Nice work, Wessy!
- Lala on April 15, 2020
Karate Bunny??
- Michelle on April 15, 2020
Nice coloring Wes!
- Margaret on April 8, 2020
This belongs in a museum, Wes! Beautiful!
- Lala on April 8, 2020
Weston I love this one!!!
- Lala on April 8, 2020
Batman!!!! Fantastic, keep them coming. Love Mimi
- Mimi on April 5, 2020
Weston, You are one great artist!!!
- Grammy on April 5, 2020
hey little buddy, if you keep this up we'll have to build you a gallery.
- Kaye on April 5, 2020
Duncan Robinson!!!
- Amanda (Mother) on April 1, 2020
Love this popcorn picture, Wes! You are building quite a collection of pictures. Keep it up!
- Marg on April 5, 2020
Love the Dabbing Wes...this one is Brooke’s favorite
- Michelle on April 1, 2020
Love the Dabbing Wes!! This one is Brooke’s favorite
- Michelle on April 1, 2020
Wes, these drawings are terrific. You are becoming a very good artist! Keep it up!!
- Margaret on April 1, 2020
Great job Wes!
- Margaret on April 1, 2020
hey little buddy I really like the spongebob picture-good job
- Kaye on March 25, 2020
Wow Wes!!! My favorite is Spongebob!!!
- Mimi on March 25, 2020
Good job little buddy, keep up the good work.
- Kaye on November 27, 2019
Great Job Wes, you are a true artist!!
- Michelle on November 27, 2019