Mackendrick2's Comments (28)

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Below are comments about Mackendrick2's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Mack, I really like your new artwork. There are so many things about this that exhibits "JOY". The peppermint stick designs on the letters "J" and "Y", along with the smile on the snowman's face, clearly says joy to me. You did a good job of framing it all in too. Thanks for sharing this with me, especially during this time of year. Take care. Papa B.
- John on December 11, 2020
Hi Mack, Wow! These colors add cheer to anyone's dreary day. This time of year presents many variations in color and beauty. Isn't nature wonderful? I can imagine your leaves to be floating in air, not quite settled to the ground. Thanks for sharing your artwork. Take care. Papa B.
- John on December 9, 2020
I love this beautiful picture of the mountain landscape. Makes me want to take you to Colorado so we could see the mountains in person! We will someday. Love you! ~Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on October 21, 2020
Look at all the details in this city landscape! I love the different buildings. I think I'd like to live in the tall gray one with two windows. Reminds me of our house! Love you so much! ~Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on October 21, 2020
I love this train, Mack! You used such realistic details. I can picture it chugging along. You are quite talented! Love you! ~ Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on October 21, 2020
Hi Mack, Your picture truly says beautiful "sunset" to me. I like the three dimensional effect with the sun in the distance and the way the light continues to glow as it spreads into the sky. This is very nice. Keep up the good work. Papa B.
- John on October 21, 2020
I love sunset colors and the way you have portrayed them in your picture. Keep up the good work!
- Kerri (grandma B) on October 21, 2020
I love sunset colors and the way you have portrayed them in your picture. Keep up the good work!
- Kerri (grandma B) on October 21, 2020
Mack, I love your hearts. They look like they are dancing-the way my heart dances when I see you.
- Kerri (grandma B) on February 26, 2020
Hi there Mack! This is a lizard that I can truly enjoy! Lol! You have done a wonderful job creating a very realistic lizard. The colors you used are great! Another great piece of work by a special artist. Thanks for sharing.
- Grandma M on February 26, 2020
Hi Mack, This painted lizard is a very creative work of art. I am imagining this reptile enjoying a moment in the sun while on desert sand. Thank you for sharing this with me. Keep up the good work! Papa B.
- John on February 12, 2020
Let it snow! Hi Mack! Great snow picture. Makes me feel cozy and ready for hot chocolate or maybe I should say coffee! Hope we get to play in the snow together this winter! Love you Grandma M
- Grandma M on December 18, 2019
Hi Mack! What an awesome Christmas tree. It sparkles so beautifully and makes me anxious to celebrate the holiday together! Love you!
- Grandma M on December 18, 2019
I love this snowman! It is getting me in the holiday spirit! Great job, Mack! Love you, Mommy
- Sarah (Mother) on November 25, 2019
I love this party hat! Looks perfect to wear to a birthday party or on New Years Eve! Love you! ~Mom
- Sarah on November 20, 2019
Yikes! What a spooky castle! I love how you put spiders hanging from the walls... creepy! Love, Mom
- Sarah on November 14, 2019
Yikes! What a spooky Halloween picture! I'm glad we were in Disney World for Halloween this year and not with those ghosts! Love you, Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on November 5, 2019
I think your sister did an owl picture like this in Kindergarten too! But she used darker colors, like orange and red. I like the colors you chose! And I love how the owl has two different colored eyes. So neat! Love you, Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on November 5, 2019
What an awesome Jack-O-Lantern! I love his teeth! He almost has as many as you do right now! ;) Love you, Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on November 5, 2019
This castle is so spooky! I love the spiders! Love you, Mom
- Sarah (Mother) on November 5, 2019
Hi Mack, This is a great pumpkin. What a wonderful job you did creating this. Thank you for sharing this with me. Papa B.
- John on November 5, 2019
Hi Mack, This looks like a very ghostly night. Is it Halloween? Perhaps the pumpkins might even get scared. I like this picture, especially with the full moon. Keep up the good work. Papa B.
- John on November 5, 2019
Hi Mack. Love your haunted castle. Great spiders! Did you see a spooky castle in Disney World? Love you!
- Grandma M on November 5, 2019
Hi Mack. I can definitely see why you love art. You are very talented. Beautiful picture! Love Grandma
- on September 18, 2019
Hi Mack, We have been looking forward to receiving newsletters with examples of your artwork on Artsonia. This K-Sunset is your very first exhibit. I like it. My mind is taking me to the southwest. That would be a great place to enjoy a sunset. Good color selection. Thank you for sharing this with me. Keep up the good work. Papa B
-- John
- on September 4, 2019
Hi Mack, We have been looking forward to receiving newsletters with examples of your artwork on Artsonia. This K-Sunset is your very first exhibit. I like it. My mind is taking me to the southwest. That would be a great place to enjoy a sunset. Good color selection. Thank you for sharing this with me. Keep up the good work.
-- John
- on September 4, 2019
Wow, Mack. That is beautiful. I love the colors. Grandma B.
-- Kerri (Grandma B)
- on September 4, 2019
What a beautiful sunset, Mack! I love the colors you chose. You are so creative! Love, Mommy
-- Sarah
- on August 30, 2019