You look very comfortable underneath your quilt Kinzer!!
- Trent (Father) on March 17, 2020
Love this, Kinsey! The little girl sleeping sure seems to be enjoying the quilt you painted.
- Barb on March 17, 2020
Nice work on your quilt!
- Trent on March 11, 2020
I wish all winter days were this beautiful! I think I would like winter more if the days looked like this.
- Barb on March 11, 2020
This is so good, I get shivers looking at the picture and your sweet blended sun!
- Trent (Father) on March 4, 2020
Nice work with your water colors!
- Trent (Father) on February 19, 2020
Likin the Snow Lady sweetie!
- Trent (Father) on February 19, 2020
Cute snow lady! Nice work, Kinsey!
- Barb on February 19, 2020
What an interesting project, Kinsey! I like the big heart in the center, and I'm having fun looking for all the smaller hearts scattered in the background.
- Barb on February 19, 2020
Nice work kinzer!
- Trent (Father) on February 5, 2020
Cute penguin, Kinsey! Glad it has that hat and scarf to keep warm!
- Barb on February 19, 2020
This art is a challenging one, nice work at doing you're best.
- Trent (Father) on December 18, 2019
Wow, Kinsey, that looks like a lot of work, but I like it!
- Barb on December 18, 2019
Kinsey, I love this one!
- Barb on December 4, 2019
I like your work on your xmas cardinal at night!
- Trent (Father) on December 2, 2019
Nice, Kinsey!
- Barb on November 6, 2019
Wow, you did a really good job on this one! Lines and color.