Adam17228's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Adam17228's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Adam, loved your project. So proud of you. Your a awesome grandson and talented. Love mom mom and Pop.
- Mommom & Pop on June 3, 2021
Hi Adam, Great work. Mom Mom and Pop Are so proud of you. We are blessed with such A wonderful grandson.We ordered your coaster set and will cherish it always. Love mom mom & Pop.
- Mommom & Pop on June 3, 2021
Looks great!
- Nanny on June 3, 2021
Adam, Your mice look like real live mice.You did a great job on this artwork. I am trying to decide which piece of artwork that I should order for Christmas. I am soon going to have to decide. Keep up the great work, Adam
- Grammy on December 9, 2020
Love it,
- Aunt Linda on December 9, 2020
Love this!
- Aunt Linda on December 9, 2020
Great Job,
- Aunt Linda on December 9, 2020
What a wonderful Artist you are becoming! Great job, we will have to have an art project day! Love you Adam! Aunt Linda And Uncle Davy.
- Aunt Linda on December 9, 2020
This picture is spectacular! I really like the highlighter color, the tall grass and Doug's wheelchair.
- Amanda (Mother) on September 22, 2020
Great work Adam. Keep it up. You are doing so good!
- Pappy on June 28, 2020
Way to go, Adam! I'm very impressed with this artwork! ??
- Amanda (Mother) on June 2, 2020
Wow, that's awesome! I see your favorite orange jeep in your color wheel. Cool!
- Amanda (Mother) on April 28, 2020
Good job Adam. Keep it up. Pappy
- Pappy on April 10, 2020
Great job as usual, love it Adam!
- Aunt Linda on January 29, 2020
Don't fall off that ladder!!! Cool painting Adam. I love you!!
- Daddy on January 23, 2020
Great work, Adam! I love it and I’m so proud of you!
- Grammy on January 23, 2020
Keep up the great work adam. You are doing so good. Love Pappy.
- Pappy on January 22, 2020
Great job, Adam. You are a very talented artist. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on January 22, 2020
This is SO cool!!
- Lori on January 22, 2020
Great job Adam! We will have to have a paint day sometime!
- Aunt Linda on December 24, 2019
Adam, This picture is fabulous! You are very good at drawing shapes and coloring. I can't wait to see your next project! Love, Mommy
- Amanda (Mother) on December 18, 2019
Keep up the great work Adam. Love you. Pappy and Mimi
- Pappy on December 18, 2019
Amazing job Adam! Love the shapes and colors, keep making masterpieces! Love Auntie Linda
- Auntie Linda on November 13, 2019
Great work Adam. Keep up the good work. Pappy
- Pappy on October 28, 2019
Awesome job buddy. I love your painting!!!
- Michael on October 28, 2019
Good work adam. Keep up the good work. Pappy
- Pappy on October 28, 2019
Adam, I liked your artwork very much. The colors that you chose are great. Keep up the good work. Grammy can’t wait to see your next artwork.
- Grammy on October 23, 2019
Wow, Adam! I really like all those colors. Great job!
- Amanda (Mother) on October 18, 2019
Hi Adam. I really like your picture. You created really nice shapes and picked great colors. Great job!
- Uncle Rich on October 22, 2019