James, When I saw that this project was entitled "keyhold" I realized what a great job you did on this project! Your eye is peeking through the keyhold. I love seeing your projects... You're doing a fantastic job!!!!
- Nettsie on November 17, 2021
Another great project, James!!! You can definitely tell it's a cathedral! Great work!!!
- Nettsie on September 29, 2021
James, I always love seeing your artwork. Your newest one is very colorful!!!
- Nettsie on April 7, 2021
Very creative!
- Kristin (Mother) on March 30, 2021
Love this one!! Great job Babut ??
- Kristin (Mother) on February 23, 2021
Wow, James. Another great piece of art work! I LOVE it... it reminds me of my Attakapas Mardi Gras Krewe, as the Attakapas were an Indian tribe. I can tell you really paid a lot of attention to detail!!! Love it and love you!!
- Nettsie on February 17, 2021
Awesome art James!!! ??
- Kristin (Mother) on January 25, 2021
Love the location choice for this one!! The beach is one of my favorite places to visit! Great drawing James! ??
- Kristin (Mother) on January 25, 2021
Another great project, James!!! Keep up the good work!!
- Nettsie on January 20, 2021
This is so different and creative! Keep it up, buddy, you an awesome artist ??
- Danielle on March 4, 2020
James all of your art is so impressive to me! You are so talented! This one is definitely one of my very favorites!
- Danielle on March 4, 2020
Super cute and festive!!! Awesome job James! HAPPY MARDI GRAS ??????
- Kristin (Mother) on February 19, 2020
James, OMG your art work just keeps getting better and better!! Great job on your Blue Dog Mardi Gras!!! I LOVE it!
- Nettsie on February 19, 2020
I really LOVE this one, James!!! I know how much you love to hunt, so this picture is just perfect!!!! You did a fabulous job!
- Nettsie on January 29, 2020
Your artwork is amazing James! I am so very proud of you!