QuianRoz1's Comments (50)

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Below are comments about QuianRoz1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Quian!! We love this! We will have to talk about it when you are here so we get the full meaning!! We love you!!
- Grandma and Grandpa!! on September 25, 2024 NEW
Love. Love. Love
- Grandma and Grandpa on January 24, 2024
Quian!! Merry Christmas!! I love your truck with the tree!! You are quite the artist!! We love you! Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on January 24, 2024
Love!! Love!! Love!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on September 13, 2023
Wow Quian!! This is positively beautiful and we love it! Is that you on the surfboard? We love you!
- Granny and grumpy. on April 19, 2023
Love your birch trees and wolf. Just beautiful!!! Love gramma and grandpa
- Grandma and grandpa on February 22, 2023
Quian, Rawr!! This is great!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 29, 2022
Quian, we absolutely love this this. Does he have a name? We love you! Grandma and grandpa
- Denise and Bob on November 29, 2022
This is amazing! I love it! So proud of you! So artistic ??
- Bianca (Mother) on November 2, 2022
Quian!! We love your duck! You are definitely quite an artist! And the colors are perfect! Great job!! ??????
- Denise And Bob on September 21, 2022
Quian, Wow!! Your dolphin is so colorful!! We just love it!! You are so artistic and creative!! Great job!! ??????????
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 4, 2022
Quian!! I love your tree, the birds, the swing and I even see a kitty!! Great job!! You are amazing!! ??????????
- Denise And Bob on January 27, 2022
Oh Quian!! As always you are right on the ball! We love your self portrait! It’s perfect! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Denise and Bob on September 29, 2021
Oh Quian!! As always you are right on the ball! We love your self portrait! It’s perfect! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- Denise and Bo on September 29, 2021
Quian!! Wow!! We just love this!! You are such an artist! Great job and keep up the good work! We love you so much! Grandma and grandpa
- Denise on September 15, 2021
Omg! You are hilarious kiddo!!! You make us all laugh! I love your goofiness ?? -mom
- Bianca (Mother) on May 10, 2021
Quian!! You make me laugh sweetie!! You and your snurtch?? What is a snurtch? We will have to talk but I want you to know I love it!! And I love you!! Grandma and Grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 10, 2021
Quian!! Weblove your pooch, bone, tree, the dog house, stars and moon! What an outstanding pic!! You are awesome and we love you!! Grandma and grandpa
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 14, 2021
This is perfection!! You are such a great artist Quian bear. You always amaze mommy!
- Bianca (Mother) on March 15, 2021
Quian Bear, as always, you artistic abilities are outstanding!!! I just love the combination of colors in the beautiful scene! You are amazing! We love you! Grandma and Grandpa ??????????
- Grandma and grandpa on March 10, 2021
Look at you bear!!! You are doing a great job! I love all of your artwork
- Bianca (Mother) on February 17, 2021
Love, love, love your artwork!! Quian you are quite the artist! Love you so much Grandma and Grandpa
- Denise And Bob(fan) on February 17, 2021
So cool monkeybear! I love it! Good job baby !!!!
- Bianca (Mother) on October 26, 2020
Quian babybear!! Mommy is so proud of all your artwork!! They look amazing!!!! Keep it up bear.
- Bianca (Mother) on October 26, 2020
Quian, I love the bright colors that you have chosen.
- Melody on October 21, 2020
This is stunning Quian!! Can’t wait to hear the story behind it. We love you! Grandma and grandpa
- Grandma on October 21, 2020
Quian, you are quite the artist!! Love love love your drawings!
- Grandma on October 21, 2020
Quian, this is absolutely brilliant!! Grandpa and I love this!! Can’t wait to see you so we can talk about this! We love you and keep up the great work!
- Grandma on September 29, 2020
Quian, This is great! What made you put two different colored chameleons next to each other? Are they brother and sister? We love the background coloring.
- Gran Gran and Pop Pop on September 29, 2020
I love it! Keep up the good work! Love u so much!
- Jazmine on September 29, 2020
Quian, This really made me smile!! A fish bowl with a pooch sitting on it! Keep up your great work!! You have lots of talent! We love you Grandma and grandpa
- Denise. Grandma on September 17, 2020
Quian!! I absolutely love your unicorn! It is beautiful!! You have such a great talent! We love you! Grandma and grandpa
- Denise. Grandma on September 17, 2020
Quian, Your unicorn is stunning!! I absolutely love it!! You are so talented! Keep up the great work! We love you!?????? Grandma and grandpa
- Denise. Grandma on September 17, 2020
.wow, nice! good art work! keep it up! love you!
- Jazmine on March 19, 2020
Quian!! So very colorful! I cannot wait to sit down and talk about this... You have a knack for coloring!! Love you! Grandma and Grandpa
- Denise and Bob on March 19, 2020
QUIAN, not sure how we missed this! Love love love your penguins!! Thayer are so handsome like you!! We love you so much... Grandma and grandpa
- Denise and Bob on March 19, 2020
QUIAN!! As always, your artwork is awesome!! You have a natural ability! I especially love your cat... or it could be an alligator... maybe a pelican. We will have to discuss this... We love you so much!! Keep up the good work! Grandma and Grandpa. (Bob). Haha
- Denise and Bob on March 19, 2020
You are such a great artist Quia bear. Keep it up!! Mommy is so proud of you..
- Bianca (Mother) on January 8, 2020
QUIAN!!! Once again, your penguins are just awesome...they are the cutest.....You have such a talent! We love you!! Grandma and Grandpa. ??????????????
- Denise on January 8, 2020
Good job, Quian! Keep up the good work! love u!
- Jazmine on January 8, 2020
Quian this is so amazing!!! Keep it up monkey bear . ??????
- Bianca (Mother) on November 6, 2019
What a very interesting artwork, Quian! i like it!
- Jazmine on November 6, 2019
Wwwwwwwwwoooooooooo!!! QUIAN, look at that! Another great piece of work!! Beautiful and colorful!! You make grandma and grandpa so happy!! Keep up that good work! We love you so much!
- Denise and Bob on November 6, 2019
Amazing artwork, Quian...i love it!
- Jazmine on October 16, 2019
Wow, good job, Quian! i like your art work!
- Jazmine on October 16, 2019
Quian i love all the details you put on your art! Keep it up monkey bear. You are making mommy super proud ??
- Bianca on October 9, 2019
Quian, We just love your bird sitting on his perch!! You have such an artistic talent! The colors are perfect! Thank you for sharing this with us! Love you so much Grandma and Grandpa.
- on October 2, 2019
Quian, We just love your bird sitting on his perch!! You have such an artistic talent! The colors are perfect! Thank you for sharing this with us! Love you so much Grandma and Grandpa.
- on October 2, 2019
Absolutely amazing!! ???? Mommy loves everything you do Keep it up monkey bear
- on October 2, 2019
QUIAN, Your elephant is awesome!! We absolutely love it. You are so very talented!! We love you so much! Keep up the good work! Grandma and Grandpa
- on September 18, 2019