Emily50679's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Emily50679's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Work Em! Love the color combos! You are really getting good!
- Grandma & Grandpa on February 3, 2021
Emily does beautiful work! I am so proud of her!
- Jay & Cecelia on December 9, 2020
Great work Emmy G. You Are really turning into quite an artist!??
- Jay & Cecelia on December 9, 2020
Good work Em! Every piece is different and you are really getting good.
- Jay & Cecelia on December 9, 2020
Fantastic coloring Em!!. Grandma and grandpa will have to get a T-shirt with the picture on it!
- Jay & Cecelia on September 30, 2020
Good Job Em!! I like Bella
- Jay & Cecelia on September 9, 2020
Good detail Em. Looks a little like Buttercup. Butterfly is really good!
- Grandma & Grandpa on May 20, 2020
Great Job Em. Best one yet. Zebra looks pretty realistic!!
- Jay & Cecelia on May 6, 2020
Emmy, that is definitely a crazy scary picture. Keep up the good work!!! Grandma and Grandpa
- Jay & Cecelia on April 29, 2020
Your art work is improving with each picture you do!! Congratulations!!! Keep up the good work!
- Jay & Cecelia on March 11, 2020
Good Job Emmy! You are doing really good work.
- Grandma & Grandpa on January 22, 2020
Great Work Em. You are a young budding artist!! Grandma & Grandpa
- on September 25, 2019
Emily, You are doing great! Grandma & Grandpa
- on September 25, 2019
Awesome Emily from Grandma and Grandpa!!!
- on September 18, 2019