Max13053's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Max13053's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Max, I would love to hear the story of this lovely picture you drew!!!! I LOVE Christmas lights... and it looks like you do too. Let's Facetime and you tell me about the rest of your picture, please. Mimi and Pop Pop love you very much!!!!
- Marlene on September 25, 2020
Max, I love your dancing Snowman!!!!! Your art makes me sooooo happy and proud of you!!! Thanks for being such a great artist! Love, MiMi
- Marlene on September 25, 2020
Max.....This is a very gorgeous Valentine picture!!! I LOVE it!!!! Love, Mimi
- Marlene on September 25, 2020
What a precious kitty cat you’ve drawn!! He even has stars and the moon all sound him!! Good work Max!!!!
- Marlene Mimi on September 25, 2020
What a precious kitty cat you’ve drawn!! He even has stars and the moon all sound him!! Good work Max!!!!
- Marlene Mimi on September 25, 2020
Rudolph is sure cute!!!! You make me a proud!!!!
- Marlene Mimi on September 25, 2020
This is the cutest Bear I have ever seen!!! I love all his patterns on his overalls! He looks like Nash with clothes .....
- Marlene Mimi on September 25, 2020
Max I’m so proud of your artwork!!! Your clown looks like he could be a cowboy clown with his belt and vest! He’s a smiling guy!!!
- Marlene Mimi on September 25, 2020
This one is our favorite. Great job
- Grma Cindy and Grpa Tim on September 25, 2020
Max, We are so proud of you. You are going to be an artist just like your mom.
- Grma Cindy and Grpa Tim on September 25, 2020
Max I can tell you are getting ready for Halloween! Your pumpkin looks great sitting by your scarecrow with a crow sitting right on his arm out in the beautiful sunshine and blue sky with green plants all around him. Happy Halloween!
- Marlene on September 25, 2020
Max, Mimi is very proud of you and your beautiful artwork!!! Keep up the good work! Your alphabet letters are very nicely done and your colors are very vibrant!
- Marlene on September 25, 2020
Max, you are turning into a lovely artist!!!! I LOVE your Shape Train!!!!! Love, Mimi
- on September 25, 2020
Very nice artwork, Max!!!!! Nana Molly likes this!!! Keep on working ......
- on September 25, 2020