Joseph32807's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Joseph32807's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your "bug" the shape of his or her head reminds me of the "Love Bugs" I used to get to put together way back when I was in elementary school right before Valentines Day!! You did such a good job!!
- Cassandra (Mother) on January 11, 2022
I think it so cool that your teacher is teaching you how to draw perspective and 3d at such a young age. Keep practicing making straight lines, keep your colors happy, keeping being you, you shine, you rock, roll, you rule!!!
- Cassandra (Mother) on January 11, 2022
When you brought this home to me I couldn't understand why you would have crumpled the page all up like you did...after reading the assignment and realizing that was how you decided how to put the color on the page, the whole thing made sense to me. It is a beautiful and bright picture that evokes happiness!!
- Cassandra (Mother) on January 11, 2022
This is such an amazing photo of what the actual yarn project looks like, it would make a beautiful puzzle.!!!
- Cassandra (Mother) on January 11, 2022
I love this , it reminds me of a puppy, so so so cute!
- Cassandra (Mother) on January 11, 2022
love your use of color and patterns keep up the great work
- Cassandra (Mother) on January 11, 2022
I really like this Joseph. You did a good job. I like the colors and how you put the thumb on it.
- Grandma Jo on January 11, 2022
is this a butterfly I like the colors and the antennae
- jo grandma on November 5, 2020
I like your string art especially the orange
- jo grandma on November 5, 2020
I love this Joseph. It looks like a cat hiding in the grass. He looks happy to see you with his front paws up and a smile on his face.
- Grandma Jo on May 20, 2020
Joseph this is so cool!
- Grandma Jo on May 20, 2020
I like this one. The top two lines on the left hand side look like an edge of a roof, and I think the rest of them look like rooms painted different colors.
- grandmother Jo on April 15, 2020
This is just so cute. I love how you even added the whiskers on there. I don't think I would have thought of that.
- grandmother Jo on April 14, 2020
I really like this picture Joseph. Those are some of my favorite colors. I think it looks like a dog's head with his ear standing up. Could it be your dog.
- grandmother Jo on April 14, 2020
Love your use of dark and light shades of the same color. Wonderful job, keep up the great work!
- Cassandra (Mother) on March 24, 2020
This is such a fun looking creation! It reminds me of a puppy eating treats! Keep up the good work! I
- Cassandra (Mother) on November 25, 2019
I love this it reminds me of a planet like Saturn that has gas and particles asteroid pieces in it.!
- Cassandra (Mother) on November 21, 2019
that sure is a pretty picture. That blue is one of my favorite colors of blue. I hope you enjoyed doing this.
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 25, 2019
This is too cute reminds me of the letters at the bottom of the cocnut tree!! Great Job!!??
- Cassandra (Mother) on October 23, 2019
I really like this Joseph and you used such bright colors
- Grandma And Grandpa on October 23, 2019
Super fun picture. Love that you made sure you got the orange in there!
- Cassandra (Mother) on September 17, 2019