Graham2876's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Graham2876's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow Graham, beautiful flowers!! Good job. Is that water color, I’d love to learn to do that. Guess we have to work on that soon.
- Gramma on June 8, 2022
Green my favorite color.
- Gramma on June 1, 2022
Good use of water color
- Gramma on June 1, 2022
This looks like the picture I did one of too, in Arizona.
- Gramma on June 1, 2022
Great job on this shiny heart. One of my favorite.
- Gramma on June 1, 2022
Nice job, lovely gift for mom??
- Gramma on May 18, 2022
Great job Graham, very nice use of cool, and warm colors.
- Gramma on May 18, 2022
Great job Graham!! Love the heart best!
- Gramma on April 11, 2022
Great job Graham. Good use of scissors, very nice.
- Gramma on January 26, 2022
Wow Graham that is so cool. Love it.
- Gramma on July 7, 2021
Great job on you latest picture. Your a very good artist.
- Gramma on January 20, 2021
Great use of lines G!
- Nicolas (Father) on October 14, 2020
Graham great use of color, and the flipping tails of the yarn. Good job.
- Gramma on October 14, 2020
Graham, gramma just loves this. It’s your best work so far. I really like water color. I hope you can teach me how to do this.
- Gramma on April 6, 2020
Great butterfly ??
- Gramma on April 6, 2020
Looks good! Helicopter? Palm Tree?
- Nicolas (Father) on March 4, 2020
Love the primary colors. Very Arsenal!
- Nicolas (Father) on January 1, 2020
I really ?? This one!!!
- Gramma on January 1, 2020
Love this one G!
- Nick O. on November 21, 2019
Your getting great with your scissors!! Love this!
- Rhonda. on November 21, 2019
Graham, Love this!! Great job.
- Rhonda. on November 21, 2019
Great Art!
- Gramma on October 23, 2019
I really love this one. I can not wait to hang it up
- Krista on October 16, 2019
You are doing great work buddy!
- Krista on October 16, 2019
Love this! Art Prize 2020!
- Nicolas (Father) on September 16, 2019