L1098's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about L1098's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I totally love this piece! Well done, Levi!
- Valerie (Mother) on March 12, 2024
Well this is very cool Levi - kinda reminds me of the movie “Up”. Like looking down on high rises and looks like everyone that might be in that city are bustling around. Love seeing your artwork. Love you, Yoi
- Claudia on September 27, 2023
Love these, dude! They remind me of the movie "Book of Life" xxoo
- Valerie (Mother) on November 15, 2022
Very cool
- Yoi on November 2, 2022
I love this SO much Levi! Beautiful work. Happy Autumn ??
- Yoi on November 2, 2022
This reminds me of the cardinals that visit Hilkert Farms. Someone is always visiting and checking up on Yoi and Boo. Love you Levi!
- Claudia on February 3, 2021
Levi, I absolutely love this giraffe artwork you created! You know giraffes are Yoi's favorite! Keep up the awesome work! Boo and Yoi love to see your creations and we love you!
- Claudia on February 3, 2021
Levi - I am do excited to see your first piece of artwork this year! I love him! Such good use of so many bright colors! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more! Love , Yoi
- Claudia on November 2, 2020
Levi you are such a good artist. Keep up your skills and enjoy. Love you, Yoi.
- Claudia on April 29, 2020
L - Yoi just loves your winter boy picture. Looks just like you ??. Can’t wait to see your summer boy picture. Let’s Go White Sox.
- Claudia on March 18, 2020
Levi - Yoi just loves this beautiful wintery scene you created. Makes me happy looking at it - helps me to enjoy our winter beauty. Love you!
- Claudia on February 12, 2020
Such colorful leaves, Levi. You captured the fall colors beautifully. XO Yoi
- Claudia on January 1, 2020
Levi - I love your picture of Elmer the Elephant with his brilliant colors and raised trunk. You captured his personality perfectly! Keep up with your great artistry. Love you, Yoi.
- Claudia on January 1, 2020
Love this one, Levi! It has extra special meaning for great Grandpa, Elmer! Xxoo
- Valerie on January 1, 2020
Love your sunflowers, Levi. So pretty. Your Mommy carried a bouquet of those when she and your Daddy got married. Her favorite!
- Claudia on October 23, 2019
Love love love your choice of sunflowers. Those were the flowers your Mommy carried on her wedding day. Beautiful!????. ??Boo and Yoi
- Claudia on October 9, 2019
Levi - I LOVE your beautiful artwork. So many pretty colors. What beautiful choices you made to make this spectacular piece of artwork. Can’t wait to see more! Love you and keep up the fantastic artwork...XO Yoi
- Claudia on October 9, 2019