Another of your lovely art works Marlowe, this looks like a person from another planet, I particularly like your colours and different eye positions, also different coloured ears interesting. Also the white shadow which surrounds it. Keep up the great work.
- Nanny on May 29, 2024
This dog Marlowe looks as happy as your dog Penny, maybe it is a portrait of your Penny, she has a very happy face., and looks a very happy dog. I love her ears and her tail. The bow tie for her collar is a great idea. Well done Marlowe I love it
- Nanny on May 29, 2024
Well Marlowe another lovely , piece of Art from you, looks like its been created for Valentines Day with the heart in the centre, the colours and patterns are very creative the little paw prints in the pink section with the hearts in the green section and the wavy lines in the yellow section. Its all very nice and colourful, well done Matlowe
- Nanny on May 29, 2024
well, Marlowe this is a great Polar Bear, I love his eyes and especially his little heart shaped nose. also the snowman and that check elf on his tummy. Fairy lights and snow flakes completes the scene, well done L love it
- Nanny on January 24, 2024
Marlowe I love this mug of Hot Chocolate with marshmallows floating on the top. Its especially good for us here in London as the weather is very cold at the moment, I can see that you have put some snow flakes floating down beside the steaming chocolate. Its a lovely painting it makes me feel as thought I can pick up the mug and smell the chocolate.
- Dot (London Grandmother) on January 24, 2024
Marlowe this appears to be futuristic and I think that is very clever of you. I like the colours blues. and pinks and it looks like a small control room with a window at the top. It must be set a night time as there are lots of stars. It looks great Marlowe
- Nanny on January 24, 2024
Marlowe I just love this piece of artwork, such a lot of thought has gone into it, the name of the Avenue, the spooky cat, the ghosts coming out of the chimney, the witch on her broomstick, the different shapes of houses, its lovely Marlowe well done.
- Dot on October 26, 2023
Marlowe I love your new piece of art work, I love they way you have blended the colours, the blues and purples with your name intertwined, keep up your excellent ideas
- John on October 26, 2023
Well, this is another of your lovely artworks, I love the different colours and the doggy in the middle, he certainly looks a very happy fellow. Keep up the good work Marlowe
- nanny on October 26, 2023
Marlowe I love your Heart shaped artwork, I like the different colours you have put in the circles, also the background colour of turquoise, very well done it feels like a heart of friendship.
- Nanny on March 8, 2023
Marlowe we love this new artwork, the Bushey Green/ blue Christmas tree with the lovely gold star on the top. well done.
- Dorothy on February 1, 2023
Marlowe I like this lovely figure, he looks like friendly bear to me, I love his stripy hat with the green peak. He looks like he has a mackintosh on with a matching collar to his hat very smart also I must mention his shiny badge. I lovely piece of art well done.
- nanny on February 1, 2023
Marlowe we just love your pumpkin, I love it eyes and mouth, it looks quite scary. The colour is also nice with the shades of yellow
- Dot on February 1, 2023
This is a fun piece of art with everyone happy, walking, jumping even sleeping standing up. some have hats and one even has a crown on. Its a fun piece of art well done Marlowe.
- Nanny on February 1, 2023
Marlowe we like this piece of circular art, we the like colours of blue, purple and yellow and the little bones and paw prints gives it a doggy theme. A nice creation.
- Nanny on September 28, 2022
Hello Marlowe I love this beautiful sunflower in a pot, sunflowers are full of sunshine and looking at them makes you happy. You have made this lovely blue and yellow pot it is in also. Your art work just gets better and better.
- Nanny on July 20, 2022
Hell Marlowe We love these hearts you have painted the colours are beautiful, the pink background sets off the colours of the hearts also they would make a lovely little card to send your friends and family.
- nanny on April 20, 2022
Hello Marlowe I love the hearts that you have drawn and painted the colures are lovely just the things for Valentines Day.
- Nanny on April 8, 2022
Marlowe I love lovely the hearts you have made, I think the colours are very nicely put together and just right for Valentines Day which is on the 14th Well done
- Nanny (Dot) on February 15, 2022
Marlowe! We love this Christmas Tree and Aquarium! We have ordered Christmas Cards to send out to friends. We can’t wait to share your beautiful work. Love Grandma
- Annette on December 8, 2021
well, Marlowe you have done a great job once again, I lkike the modern style Christmas tree and the blue pot with all the fishes on it. A Great Design
- John on December 8, 2021
I love this picture you have painted of the owl, is he a Brown owl? I also think the eyes are very good, he looks wise. He also has a very nice colourful chest in fact I think you have made him look a friendly wise owl.
- Nanny on December 1, 2021
Marlowe we love seeing your Art work that you do at school, we loved the red eye that you gave your pumpkin made it look very frightening also your cat looks scary. The sky with the moon and stars look very bright, lets hope its a bright scary night Halloween.
- Dorothy on November 3, 2021
This is Marlowe, just your best art work yet, I love the pumpkins in the patch and also the dogs in the back ground, together with the horse. The whole painting looks really good, great colours pink barn that sets off the lovely green grass. Well done a great piece of art work.
- John on November 3, 2021
Marlowe I love your new work, a self portrait, the colours are bright and lovely just like yourself.
- Dorothy on February 18, 2020
Marlowe I love your new work, a self portrait, the colours are bright and lovely just like yourself.
- Dorothy on February 18, 2020
We love this beautifully coloured pumpkin
- John (Grandad) on November 6, 2019
Marlowe Grandad and I love to see your artwork and I think this owl looks very friendly.