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Stylz3's Comments
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Below are comments about Stylz3's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love all of your artwork mom is so proud of you and your art skills come from memaw.
- Tasha (Mother) on April 10, 2021
Stylz, Memaw loves your cat drawing. You are an artist after my own heart. Love you.
- Marty on March 17, 2021
WOW. Stylz you are becoming a good artist. Love ya....Papa
- Thomas on March 3, 2021
Hi Stylz, MeMaw loves your artwork. I can't wait to see what you do next. Love it. You are such a creative boy. Love Memaw
- Marty on November 18, 2020
My lil guy has so much creativity and imagination. I love how much you have expanded in your art work over the past year!
- Tasha (Mother) on March 11, 2020
Stylz, just love your creativity. You are so talented. Keep up the great work.
- Thomas on March 4, 2020
This is the coolest owl I've ever seen great job bud.
- Tasha (Mother) on October 10, 2019
This is the coolest owl I've ever seen great job bud.
- Tasha (Mother) on October 10, 2019
Castle and the sun, wonderful. And you are so good at knowing your shapes. Love you. Memaw
- Marty on October 10, 2019
Great Job Stylz! Memaw loves your treasure maps.
- Marty on October 10, 2019
Love how you used all the shapes. Looks like houses with the sun coming up
- Thomas on October 10, 2019
Great map....will this lead us to all the hidden treasure?
- Thomas on October 10, 2019